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Zizeck vs Jordan Peterson

2019-02-10 08:05:49 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Jordan Peterson is Canadian

BTW...Jordan Peterson SUCKS

โ€œJordan B wash your Petersonโ€

@Alex Kolchak - NY Kermit B. Peterson ๐Ÿ˜

2019-01-23 04:37:33 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Are you secretly jordan peterson?

J Peterson, get on this

Why not Jordan B Peterson

What about Jesse Lee Peterson?

I think jesse lee peterson is

Oh like Jesse Lee Peterson too

@ophiuchus sorry mr. Peterson will do

"sort yourself out" - Patrick B. Peterson

2019-02-21 00:46:46 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Jordan Peterson is unironically like Scientology

2018-12-05 04:37:31 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I never got into Jordan Peterson

Peterson is thinking with his vagina

Peterson is a full blown establishment shill.

I blame this on Jordan Peterson lol

2018-12-02 07:48:34 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Shapiro, Prager U, Jordan Peterson... those types

2019-02-21 00:46:20 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

best philosopher is obviously Jordan B Peterson, guys

No way in hell is Peterson our guy

Has anyone memed highly anti semetic Jordan peterson?

Peterson is the 63rd highest patreon by patrons

I don't think Peterson patreon would ban us

I still donโ€™t get the whole Peterson thing.

Peterson almost kept me from looking into white identity

@Perihelion - CA I guess the wasteland lost their copies of Jordan Peterson...

2019-02-21 00:48:57 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Same thing as Jordan Peterson. He just gives captain obvious advice.

yes. peterson. i felt IQ points being ripped from my brain.

Funny. E Michael Jones posted a video on Peterson as well.

ie gonna skrt and make our own payment processor like jordan peterson

Shapiro and Peterson technically acknowledged it on the premise of defending jews

Jordan B Peterson is about to go live on Joe Rogans podcast

2019-02-21 22:44:25 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

"you should watch Jordan Peterson, collectivism is bad and individualism is very good"

So do I just do the Jordan Peterson thing and only eat beef

those pics of Jordan Peterson with his Lenin painting and plague doctor mask

Itโ€™s not like Peterson hasnโ€™t had lots of shit slung his way though

Live look in at latest Peterson lecture

I just started watching the Jordan peterson video up there. I had known peterson was a gate keeper for a while now but man...more insidious than I thought

Then we need to start bumping up Jesse Lee Peterson and Pastor Manning there

I wouldn't critic-size Jordan Peterson if you know what I know about him

So whatโ€™s up with โ€œWash Your Penisโ€ Peterson? His followers are turning against him

Tucker + Peterson could probably pull enough of an audience to launch a new web platform

I'd be interested in hearing that info too considering Peterson is seemingly a complete cuck

This is why Jordan Peterson is popular. Make it about other peopleโ€™s needs, then Swoop in.

I donโ€™t think Peterson dislikes blacks. He just thinks whites are cucks, which is mostly true.

Oh yeah when he first came out I thought peterson was great but time went on

Peterson is good for getting your life together, religion, and science, not politics. Heโ€™s proved heโ€™s a hypocrite

2018-10-06 23:32:09 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Someone needs to tell Peterson that goys can't be promoted to rabbi

Let's call Democratic Congressman Collin Peterson to say thanks for encouraging other Democrats to fund the wall.

Phone: (202) 225-2165
Hours: M-F 9AM-6PM Eastern

Jordan Peterson thinks it's better to be the best player on the team, rather than the best team in the league.

Basically your 15 year old kid who likes Ayn Rand and Jordan Peterson will soon be wearing a white polo and khakis.

He's much less of a gatekeeper than Shapiro or Peterson and he's bringing up our terms and talking points more and more.

Very few Ds will vote for border security. I would focus on Rs unless you have a red district dem like Colin Peterson

@V.Balboa - PA Did you get a chance to watch Mark Collett and Jesse Lee Peterson from yesterday? That talk was a lot of fun.

Good evening boys. If you get a chance... watch Mark Collettโ€™s YT stream from today with Jesse Lee Peterson. It was a great discussion.

I only ever liked peterson because I abstractly think about meta-physics sometimes as well, but politically he's just a leftist, -just- a leftist.

Peterson is so afraid of this totalitarian boogeyman he thinks that anything that isnโ€™t a society of deracinated individuals with neutered discourse is inherently wrong.

If you canโ€™t start out w Jared Taylor, you can start out w Jordan Peterson, if you canโ€™t start w him, you can use Ben Shapiro ๐Ÿ˜ต

2019-01-30 02:52:09 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

(Peterson is asked a question.) โ€œMore recently what has gone wrong with the right?โ€
โ€œWell where? Itโ€™s threatening to go too far in identitarian Europe, thatโ€™s for sure.โ€

I could see Jordan Peterson being so obsessed with being a softy that anything that causes a ruffle in societies feather being something that must be avoided at all costs

@Asatru Artist - MD There are a LOT of snake oil salesmen in these unsettled times. It's to be expected. But I fail to see how anyone could fall for the utter nonsense of Jordan Peterson.

