
Discord ID: 478728177020305448

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2018-09-03 02:59:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-04 01:22:18 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@John O - no there isn't

2018-09-05 23:49:14 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@NITRODUBS sounds like the average corporate environment lol

2018-09-08 19:26:23 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-09 00:31:12 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

yeah I liked it

2018-09-09 01:09:25 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Does anyone know off the top of their head what the IE PO box addr is?

2018-09-09 01:12:01 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

thx fren

2018-09-09 16:25:09 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Everyone who Ive met who was medically diagnosed with autism actually had autism though

2018-09-09 16:25:38 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

ADHD and ADD mianly seem like a way to push amphetamines

2018-09-20 01:18:59 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@micbwilli <:pepe:359012488920039424>

2018-09-23 01:30:39 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Rick I think hes sorting his own personal stuff out

2018-09-23 01:31:03 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I think he'll probably be back here and there behind the scenes/at large events (maybe)

2018-09-23 01:32:02 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

:^ )

2018-09-23 01:40:57 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

>hes never seen megazone 23

2018-09-23 01:51:54 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

<:thinkplant:359034245777457173> anime is the highest form of entertainment fren

2018-09-23 01:52:12 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

much better than jewtainment

2018-09-23 01:54:07 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-23 02:15:41 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Kingfish indubitably

2018-09-23 02:20:07 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

the original shitposter

2018-09-23 02:20:35 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

no *this* is shitposting

2018-09-23 02:24:42 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

grindr greg

2018-09-23 02:26:14 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I am indeed saying he is a homosexual

2018-09-23 02:26:43 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

take what you can get

2018-09-23 02:27:10 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-23 02:27:27 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I would never disregard a persons character when studying their work

2018-09-23 02:28:53 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

eh white values are for white people to promote I think

2018-09-23 02:29:12 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

This idea of others promoting the interest of others that aren't in their interest seems kind of weird to me

2018-09-23 02:29:24 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

they have to think they have something in it for themselves otherwise they wouldnt do it

2018-09-23 02:30:07 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Asatru Artist - MD yeah but he was just opining on it

2018-09-23 02:30:20 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

it isnt his job

2018-09-23 02:30:24 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

hes the dalai lama instead

2018-09-23 02:30:52 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

yeah but hes assuming he gets a cut of the pie, which I'd rather he didn't

2018-09-23 02:31:04 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

its our pie

2018-09-23 02:31:21 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-23 02:31:27 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

we could do it in 5 years

2018-09-23 02:31:35 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

takes will and hands on power levers

2018-09-23 02:31:47 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

2 difficult things but it could be done fast

2018-09-23 02:32:19 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

time flies too. plug away a little bit at a big thing every day and youll make a lot of progress by the years end

2018-09-23 02:32:35 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Asatru Artist - MD it can be done non violently and politely in 5 years

2018-09-23 02:32:39 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

5 years is a very very long time

2018-09-23 02:33:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I think thats an unreasonable assumption

2018-09-23 02:34:01 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

what if the white bank account in their new home is larger for a short period of time than their white bank account here

2018-09-23 02:34:05 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

pretty easy incentive

2018-09-23 02:34:12 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

cheap for us too

2018-09-23 02:34:56 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

you just have to be careful about the media controlling them. if you let their hive mind run its course they go crazy.

2018-09-23 02:36:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

to be frank I also think we should lie to ourselves. If you tell yourself an obstacle is insurmountable you'll never hop over it. however, if you lie to yourself and tell yourself you'll do it and if you just do a bit a day you run a much lower risk of burning out on it and youll see your accomplishments as much larger than if you just view them as something very tiny in shadow of a huge task

2018-09-23 02:37:40 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

bro normal household evictions dont happen without "violence"

2018-09-23 02:38:08 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

when were talking about violence I assume were talking about literally doing large amounts of very strong violence. we can do this easily without that.

