Message from @Coach - DC
Discord ID: 296672339289047040
[email protected]
My twitter was shoahed due to harassment of (((reporters)))
Twitter @vault_right
Gab: @Erwin_Rommeow
You niggers need to folllow. Twitter @TrumpHeliRides8
Gab - TrumpHeliRides
Email: [email protected]
Gab: cassandros
I never post
@Koba no, I have XMPP and PGP keys though
I'm @Gunstar117 if y'all are on twitter lemme know and I'll FF
I'll be following a couple of you goys
I dont post much
but feel free to follow back
wrong channel nig-kike
Dummy <3
@Konungrr, my twitter hit me up
Follow me on Twitter niggahs!
Check out Alt Right Minnesota (@altright_MN):
Follow me goys@StajnovicZeljko
New account, planning to be more active this time
New facebook sock for the 6,000,000th fucking time. Why do we do this?
what did he mean by this
Howdy Goys. @blueangeltime on the twitters for me. BlueAngel on Gab but whatever. And blueangeltime.wordpress to check my blog. Hope everyone is doing well! Thx DMarc!
I'm /GovanKilgour on twitter, fb, and youtube
@blueangel hey
I'm @malnoid_yankee on twitter
I make memes like this: