Americana - MD
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Hello go..I mean fellow white nationalists. It's great to be amongst you on this wonderful holiday...
My name is white, what's it feel like to be inferior?
Kek is the one true god
Alright I'm done shit posting.
If you ain't on the spectrum, you ain't one of us boiii
Am I right guys?
It was this
Are they? I don't think I've ever spent much time around them
What are you compiling a list?
Fuck it, S I E G E P I L L time
See you guys never
I quit
I'm opting out. This shits too far gone
Saw this at the holocaust museum the other day. Based nazi sword cutting the Jew into pieces. It's signed "schlomo swindler 14"
Yes sir
If anywhere needs it
Good morning niggas!
#whitenationalismIsMagic fellow bronies
Accipiter where you located? lol let's do it
But alas he has grown
@Edward it's U.K. Oriented? How applicable is it to the US?
Lol based sheriff
Could've been a bit more intimidating but over all should be a relatively effective message
Prove it
Fight him pussy
Skinny though
Oy vey
Guys, I hate college and I'd love to get paid for political activism. Should I infiltrate the ranks of antifa and start gathering those (((soros))) shekels and then tear them apart from the inside?
Only down side is my sense of smell will make me want to kill myself
Yeah give them a call
That's sadly what we have to do now a days. You're not a minority so they won't pander to you
I just quit retail and start a nice blue collar job soon
They won't fire me, even though it's not unionized
I was literally hired because they "need more... non-hispanics..."
I mean my power level shows pretty hard. I'm not doxxed per se. But yeah I see what you mean. The big issue isn't employment, it's more college repercussions because I go to a chimp filled community college
I want to follow through with my biology major but college is so fucking cancerous. If I wasn't getting paid to go I would've dropped out already
@Goldstein Riots it's fucking hard to man...
I have a lot of options that I'd be totally satisfied with. Some more realistic than others, just a matter of how far I can take it
*crosses fingers for future eugenicist*
Well as if it matters, they can score significantly lower and be accepted anyway
Why make them take it at all any more
I went on a rant on Facebook yesterday about anti-white sentiment in academia. And I was surprised by the lack of overt backlash I received
@Convo we got a problem?
I'll have you know I graduated at the top of my class in the US NAVY SEALS
I'm highly trained in gorilla warfare
They look like they need to be rotated or something...
Like I can't place what's so off about them or how you would fix it
Tomahawk tits*
Jesus christ
I hate you all
Is that an M9 bayonet on the chest rig?
Pls stop
@Archer heard the latest STE haha
Ahhh, well it's literally about going out into meat space and earning your trendies
I agree with Wyatt
@Convo don't be surprised if a nigger or immigrant gets it over you. But still show that you're better
How do you manage that
I feel like dating is hard if you're at this power level
And finding someone who's red pilled enough to full blown dash up is probably ever harder
Oh shidd haha
Yeah it's so easy to cross a sensitive line
Even with conservatives
I'm "normal" as in not a sperg of any sort
I'm pretty open about certain stuff like being anti-islam
But jq stuff he'll no
I can play the whole GOP good boy mostly
But where I'm at even the wheat field girls are anti trump
Exactly fascist
If I need to red pill someone that slowly and fakely I don't have time for them
Especially considering a lot of my time goes into this lol it's hard to cover up for so long
Lolol what?
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