Discord ID: 274025126641795074
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is this where I post my social security number
heh, nah, if you have a twitter, e-mail, skype, or 504um profile/contact that you want to share so people can keep in touch with you, then this is the place to post it
\o - [email protected] and [email protected]. Skype is Volk Staat and the twitter is currently shoahed. Pittsburgh
youtube: 504um: @MUHNORAHTYREPORT
@_GoyOrbison for now
@Wooderson1488 or [email protected] @HoustonGoylers <<<for me and goy orbison
Twitter - @ChaniEvenstar,
Skype - belladashwood,
Gab - BellaDashwood,
email - [email protected],
504um -
@YouDontCountDog for my Twitter
also reminder that borzoi account is one of the funniest out there
@Martinspicy on twitter
I was Asgardian now I'm Hammer Falls. I can't run that name anymore it's banned within days
I'm Caerulus Rex on basically everything, and you can tell it's me because of my new fan art avi
oi m8 get on the argentina voice chat
No matter how y'all spin this the media is spinning it as the ADL defeated Trump.
fake news fam
This means nothing
and it stops nothing
We'll sue you goy
Follow me on twitter at @bayareashitlord
twitter: @MoltenAmber
gab: amberlamps
gab/504um: Spengler email: [email protected] twitter:MaximusSpengler
gab/podarby email: [email protected] twitter: @swiftie_parker (among others)
Twitter: @SkeletonGoy
200th follower gets knighted
twitter: @sandgroperfash
twitter @St. Frexit
Twitter: @rightflugel (but I rarely use it)
Also Rudolfvonflรผgel on the forum.
Twitter: @sir_pipen
E-mail me at [email protected]
@whispering1 [email protected]
Twitter: @clausbrinker Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
GVoice: 9183739092 (I respond to this)
Email: [email protected]
Twitter - @thechefgoyardee
Gab - @chefgoyardee
email - [email protected]
504um - h ttps://
Email: [email protected]
twitter: @kaiser_dishelm
same on gab, but I don't use it
Twitter: @returnoftheorb
Skype: [email protected]
twitter: @JasonHanwel
504um: htt p://
twitter: @captainobvious6 - i don't use it much
Skype - captainobvious62
emails: [email protected] (only me) [email protected] (all the 88 minutes guys)
@beachgoys twitter
Twitter: @kubaniskii
new twitter @punishedSF
twitter: queenarchitect6
@horatio_cary I think
I don't use it for much other than shitposting though, but just incase...
[email protected]
also a skype username
Twitter: @Four8teen8
Gab: @Attila of Cascadia
Twitter @PanhandleFash
you guys use bitmessage?
Im BM-2cTVzvq7qbb3JAz35sFDTabPAg6prJm2Pw
Twither @jack_a_nape
twitter @sorestree14
[email protected]
My twitter was shoahed due to harassment of (((reporters)))
Twitter @vault_right
Gab: @Erwin_Rommeow
You niggers need to folllow. Twitter @TrumpHeliRides8
Gab - TrumpHeliRides
Email: [email protected]
Gab: cassandros
I never post
@Koba no, I have XMPP and PGP keys though
I'm @Gunstar117 if y'all are on twitter lemme know and I'll FF
I'll be following a couple of you goys
I dont post much
but feel free to follow back
wrong channel nig-kike
Dummy <3
Coach Finstock's obsequious suspension appeal apparently did not charm Sanjit
@Konungrr, my twitter hit me up
Follow me on Twitter niggahs!
Check out Alt Right Minnesota (@altright_MN):
Follow me goys@StajnovicZeljko
New account, planning to be more active this time
New facebook sock for the 6,000,000th fucking time. Why do we do this?
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