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No car bombs or hitler magiic?

If Hitler knew Ohio was not to be ignored perhaps you plebians could stand to follow in his footsteps

“Despite popular belief no I am not Hitler, however I do not allow Jews into my organization. Have a good night. kick

How did he feel about the passage where Adolf Hitler described his first encounter with a Jewish person in Vienna, in Chapter 4?

Some meme ideas:

"You're not fat enough to be conservatives!" - "Yes."
Something w/ that dialogue. Punchy.

Also, with the anarchists screaming "follow your leader" (ie. kill yourself like Hitler) in DC, similar kind of thing. Refute that by defining us as existing in the present w/ our own leadership and goals.

Just for fun, since I know you were a boy scout back in the day, I thought you'd be interested to know that lord Robert baden Powell supported Hitler (in case you didn't know already)

Q15:First felt some conflict between his beliefs when first learning about NS. Learned about the swastika and black sun that there is space for paganism and theres a meeting ground
Q16:Is currently reading mein kampf, has listened to various hitler and goebbels speeches, and is reading a book on shamanism. Was struck by the fact that hitler does not sound crazy or like a raving madman. His arguments and rationalizations make sense for the period. Goebbels was a lot more anti-semetic and hateful of the jews than Hitler
Q17:aims for 20-40 push ups a day also does push ups and sit ups, 6'3" 280 lbs. wrestled for 4 years, 2 of which were spent training =due to an injury. 2-3 hours of cardio a week. thinks he could run a mile in 15-20 minutes. but has never actually timed himself.
Q18: ideal family structure is a man working, the mom takes care of the kids and having many children. Most families are now divorced or mixed couples where the father leaves. Promiscuity is deplorable. Has only had relations with 2 women in his life. Is against porn, and the lgbt+ crowd. "absolutely degenerate." Parents divorced and was a single mother family for a few years before she remarried. his grandparents never divorced.
Q19:admires FDR,before WW2, we had a president who essentially said "if you dont have a job we'll give you one" the depression era work programs and building the hoover dam.
Q20:despises Obama, he opened the floodgates for immigration. admits he is well spoken for an african.

You might already know but Billy IN is working very closely with Matthew Heimbach (that one) on his National-Bolshevik Radio project under his Telegram name "George Eckhart"
Billy is in a chat called Left-Right Dialogue that he manages, along with a Telegram page "The New Black Front" (in reference to The Black Front, an anti-Hitler National Socialist group started by Otto and Gregor Strasser)

So far it's just the radio show and the telegram page, and he doesn't talk about being a member of PF anywhere, I didn't even know until he told me.

I forwarded this to Thomas but he's going to be busy for a few days I imagine so I'll fill you in too.
Billy IN is working very closely with Matthew Heimbach (that one) on his National-Bolshevik Radio project under his Telegram name "George Eckhart"
Billy is in a chat called Left-Right Dialogue that he manages, along with a Telegram page "The New Black Front" (in reference to The Black Front, an anti-Hitler National Socialist group started by Otto and Gregor Strasser)

So far it's just the radio show and the telegram page, and he doesn't talk about being a member of PF anywhere, I didn't even know until he told me.

Q15: No conflict between religion and politics. When he was a Republican, he did feel a conflict between that and his past Christian faith.
Q16: Has read Robert Russler's "Whoever Fights Monsters", he was an FBI profiler, wrote a lot about serial killers and such. He explains how these people became who they are. Also read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", which taught him about how the US uses finance to dominate other countries and their direction. Currently reading Mein Kampf. He knows Hitler is not who he was told he was, understands that Hitler was fighting against a foe that wanted him to die and now we fight the same opposition who wants to kill us.
Q17: 5'9, 140 lbs, slim and toned. Got banned from his gym, so that has disrupted his fitness routine, but he lifts weights in his office and goes hiking often. Trained for 8 years in MMA, various martial arts schools. Used to teach martial arts in a dojo.
Q18: Nuclear family is ideal. Extended family contact is nice too. There are a lot of single parents and same sex couples with adopted kids. Nuclear family is rather uncommon now. LGBT is a sign of bad mental health and they play into the hands of the Marxists. Has been looking into Weimar Germany and the same tactics used against the Germans are the ones being used here. Doesn't think porn is that bad, but addiction to it is bad.
Q19: Admires Benjamin Franklin. Always thinks about how much it would have taken to be a leader in the early years of America, it took a lot of creativity and skill to successfully lead the country like he and others did.
Q20: Despises Alexander Hamilton. He laid the groundwork for the Federal Reserve and designed the banking system.
Q21: Nationalism in America is a response to Bolshevism. Marxism has to be stopped, and Nationalism is the only way to do it. Some people within the Movement don't take the time to convince or argue their points with those who do not share their views. You have to make this movement more palletable with others, bring strong arguments to the table, and win hearts and minds. That has been improving recently. Finds the "rebranding" from VA to PF to be a positive change. The Manifesto is a good sign of our improvement.
Q22: Will be getting married next year, so building his family is a good personal goal. He also wants to fight against our enemy in a positive way. Building community with us and building a good family are one in the same to him.

