Discord ID: 262051870216814595
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This is the ideal Jewish body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Barney frank tweet from big don himself
fuck this guy
needs to get pranked
Trump needs to turn the screws
no, but being in a relationship with one will,trust me
get in a ltr with one and hear poz advocacy 24/7
it cured me
yea but resturaunts throw you out and thats like 50% of any relationship
maybe you'll get to punch her
you wont even know it
Yuge wtf was that
hey Bro
brb shower
We'll sue you goy
Goy vey
they told him to cover his women with cloth
he told them to cover themselves with six feet of dirt
I wonder if Pence has any spells for her.
I think they are. They sound fake tbh
not that she wouldnt say it, but i dont think shes this explicit in the way she says things
ACLU Latinx shitskin mocking elderly whites and telling them they'll die out
I live in the bay, there's going to be equal parts cheering and jeering once this goes through
The white youth left in CA will be pretty happy
CNN needs to be liquidated
they go from unemployed to getting payed lol
at least thats how its gonna work here, American engies dont get hired
some antifa kayak sits on twitter looking for people to shoah
My brother got handed this shit on campus
Oy veyyy
Kayak leads a group that takes our tax $ to resettle refugees
Watch this woman break down Schumer's jewish insincerity and bad acting as his body language tells what he really thinks
Note the color of the antifa guy's hand ๐คฅ
Trump needs to move quickly, he needs to lay the foundations for demographic restoration. Undo the 65' immigration act and deplete the welfare state
Zombies go down faster than this woman.
Guys its going crazy down here
I had work and couldnt go, but we have goys down there
I hoe our goys stay safe down there
we're reaching the tipping point
do we have any good goy institutions?
the gym
gun ranges
not really places you want to attack if all you've got is a lighter and starbucks cup
Young white girl assaulted by antifa for the crime of standing around
White girls land harder blows than these people. I cant wait for our turn to land blows
Innocent white man beaten into brain injury for being suspected of being a fascist
Here's your free speech
did you seethe protests/riots
UC Berkeley Student, studying Psychology and Cellular Biology
his twitter
(((Judd Apatow)))
This is what they think
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