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They are the main reason so many normies hate whites now.

No dude you have to be on 4chan to own the normies

"the normies" is such a strange mindset to me at this point.

Iโ€™ve been seeing normies call it a false flag all over fb

As the Helicopter Moms say "Normalize the radicals to radicalize the normies"

A lot of normies are now asking about baseless accusations of antisemitism

>not using Casapound designs to make money off normies
gotta think big

It's really hard for normies to be against a beautiful, traditional woman

If this kind of stuff isn't a redpill for normies, nothing is.

Itโ€™s interesting, lots of skepticism towards black history month, most normies know itโ€™s a bit of a stretch, but virtually none among normies on the MLK narrative

That clip is a good example to show normies the double standard too

I saw so many normies wondering why she was being accused of antisemitism

2018-12-05 22:27:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

it must get worse before normies will want to make it better fellas

@Valaska remember the normies taking pics of our banner drop after the hike?

Red ice is good, but I really like sending Jared Taylor to normies.

Dixie iconography is acceptable to many white "normies." (not using the term derisively)

Gotta give normies that out. God forbid brown people have agency or anything.

Well they are but the point is what normies will think of us

2018-12-15 07:45:24 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

US Normies look up to him and see him as a defensive bunker

If it werenโ€™t for the NORMIES weโ€™d have won by now. Appealing to the SHEEP NORMIES is why the ALT RIGHT is failing. Populism is a failure. We must DOMINATE ALL NORMIES. - isolated ideologue on a discord

"Sure. We can help them. Over there. Not here." was what my normies needed.

2018-12-13 02:22:29 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

We have to play nice with the normies, gang.
Learn to share the memes

The younger normies down here in Rural Arkansas seem to be split on it.

Normies don't have to be 100% with us, they just can't be against us.

As they escalate it pushes normies and government toward our side, my thoughts anyway.

2018-12-02 07:09:15 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

tbh, our only move is to plead with normies not to become degenerate leftists

2019-02-12 22:54:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

joke: dropping redpills to normies
woke: using the left to drop redpills for you

Let her spout that stuff. Get good screencaps to illustrate the situation to normies.

PJW posted this. Many normies will see it.

2019-02-19 05:14:56 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@TIDE anyway, what did you mean by the "we all used to be normies" thing?

2019-01-03 18:56:24 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

i hope all the dem congresswamen wear hijabs and scare the crap out of normies

The glitch in the matrix scares the normies and the subconsciously take the blue pill

I.E normies: "Not to religious post, but..."
Server moderators:

2018-09-16 06:50:13 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

In making fun of them, the normies can then see what's so ridiculous with them.

If there were ever a case that normies would side with us on, it's this

Pls Tariq. Give me more bad optics language that will make normies think about race.

Maybe autism is why we have such trouble getting "normies" to understand our ideals... ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-30 20:04:30 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Asatru Artist - MD If Gilibrand won 2020 we would have normies calling to repeal the 19th lmao.

@Johnny B. Populus Thanks for the offer but Iโ€™m in the company of a lot of normies lol

it is how I am trying to red pill normies before the real red pilling happens

(in all seriousness he's ok as far as being an entry-point further right for normies)

Normies hate him: Watch this Identitarian leave them speechless with this one weird trick. PER CAPITA

@Deleted User yeah, all of your black pills, are redpills for normies SACK UP we're gonna WIN!

Let the spergs do their thing, it makes us look even more palatable to the normies.

Thats both important and wins us a lot of normies.
Disgust is our greatest emotional ally

Become the based black manโ„ข
Normies love you
Take over the GOP
Turn it identitarian

I've pushed some normies, and when all is said and done, they stand where we do.

Ya I just thought thatโ€™s kind of who we were trying to bring in was the Normies

2018-10-14 04:27:26 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

All that must be impressed upon curious normies is that they are not just another white group

I'm the total opposite. Most normies I know think I'm a pro trump libertarian at the most

I think the environmentalist angle is almost a no brainer that is well within any normies sensibilities

They could still do aesthetic action shots from behind and other things that don't scare normies away

The media is blind. A lot of people hear their rhetoric and think the opposite. Even normies.

@Asatru Artist - MD yea but the main problem is all the normies who actively work against their own people...

