Discord ID: 268552960580124672
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@_GoyOrbison for now
one sec, let me get my headphones
It's cause I'm a Jew
gonna have to head to bed. later folks
reminds me of this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU7fhIO7DG0
I had to hide that Cabbage Patch face. They creep me out
I was literally just talking about O&A
alright going to bed. Night
I'm sitting in front of a Franco portrait right now
Is it online?
Got shoah'd from Twitter finally. New account got locked out. Gotta find a new way to get back on. I'll let y'all know when I get it figured out. Until then, you can reach me here.
Thanks for the advice goys. I'll probably take a couple days off and then try using your suggestions.
Snitches. Not a good move.
I know there's some Austin goys in the chat. If y'all could spread the word to block and any info on this guy would be appreciated. He definitely has a drug habit from the looks of things.
The Trevor guy that is.
I will when I get home from work. Need to concentrate.
Wholesome Grandma Baking Patriotic Cookies
Is it even worth it to come back to Twitter? What do y'all think? I enjoyed the format but it does piss me off how they can just wipe out all of your content at the drop of a hat.
Wasnt that called an Echo?
I remember that. Never finished FF8. It was so gay compared to 7
That stupid card game in the middle of it
Pick one
The NYT offices need to get Hebdo'd. Fucking scumbags will feign outrage at Trump's "pussy" remark but pretend there aren't mass rapes and shitskins attacking the locals.
Yeah it's great to see the love I'm getting. Gotta wait a few days for work to die down so I can fire up a new account, although it will have to lay low for a bit. Might have to use a new name.
That's probably what I'll do.
Nice suit
What is the original picture of that last douche?
It's some faggot making a tfw picture, and it was super cucky, but I can't remember the context
At what?
Growing armpit hair?
Women's hockey team, The Swastikas, from Fernie, BC, Canada, 1922
"Victory Over Jewish Bolshevism"
Get a step ladder and talk shit to my face
This was the extra crispy boy from the MonkeyBar
ok going to bed. G'night
Got my new acct unlocked. They flagged it for spam but upon appeal, unlocked it.
Twitter: @returnoftheorb
Skype: [email protected]
For some reason even though I think in the NKBM chat, twitter freezes when I try to get on it.
This was the guy who snitched on me: https://twitter.com/gringo_texan
Autistotle, what is your handle now?
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