
Discord ID: 274025126641795074

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2017-01-26 18:08:54 UTC

is this where I post my social security number

2017-01-26 19:54:25 UTC

heh, nah, if you have a twitter, e-mail, skype, or 504um profile/contact that you want to share so people can keep in touch with you, then this is the place to post it

2017-01-26 21:56:46 UTC

\o - [email protected] and [email protected]. Skype is Volk Staat and the twitter is currently shoahed. Pittsburgh

2017-01-27 02:03:23 UTC


2017-01-27 04:41:40 UTC
2017-01-27 05:07:40 UTC

@_GoyOrbison for now

2017-01-27 05:09:19 UTC

@Wooderson1488 or [email protected] @HoustonGoylers <<<for me and goy orbison

2017-01-27 05:15:20 UTC

Twitter - @ChaniEvenstar,
Skype - belladashwood,
Gab - BellaDashwood,
email - [email protected],
504um -

2017-01-27 13:56:27 UTC

@YouDontCountDog for my Twitter

2017-01-27 14:20:55 UTC

also reminder that borzoi account is one of the funniest out there

2017-01-27 15:30:08 UTC

@Martinspicy on twitter

2017-01-27 21:56:52 UTC

I was Asgardian now I'm Hammer Falls. I can't run that name anymore it's banned within days

2017-01-28 15:35:43 UTC

I'm Caerulus Rex on basically everything, and you can tell it's me because of my new fan art avi

2017-01-28 15:40:02 UTC

oi m8 get on the argentina voice chat

2017-01-29 04:17:14 UTC

No matter how y'all spin this the media is spinning it as the ADL defeated Trump.

2017-01-29 05:16:06 UTC

fake news fam

2017-01-29 05:16:10 UTC

This means nothing

2017-01-29 05:16:14 UTC

and it stops nothing

2017-01-29 05:58:59 UTC

We'll sue you goy

2017-01-30 17:54:05 UTC

Follow me on twitter at @bayareashitlord

2017-01-30 18:15:22 UTC

twitter: @MoltenAmber

2017-01-30 18:15:34 UTC

gab: amberlamps

2017-01-30 18:42:33 UTC

gab/504um: Spengler email: [email protected] twitter:MaximusSpengler

2017-01-31 01:53:32 UTC

gab/podarby email: [email protected] twitter: @swiftie_parker (among others)

2017-01-31 04:30:53 UTC

Twitter: @SkeletonGoy
200th follower gets knighted

2017-01-31 04:35:09 UTC

twitter: @sandgroperfash

2017-02-01 01:20:11 UTC

twitter @St. Frexit

2017-02-02 01:45:08 UTC

Twitter: @rightflugel (but I rarely use it)

2017-02-02 01:48:30 UTC

Also Rudolfvonflรผgel on the forum.

2017-02-02 23:06:37 UTC

Twitter: @sir_pipen

2017-02-02 23:39:48 UTC

E-mail me at [email protected]

2017-02-03 12:56:28 UTC

@whispering1 [email protected]

2017-02-04 01:06:14 UTC

Twitter: @clausbrinker Email: [email protected]

2017-02-08 13:29:33 UTC

Email: [email protected]
GVoice: 9183739092 (I respond to this)

2017-02-12 13:36:53 UTC
2017-02-19 04:43:13 UTC

Twitter - @thechefgoyardee
Gab - @chefgoyardee
email - [email protected]
504um - h ttps://

2017-02-20 02:55:14 UTC

twitter: @kaiser_dishelm

2017-02-20 02:55:27 UTC

same on gab, but I don't use it

2017-02-20 17:00:43 UTC

Twitter: @returnoftheorb
Skype: [email protected]

2017-02-21 07:05:20 UTC

twitter: @JasonHanwel

2017-02-21 15:00:43 UTC
2017-02-21 16:41:49 UTC
2017-02-21 16:42:17 UTC

twitter: @captainobvious6 - i don't use it much

2017-02-21 16:43:24 UTC

Skype - captainobvious62

2017-02-21 16:47:13 UTC

emails: [email protected] (only me) [email protected] (all the 88 minutes guys)

2017-02-23 03:44:32 UTC

@beachgoys twitter

2017-02-23 03:44:53 UTC


2017-02-27 02:47:34 UTC

Twitter: @kubaniskii

2017-02-27 22:53:34 UTC

new twitter @punishedSF

2017-02-27 22:59:38 UTC

twitter: queenarchitect6

2017-02-27 23:00:42 UTC

@horatio_cary I think

2017-03-02 15:26:27 UTC


2017-03-02 15:26:52 UTC

I don't use it for much other than shitposting though, but just incase...

2017-03-02 16:45:37 UTC

[email protected]
also a skype username

2017-03-02 16:49:19 UTC


2017-03-02 17:00:47 UTC

Twitter: @Four8teen8

2017-03-02 17:01:10 UTC
2017-03-02 17:42:15 UTC

Twitter @PanhandleFash

2017-03-03 02:07:19 UTC

you guys use bitmessage?

2017-03-03 02:08:34 UTC

Im BM-2cTVzvq7qbb3JAz35sFDTabPAg6prJm2Pw

2017-03-03 03:25:42 UTC

Twither @jack_a_nape

2017-03-03 03:26:31 UTC

twitter @sorestree14

2017-03-03 21:16:54 UTC

[email protected]
My twitter was shoahed due to harassment of (((reporters)))

2017-03-03 21:37:16 UTC

Twitter @vault_right

2017-03-04 17:19:41 UTC

Gab: @Erwin_Rommeow

2017-03-05 07:20:24 UTC

You niggers need to folllow. Twitter @TrumpHeliRides8

2017-03-05 07:20:37 UTC

Gab - TrumpHeliRides

2017-03-11 04:00:57 UTC

Email: [email protected]
Gab: cassandros

2017-03-12 16:27:37 UTC
2017-03-12 16:27:41 UTC


2017-03-15 04:36:17 UTC

@Koba no, I have XMPP and PGP keys though

2017-03-16 16:39:45 UTC


2017-03-22 01:21:51 UTC

I'm @Gunstar117 if y'all are on twitter lemme know and I'll FF

2017-03-22 02:03:24 UTC

I'll be following a couple of you goys

2017-03-22 02:03:31 UTC

I dont post much

2017-03-22 02:03:38 UTC

but feel free to follow back

2017-03-27 22:59:35 UTC

wrong channel nig-kike

2017-03-27 22:59:48 UTC

Dummy <3

2017-03-29 15:49:57 UTC

Coach Finstock's obsequious suspension appeal apparently did not charm Sanjit

2017-03-30 15:02:26 UTC

@Konungrr, my twitter hit me up

2017-04-02 03:53:52 UTC

Follow me on Twitter niggahs!

2017-04-03 00:07:50 UTC

Check out Alt Right Minnesota (@altright_MN):

2017-04-06 22:24:19 UTC

Follow me goys@StajnovicZeljko

2017-04-07 18:30:56 UTC

New account, planning to be more active this time

2017-04-07 22:42:35 UTC

New facebook sock for the 6,000,000th fucking time. Why do we do this?

373 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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