That's why I'm not against the message of people like Jordan B. Peterson, despite the fact that he purposely acts as a gatekeeper to our ideas - you can't change the world if your own life isn't under control. Jordan Peterson cucks on the JQ by not addressing it at all. This is a "small" channel but a lot of JP's viewers see these videos so let's leave some red pills in the comments

2018-11-02 19:23:25 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Peterson is semi like Rogan - he knows just enough to extract enormous amounts of cash from whites who thirst for a proper social & cultural order, but just enough to tow the kosher line & make them thirst for more by barely parching their thirst

This is a huge whitepill. Speaking for myself at least. I think there is a pathway set up, ideologically from libertarianism or conservatism to the alt-right. Through people like Crowder, to Lauren Southern, to Sargon, to Jordan Peterson, and Faith Goldy, to us.

2019-02-21 00:48:02 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

This is how Scientology reels people in. They give advice that is actually pretty good, but it's totally unoriginal and pretty common sense. People take it and think "wow changed my life!" and they start listening to all the wacky stuff.

Literally same thing Jordan Peterson does.

@Jacob He's not quite there, but he has no problem with what IE is doing. He'd probably praise us if he knew about our existence. I agree with you. I'm just saying that if nonwhites ever helped us, people like Jesse Peterson are the ones they would follow

I feel like Jordan Peterson has changed since 2015/2016. He seems preoccupied with not being associated with people like ourselves, not doing anything that could cause him to lose his income from speaking. Isn't he also following a strange limited semi-carnivore diet? he hasn't looked healthy to me lately

The artist is Cleon Peterson. All of his "art" features blacks killing whites. He painted a miscegenation scene underneath the Eiffel Tower. He also painted one of his "pieces" on a Rothschild's boat. He was featured for a month earlier this year at the Denver Museum of Art. Really disturbing stuff. @Deleted User

One has to wonder if he's already gotten wind of it, but if not, we should find a non-contentious way in which to bring the case of Jeffrey Younger, that six-year-old boy in Texas, to the attention of Jordan B. Peterson. I can hardly think of a more reputable expert witness...

I always figured that Jordan Peterson was popular because he is something of a father figure in the lives of quite a few young men who grew up in single parent households.

When you look at the advice he gives, it's literally the same advice my father gave me. I mean, he literally tells people to clean their rooms. Yet he charges people for it, the guy's a huckster.

There's a guy who spends a lot of his time in my school's 'math and science lab' (basically a tutoring/study area) helping other students out when he's not working on his own stuff- really smart guy. I just overheard him talking with a basketball American about how he went to hear Jordan Peterson when he was in town. Wondering if I should try to gradually redpill and ironpill him.

@Balgias A lot of people have been taken in by Peterson. He is the poster child for a cowardly conservative IMHO. As soon as you hear someone bleating about muh values and a proposition nation, you can take it to the bank that they are enemies of Whites. The hard and cold fact is that the U.S. as a success story is the story of White people exclusively.

I've heard a lot of people share the idea that being disciplined in one aspect of your life leads to that mentality affecting the rest of your activity. Sounds like your devotion to God was either the result or the catalyst of that mentality. Kind of along the lines of those Navy Seals saying "make your bed in the morning, small things matter," or even Jordan Peterson saying clean your room bucko.

I can't accurately express how polarizing JFK was. All the upper-class twits acted as if he and Jackie were some kind of Gods. The working-cl;ass folk were totally contemptuous of JFK. My parents liked him for the same reason they pretended to like the Beatles. It was all so cool and progressive to them. My parents' whole generation were like the Italian Futurists; It's all about technology and the latest fad. My parents were pretty nice people, but they were even more deluded that the current NPCs. At least my parents still had options. (My Dad was born in 1928 and my Mom in 1932.) Those people had a LOT of fun, but they also thoughtlessly decided that Whites were morally inferior and needed to embrace out dusky brethren and raise them up. A lot my fellow Boomers still feel this way. They have drunk the Kool Aid. A lot of my very, very best and oldest friends have parted company from me when I have told them that I am a a far-right White nationalist. They're still living in a dream world. Even one of my oldest friends who has been a right-wing stalwart as long as I've known him has fallen for those arch-charlatans Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. People are desperately grasping for every straw that enables them to maintain the illusion that we are NOT in an actual civil war that is getting worse by the day. They are clinging to the illusion that we can uplift our dusky brethren so that they can be just like us. We can't uplift them because they are incapable. The Left's solution is to lower us to the nonWhites level. The Conservatives' solution is to keep putting band aids on cancerous lesions. The showdown is coming. I just wish I were younger so I could be a really active member.

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