2018-09-23 02:38:20 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

just gotta get that noggin joggin

2018-09-23 02:38:57 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

theyd take it for 5k and some beers

2018-09-23 02:38:58 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

maybe less

2018-09-23 02:39:14 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

20k is a giant amount of money

2018-09-23 02:40:02 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Just look at how romania and israel struck a deal that worked for both of them <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-09-23 02:40:10 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

>Romania was selling its Jews, and Israel was buying.

2018-09-23 02:40:26 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

They sold them for about 1.5k a head at the time if I recall correctly

2018-09-23 02:40:30 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

which is like 5k a person now

2018-09-23 02:40:38 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

africa of course

2018-09-23 02:40:46 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

we set up a regime that desperately needs africans

2018-09-23 02:40:52 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

and theyre willing to buy them

2018-09-23 02:40:55 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

so we sell to them

2018-09-23 02:41:36 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

we set up our regime in africa, they put out an ad needing highly skilled wakandans, we give them our money to buy them, and sell them to ourselves :^ )

2018-09-23 02:41:46 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Im sure the US has done something like this before

2018-09-23 02:42:37 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

gangster rap sound engineers desperately needed, submit your mixtape now for a special opportunity!

2018-09-23 02:42:53 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

boers shouldnt leave tho

2018-09-23 02:42:55 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

its their land

2018-09-23 02:43:43 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

plus, uh, is one apprentice gangster rap wakandan sound engineer worth one industrious boer ๐Ÿค” I think we would need at least 15 boers to transfer one highly skilled wakandan genius to south africa ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-23 02:44:31 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

theyre sturdy Biblical white folks, theyll pull through

2018-09-23 02:44:47 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

you see

2018-09-23 02:46:32 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I think you mean 4x

2018-09-23 02:46:45 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

the great deportation of the 21st century

2018-09-23 02:46:47 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

:^ )

2018-09-23 02:48:29 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

we could honeypot seasteading into the greatest atlantic mexican fiesta of all time and deport them all to africa on a huge cruise boat

2018-09-23 02:48:43 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

you just have to be creative

2018-09-23 03:17:10 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Deleted User now this is content

2018-09-23 03:17:47 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

@Deleted User IE gets all the skelegates by default

2018-09-23 03:23:57 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

the white race of course

2018-09-23 03:30:41 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

>living with other people
>make discord font super small
>doesnt auto load images
>theyll never guess Im a white nationalist

2018-09-23 03:33:07 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

shhhhh dont tell them

2018-09-23 03:35:56 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

settings > set zoom to 50% > 2k monitor > need a microsocope to see shit from 2 inches away

2018-09-23 03:36:02 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

the ultimate privacy filter

2018-09-23 03:37:05 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

>500 in rent
>free utilities
>80% free food
>5 minute commute to job in the middle of no where
>chuckles at johnny

2018-09-23 03:39:18 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-23 03:39:43 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

tfw town you live in is ravaged by jewtainment and the jewpiods

2018-09-23 03:40:44 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I see the jews got you as well as me

2018-09-23 03:40:51 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

>tfw student loans
>no degree

2018-09-23 03:40:57 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

at least I cut my losses

2018-09-23 03:43:43 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

they all speak jewry

2018-09-23 03:43:50 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

youll get to know it if you spend enough time around them

2018-09-23 03:44:12 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

if you dont, if youre around someone whos a jew, and theyre talking but not saying much thats jewry

2018-09-23 03:44:50 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

I do business with (((middle easterners))) and (((americans))) and its about the same

2018-09-23 03:45:01 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

the (((middle easterners))) are just way more to the point

2018-09-23 03:45:10 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

they wont dance around a point nearly as much

2018-09-23 03:46:38 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

go back to pol - /int/

2018-09-23 04:48:07 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

Why does IE attract manlets? Consider this logical postulate: the larger you are (tallness factor, hereon referred to as ฯƒ) the larger your brain. >ฯƒ = >brain factor. shortness = small brainness. small brainness = racism

2018-09-23 04:48:14 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

checkmate identitarians

2018-09-23 04:49:40 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  


2018-09-23 04:50:34 UTC [Nice Respectable People Group #general]  

6ix9ine fucking ple๐Ÿ…ฑian

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