Discord ID: 512776931272425497
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Hello from Ohio
Thank you! I'm excited to put some stickers on things.
"Serves all" always turns into "serves right wingers" and becomes a target like gab or hatreon in my experience
There is what should be and what is. Can't remember the name of the law that "businesses always become more left wing", since the 'unacceptable' opinion gets purged and the left wing opinion gets promoted. Mozilla is an example of a CEO who built everything getting removed for wrong think. Two options for payment processors: they become public services and regulated like phones, or right wing thought becomes more socially acceptable as left wing thought becomes less sociallly acceptable.
Neither is likely. Considering the only people who support regulation are right wingers, which means all libertarians will sperg out and divide the base. I shouldn't have to tell you why the second option is unlikely lol
If your employees go on strike or your shareholders pressure you, you are EFFED mate
That's the void full of hot girls who want to date you @Jacob
Non white girls are temptresses who will literally start guilting you for colonialism when you have fights over where to eat dinner. Trust me but dont ask how I know.
Congressman wants to nuke American citizens... business as usual
He wants to run in 2020 lol
>loving anything
Is there a worse look than a dirty, chipped, white plastic chair in your lawn?
@Auf WI who would even sit in such an abomination though? I dont need to absorb BPAs through my glutes
@Axel I consider anything that inhibits the gloriousness of my glutes to be an act of war
A crime of war
@Axel flaunt not your ignorance child. There is no point to having a butt that people can't see.
We've recently been having trouble using the military for people who *are* us
Did he write an article or something?
@Jacob is there an archive of it? I kind of love stuff like that
"conversations consisted of coding, Game of Thrones, Tolkien, how Rashomon relates to cultural relativism, etc. The sorts of things regular white people talk about at similar gatherings. For a second, I got a vision of what Seattle would be like with zero ethnic diversity: It would be dull"
What funky conversation topics do you think ambiguous race beige latinxes have at the dinner table?
Has there been an infiltrator at every event? Lmfao
I dont even get it. Seattle is like 95% white yet is interesting enough for him to write a book about it.
Dang is it the whole state that is white then?
@NITRODUBS what city if you dont mind saying? Akron is probably 20% white.
Esoteric southwest ohioism
I live in a refugee placement area that is 2% white by the recent census
I live by tulmidge
Steak = health food
I was not being ironic lol
vitamin a, infinite vitamin b, ton of protein. yooooo
try liver some time @Deleted User
That is a start but chicken liver is the chicken of liver @Deleted User
I went to my campus catholic club and it was a presentation on social justice
I am catholic. That sounds 100% old people though.
Well, I'm not catholic but raised catholic
I think that must be *lobbying* of some sort @NITRODUBS. Accepting refugees is such a small issue in the US, it seems strange to harp on it.
Honestly all poultry is just ok
you're going against the narrative
@Jacob All serious church girls I grew up with took several trips to Africa.
Raw meat is the final red pill
again, what are these funky latinxes seasoning their turkeys with
@Jacob I think most even slightly affluent people like to believe that no white people are suffering, thus they need to go to some second-third world country to find suffering people.
I would love tg dinner with the dog at the table
@Sam Southern - TN @TMatthews That is sort of a pervasive theme amonst white people in general, I suppose
a free vacation *and* you go to heaven?!
some meat is honestly better raw tbh
@Deleted User it's easier to digest without cooking
@Deleted User I've never found much evidence for that really. A lot of people go raw specifically because of gut issues. Cooking does break down fibers in vegetables though.
my parents are boomercons
they already built it (or so i thought)
idk I worked with a Mexican immigrant at a restaurant. He would randomly rant about guatemalans the way journalists imagine white nationalists randomly rant about mexicans.
I told a girl on the first date that me and her needed to save the white race together.
she said "does it have to be with just me?"
but that's the extent of my ranting to non-friends
yeah lol
based gun-loving hot blonde girl who complained about the lack of diversity on "the bachelor"
really confusing people, these tinder women
she wasn't actually a tinder woman, and no don't use tinder
will destroy your confidence at best
@Jacob Every meaningful relationship I was in happened accidentally. Randomly talked to someone who seemed to want to keep talking to me. I wouldn't recommend that if you really want a gf though, because you have about one chance per year.
Roosh V is too woke for this world man
Letting people see the whites above your irises in normal conversation is power game
It might be. It's definitely disconcerting.
are you the one from twitter
I can't believe they even still remember UTR
@Ald one of my greatest fears is paganism becoming the new "witchcraft"
@Ald I know. Luckily it's mostly Christian occultism they've appropriated up to now. But don't tell them that.
@ThisIsChris you are on the right track. That is a meme because that is really how youtube alt lite content aggregators title their videos. It is easy to forget most people cannot tell the difference between us and someone like Ben Shapiro. In fact, they think Ben is a far right extremist.
Ben Shapiro does a good job of poisoning the well! Guys like him are so useful to the status quo. They make conservatives believe they're "far right" and "defending American values" when in reality, they're just leftists who don't believe in the logical conclusions of leftism. Walking paradoxes.
So she wanted to paint over it not even knowing what it represented, just that it had white people?
@Goose He was a bed ridden NEET. Clown world would have been too hard for the typical person at the time to see or care about, but he saw it.
hello people
u guys couldn't hear me testing my mic could you? lmao
bathory, beherit, teitanblood, etc is the only music
@fgtveassassin watch your tongue child
that is a grross thing to say lmfao
metal is nothing like classical, that is something 14 yr olds say
yung lean's early stuff was good
@Johnny B. Populus it's better if you don't know
basted and breadfilled
have to send checks in the mail gang reporting in
I paid $750 for a ghetto apartment that got broken into and had my car stolen
@Johnny B. Populus it's all right /// my head was melted so they just blew up the engine immediately haha
will evropa houses have runes on them like frat houses have greek letters
@Sherlock yeah dude credit card companies love ppl that are fiscally responsible
something like antifa protesting you could get you kicked out of your rental imo
I'm not sure about it, but there's usually a termination clause in a contract for people who cause major disruptions. Antifa is a major disruption. I bet they could terminate over that.
i remember the first QAnon thread had a photoshop graphic design OP pic
almost like
someone paid for it
we need to stop focusing on naming the jew and start naming the canadian tbh
@Virgil that would be wild haha
doo doo doo doooo doo doooo dooo
_E X T E R M I N A T E D_
@TMatthews my trumptard dad told me "diversity is our strength" last night
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