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How is everyone getting there? Flying? Road trip?
I'm in CA, my brother and I are considering attending
All the profanity in the left's propaganda and protest signs/chants speaks volumes.
Confirmed + 1 (brother)
We're going to road-trip it ๐
Can I get IE permissions plz?
@Erika Thanks! It's not showing up on my end at the moment.
Cville is in August. Are you referring to the DC free speech rally? @Aiden- OH
Next thing you know, the church is burning bibles
Maybe sharpie a few anti-sodomy bible verses on the flags and leave them up
What did the Furher say about being demonized by the Judenpresse? Ain't that a good thing?
Tbh after the recent hate spree of Youtube comments on those pride videos, I'll bet normies would love it if we burned a pride flag
Most people are not down with fellating the gay community, no pun intended
(ok sorta intended)
If our identitarian message does not combat degeneracy what is it worth?
We already burn books. It's whatever.
If we don't burn it, we need to claim it as the official flag of Racial Separation
And not edgy normies will secretly love us for it, deep in their hearts
Gays are inherently about white genocide. They are a genetic deadend.
Burning the flag without comment is worrisome. Making a speech explaining the nuance of the act first would be useful.
*could be worrisome
I'm not worried personally
Normies already don't believe the sensationalist bullshit the media writes about us.
A point about the media: The Daily Stormer is our most popular platform. If it was able to generate funds via ad placement it would be bigger than many mainstream outlets. So, fuck the media.
I dunno guys, the rally organizer who lives in Cville thinks it's a good idea. He might know a thing or two.
In addition to a stack of (((books))) I also intend to burn the Spanish language manual that came with my sewing machine.
tfw listening to Alc-Right Rises with the window open while an illegal you just called ICE on works right outside <:moonman:321808243519389707>
^^ I second this
I was literally just thinking about the Unitarian flag down the street...
@johnhimself That is kind of brilliant
It's only illegal to burn the US flag. Rainbows are fair game, as long as the fire itself is legal.
They sound tired
Are they saying "No cops"?
Cucks, cat ladies, and gibs-grabbers, disgusting
Technically the way that sentence is structured [REDACTED] is the informant. Perhaps though, the writer is simply retarded and does not know how commas are to be used.
*Niggers are literally destroying this country* REEEEEEEE
Impressed with her honesty there. She's living an incredibly common life these days. Basically everyone I used to know operates their love life like her.
Did she advertise her partner count btw?
These thots all just need a little amateur therapy + public shaming
They're broken people, it's quite sad
A lot of these girls feel very trapped
I'm organizing a drive out of San Diego
Driving: $500 in gas, split between up to 8 people
Yeah, it's cheaper
If you can afford to take more time off
I thought her name was Yvette? Different person?
If that's her, this has been a very good day.
I'll settle for prison for now
She deserves worse. Fucking 8th grade teacher.
Saw her on Tucker months ago, absolutely psychotic
@negronaut You a Beach Goy? Tell the gang we're having a bonfire at that same spot in Huntington on the 29th
we = So Cal IE and friends
Just being alive must be hell for these people.
The mission is to preserve Southern heritage
If you're not down, don't come
Those are all identitarian flags
The original American Identitarians
Yankees get out reeeee
I've been very back and forth on whether to attend the rally, based on estimations of violence. If security would rather we not attend, I am more than happy to stay behind and prep for the party.
McCarthy did, I scrolled up
Just the sheer size of the crowd alone is enough to keep me indoors tbh
Most IE women are not going to the rally, as far as I know
The higher-ups are working on it, haven't shared with us yet
"Women" is basically a specific group
We are grouped on here, so
They don't have that kind of agency though. They always wuss out. (Fingers crossed)
I will stay behind and wringe my hands worrying for my brother's and boyfriend's safety ๐ฃ
>about women
>to women
For my men (brother, bf) who are attending but not keeping up with the server-- Can someone give me a quick rundown of prep? Should they bring shields, helmets? Both are fit & hand-to-hand combat trained.
@Radical Agenda Do you still need a sweatshop slave to print tshirts in your basement? My brother is interested
<@323220344397758466> Use all the big words you want honey, bottom line is that you're a genetic dead end and that most certainly does not fit the bill of being on our side.
@Logan ^^
Sorry for your loss @Grenadier
^^ @Logan
*one day* minus the rifles
Doesn't he have Jewish kids or something?
I can't remember the exact association but I'm pretty sure he has a familial conflict of interest re: the JQ
Can one upvote without a reddit account? Probably not, huh?
Email is the first thing it's asking for @Deleted User
Oh sweet
@PicBoy What time zone nibba
If that head to body ratio is any indication you're looking at a future big brain nibba right there
I will try to attend the next San Diego banner drop with my DSLR for better photos.
Lol @ comment "I can smell the virginity from here" as the couple who made the banners is trying to make a baby
@Deleted User lol I can dig it
Inb4 it's a girl
Implying that a negro of such caliber is capable of saving money/anticipating consequences for his actions
Usually it gets reported to law enforcement and they cut it down safely
Though it's not in any way illegal to put up in the first place
@Amulek Only thots say that
They only partially quoted both banners
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