*Normies* are now saying they'd like to see these invaders *physically punished, so to speak* by the military

Was surrounded by normies. Already made fun of that I'm some Nazi bc they knew I support Trump
even the normies are hating on this tweet from the official Youtube twitter

2018-12-13 02:28:15 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Post Trayvon Martin evidence did a lot to redpill me. This might convince normies of anti huwhite agendas.

Using environmentalism to appeal to normies is a good stepping stone to speaking about more โ€œtabooโ€ talking points

@Sam Anderson I like to argue that feelings work on the masses, or normies... and facts work on leaders

It would only end up confusing the normies and have boring civnats trying to get in our organization.

@ThisIsChris Nice <:whitepill:439924104406106113> . It looks like the even the normies see how anti-white Hollywood is now.

Accelerationism is forcing the normies to notice what we all believe before there is only 10 white people.

2018-11-14 03:50:00 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

He's self-serving and may not be entirely truthful about his politics, but his videos could "redpill" "normies".

2018-10-07 02:41:08 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@bspon002 my cuckservative friend is sending me graham memes. We did it. We taught the normies to act.

In reference to Patrick's comments on talking to normies.. The more you know the less you can say...

2018-11-16 04:16:13 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I was going to say "normies" but that's kind of cringe. What do you call someone who follows trends?

@Rabbidsith They called so many people white supremacist that the normies asume it means just a white person now.

2018-09-21 18:51:23 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

need more nonsense from the left, like drag queens reading to kids, to get more normies on our side

Yeah. I get surprised all the time. I'll hesitantly start discussing slightly redills and normies are agreeing and amplifying

Imagine how bad it looks when they publish articles condemning a statement like that. Could be redpilling for normies.

I would argue that it is because itโ€™s largely faith based and sometimes unfalsifiable the way normies present it

They charge interest on the money too lol, if normies could understand our financial system, theyโ€™d revolt by morning

The current media controls the minds of the normies now, we must be that now and in the future.

Got some student J1 here from Brazil. They're young normies that disdain him but the older ones love him.

Hey man if the normies can get us some based black votes for the midterms, more power to them.

The tone he takes is ominous but he doesn't back it up with anything most normies would be afraid of.

His Dave Rubin interview is still what I show to normies who I think are ready for the <:redpill:439924063377555497>

@ThisIsChris seems he is doing that to scare the normies. "OMG soliders and ESU on the streets orange man bad!"

2018-11-21 03:21:39 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

We (the larger dissident right) do need to keep the flame of belief alive that we can reach normies, though

Normies have accepted the fact that Jews push race mixing because of downvotes and comments like this. That's a win

It's weird after being fully red pilled cause it's do you just hang out with normies now? Haha

In all seriousness appealing to normies is important but part of that is teasing them with something fun and new

2018-12-02 21:14:35 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

POZ button is niche and too long for mass consumption (I personally love it, but it's not for normies, obviously)

CNN surely realized nobody was buying this so they had to produce a "suspect" quickly. Normies everywhere continue to press ๐Ÿ‡ฝ

2019-02-19 05:34:42 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

there's some "normies" who are too far gone to ever accept these ideas and some who just need a little nudge

Normies don't see it as "propaganda" though, they see it as what they are supposed to do or think or feel.

2018-08-28 18:59:08 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

public perception is turning in our favor and normies are beginning to realize what the end game of removing monuments is

@Deleted User Just going off a bit about the red pilling normies thing. They're close. They just need an extra hard push.

The whole "It's okay to be white" debacle is a powerful component of any identitarian's toolbox when trying to redpill normies

@NateDahl76 That's good to hear. The better we look, the more whitepills that we can stuff into the throats of normies. ;)

@Sam Anderson You'd be surprised how many normies like Jared Taylor, the worst thing I've heard is that they respectfully disagree with him.

Like mans. You need to make money. And I want your vids to be the kind that can be shown to normies.

@Hakujin - CA At least this way the enemy is on the other side of the aisle. Easier for the normies to REEEE at

Even the normies at my work are saying this is likely a false flag to take news coverage off the migrant caravans.

@Rick that explains why the IE flyers were not in the last pic. Sad, โ€œthe first white childโ€ causes offense to normies.

2018-08-23 01:53:26 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Little Benny selling his version of brain force after Info wars ban was a good red pill to some normies i know

Anyway why do you need a solution to my point? Normies at the time being see you as Nazis no matter what

2018-10-24 16:11:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

regarding someone's post about the old man and hotel clerk from earlier, normies are aware of the fake hate crimes as well

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