John O -
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a scam is P2P lending as a lender?
I agree entirely with what you're saying, these are all things that I've considered. I currently have 8% of my savings at lending club. I have a base of 25% of my investment in 3 year loans between A and C. The rest is used to buy loans that are less than 5 months to maturity and yield over 2% APY. Over the course of a year, my yield is at ~9%.
My primary concern is that this is a scheme, and that my money won't be there to withdraw when it's all over.
After I found out they had a trading platform, I was in the clear.
How do you make withdrawals without incurring charges?
Not IRA, personal savings. I might sound like a lunatic, but I don't trust any retirement fund.
Err... Cash money, not personal savings.
Gotya. I wired it in and incurred a $25 fee.
The bank. It was because I wired it, but LC reimbursed me. They only reimburse deposits, though.
Once again, I might sound like an insane person, but I'm trying to get all my money out of financial instruments rn. When the economy starts to recess in a few years, I think It'll be best to be liquid.
I hate playing this game. It's rigged from the start. I just need to buy a house and rent out a room.
I don't delude myself into thinking I'll ever be a full time landlord, but my money has to go somewhere, and playing this gets me in fits.
Oh yeah, I'm not retarded.
Orlando is inflated af
@Havamal Did you do any work recently at your house? Did you hang any pictures?
It probably wasn't that, it's just a personal paranoia.
If you have a multimeter, and you want to spend a little while in the init, you can always try to diagnose it yourself.
@Deleted User I'm about to qualify to take my Journeyman's test. I have two options for the next few years:
1) Stay with the company that I started with, who have told me numerous times that I am foreman material, but are the lowest paying electrical contractor in the state
Or 2) Move to a rich, liberal city, save some money, find a state that I want to live in permanently, buy some property, and start working towards my Master's
Obviously, becoming Master is the next step, but would it be too bad to put it off until I'm 30?
@Deleted User In Florida, you only need one Journeyman per 4 workers, but that's not enforced. You don't need a Master on the job.
The only reason to get the license is for the Contractor license.
I'm probably going to go with option 2. Just wanted to see if you had any relevant advice one way or the other.
I don't think they're blowing smoke up my ass. Construction is booming here, and they need guys who can show up sober to be management.
Bonkers status: Clonked
I need to start prepping just to have something to eat the week before a storm. These people cleaned out Publix like a bunch of hyperventilating baboons.
I used to have a co-worker who bought a house in a college town, replaced the drywall with plywood, and advertised it as a party house. He rented it for $50-$100 cheaper than the average place, and still made a killing because repairs were minimal.
The trick is that you have to get the parents to buy into it, because most of the time, they're paying for it, not their asshole kids.
Step 1: Don't do drugs
Step 2: Do almost anything else
Easy as that
Yeah, me too, but I work 80 hour weeks around 3 months out of the year. I understand the chronic pain thing, too. I'm 6'3", so my back is falling apart already. But I've never done coke, meth, bars, perks, or any of the other shit that people try to sell me.
I feel for these guys, but they've got to get their shit together themselves. No one else can do it.
This hurricane is gonna totally ruin my aquaponics
I can't remember exactly what it was. I wasn't expecting it to do well in 90ยฐ Florida weather. The other stuff is radishes, beets, and onions.
Thanks man, I've gotten pretty lucky. It's been overcast about 3 days out of the week every week for about 2 months.
Aquaponics is stupid easy. I highly recommend it. Just feed the fish every 2-3 days
Aquaponics is aquaculture+hydroponics.
Fish poop fertilizes the plants.
Look into it. Mine is big and semi-permanent, but you can make a little one with a 2 gallon fish bowl.
When I buy some property, I want to do hugelkultur
You don't need a tree. You can just get a huge pile of green wood chips. A place by my house has a 20 ft pile for free. They're low quality for landscaping, but perfect for composting.
My family house in New York had hand hewn logs. It was one of the first houses in the area. I used to daydream about what it was like to walk to the middle of nowhere all alone, chop down a few trees, and start building yourself a new life.
This guy does good introductory level hydroponics videos, if anyone's interested
What exactly do you mean by this?
I do green fertilizer in my traditional garden. I've been thinking about all that, but I'm moving soon, so I'm not sure that it's worth it.
I just like hydro and aquaponics for the technical aspects. It helps to soothe my Autism.
Is there any chance that anyone in I.E. would like to get together and buy some property? I know that it seems kind of LARPy, and we really don't know each other, so one guy totally fucking everyone else is a real danger, but in the VFP general the other day @Deleted User , Nathan, and some others were talking about it.
I just joined I.E. a week ago, but I've been following you for a while. I was cautious about joining because I was worried about whether or not the risk would affect real change, but this is exactly what I've been looking for. I'm an electrician, but I can do everything from drywall to plumbing. I know there are others who are capable tradesmen as well.
Of course, this is a low time preference endeavor.
We just need to be prepared to strike when the iron is hot.
I want to stay away from a mortgage, and I don't have the money to buy a property outright. I'm close, but I won't be there in the next few years. Also, I'd rather not put my entire savings into a property, so if I could collaborate with 2-4 more people, that would be ideal.
I don't know if we should start a new channel. Maybe we should start a new topic in an existing channel. I can see it dropping off and people losing interest from a lack of activity if it were autonomous.
I was thinking cohousing, too, but then you get into legal trouble if we're declared a criminal organization for whatever reason. We should get a lawyer on board.
I'm in FL btw. If I leave this convo for a few days, that's why.
Ain't sceered
Stay safe, btw, dude. Where you located?
I want to get an AR10. Should I just say fuck it and get an M1A?
Is DPMS any good? I'm very suspicious of an AR10 for $500.
Florida. Join the server 2 posts above you.
Killing hogs with .308 sounds great
I would be worried about security.
@JesseJames Is the national server back up?
Oh, gotya
Me too
Why don't they just post it in the fucking state servers?
@JesseJames You screwed up hard
My cousin's father in law is one of the largest dairy producers in the NE. Every year, he buys a few dozen more acres, and absorbs all these beautiful 200 year old houses.
My cousin and his wife are living for free in one. It's kind of crappy, and they have a kid, but all he has to do is fix it a bit
I'm only 22. I have a few years.
That's the problem with flipping, though. People only look at the gross, not the net, and say "I made $30k!"
I'm stupid man, I've never even considered a refi
@Wotan Reborn Being invaluable to society=freedom. Money is just a metric to measure how valuable you are
Yeah, I'm just being a semantic dick
When they stopped letting enforcers play hockey, I stopped caring
I've never had a problem sucking rats in screw type connected EMT
You can also just use a plastic bag, a shop vac, and jet line if you're doing it on the cheap
Not yet, going to take my Journeyman's in a few months. I had a convo with you about it a week ago.
It's cool, Florida
I'm probably going to quit. I'm thinking about moving to Seattle, where I can get $35/hr so that I can save up for when the housing market drops.
Maybe California. Idk yet.
The company I work for is huge, and since the pay isn't great, a lot of my coworkers are Haitians or Hispanics. I get a bit tired of it, and I'm not sure I want to be in charge of a bunch of guys who resent me for being white boy in charge
I'm 22
Got my job 2 weeks out of highschool
I was college bound, pretty happy that I missed out on that
My family has been oven middle class for 3 generations. My mom still flips out at me, despite my p nice net worth.
My dad and I are the first out of three generations, cousins included, on both sides, not to get a 4 year diploma.
I need to get my Master's, but I want to see the country a little while I'm still young.
It's definitely a top priority.
I think it was Vice, they were talking about all the not see aspects of the group
I for one don't care, good for them. But they shouldn't be appropriating history
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