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is international finance and the degeneration of American culture. Jews are behind it.

Q13: Follows TRS. Whatever stupid headlines are on google. No social media.

Q14: Label: Nationalist. Religiously agnostic with a respect for the unknown.

Q15: No religious/political conflicts.

Q16: Has read Mein Kampf, Hitler's Revolution. MK was really interesting. Hitler as a thinker and revolutionary.

Q17: 5' 8" 200ibs. People at work see him as the "fit guy". Has a beer belly. Short and stocky. Goes to a boxing gym weekly and lifts 3 times a week usually.

Q18: Father at the helm, Mother at home and kids. Today there are usually 2 people working and constantly in a rush. Childhood was chaotic. Parents where young and immature. Promiscuity and porn is dangerous like a drug.

Q19: Admires GLR. Admired his bravery and boldness. Read White Power.

Q20: Despises Donald Trump. Used to campaign for the guy. Got disenchanted. Watched him betray his own people. Hates how people are still under the Trump spell.

Q21: The nationalist movement in America are the underdogs that swing way above their weight class. There is a lack of identity for people. PF is the activist wing of the legit nationalist movement.

Can become a committed activist.

Q22: Wants to move up in the hierarchy of PF. Wants to be more efficient and smarter.

26/NC/Raleigh(perm res)
William TX(notes), Jason TX(conducted)


Political Ideology:National socialism.
Drug Abuse: addiction for prescription stimulants 4-15. rarely drinks uses chewing tobacco
Religion:celtic pagan. Can work with other religions(would like to avoid muslims and jews)
Why Join: is very concerned with how the government is treating us. was a former PB but left after seeingthe degeneracy in those groups
Skills:is a licensed bailbondman in NC, is a diesel mechanic, was a boy scout and has experience in field craft. has wrestling and hand to hand. has some basic first aid and cpr though they are likely expired
test question:how long ago for app? yesterday
Manifesto:read it once, his political and racial views lined up with those in the manifesto. Didnt say
Q1: never interviewed
Q2: was charged with paraphanelia, a friend had left a bong in his car. no government employment.
Q3: has had several surgeries on his left knee. says that he can walk a whole day with a decent size bag no issue
Q4:came from a leftwing liberal family. Learned about southern history and the states rights issues, got together with his high school sweet heart and had a child, became very pro life. Joined the PB's in 2017. left them for degeneracy. He felt lost after that and met some national socialists on telegram who gave him some basic talking points he looked up and eventually came to believe.
Q5:through telegram, possibly the western chavinist. first impression he had was of our discipline and that we have strong and healthy guys. we're not slovenly.
Q6:on a case to case basis he thinks foreigners can become american. America was founded by european settlers and we should keep it european. There is an ethnic component to being an American, i.e. european. He would prefer only europeans
Q7:his mothers family has been here since the revolution, and his fathers for 5-6 generations. Family is largely from the british isles
Q8:was with the proud boys and soldiers of Odin. did some marches and stickerings around some various cities. Has been doxxed, someone(s) got his picture and first and last name but thats all. has a few likeminded online friends but no likeminded family
Q9:thinks nonaggression is the best tactic but we must be ready to use aggression. When youre in a situationwhere self defense is necessary. agreed and understood violence statement
Q10:last fight was with a president of another proud boys chapter, he was circled by the other chapter and fought the president, put him on the ground. he got back up and was told to hit him. Interviewee said "I wont come to you but you can come to me" the crowd ended up getting involved. Interviewee and his friends were "tossed"
Q11:is a single father, can have parents babysit if he needs the time for a meeting, either online or in person. Says he can make meetings regularly
Q12:says the covid plandemic and vaccine mandate are the biggest threat. Believes they are trying to weaken or sterilize a large number of people quickly.
Q13:uses telegram almost exclusively. Follows beauty of white women, nsdap international, gets his news on there from a mixture of personal chats. Would use duckduckgo as theyre less censored.
Q14:national socialist. The government needs to support the people to a reasonable standard of living. Hes seen how people are mistreated by their landlords or employers. Employers dont care about the well being of their employees.
Q15:First felt some conflict between his beliefs when first learning about NS. Learned about the swastika and black sun that there is space for paganism and theres a meeting ground
Q16:Is currently reading mein kampf, has listened to various hitler and goebbels speeches, and is reading a book on shamanism. Was struck by the fact that hitler does not sound crazy or like a raving madman. His arguments and rationalizations make sense for the period. Goebbels was a lot more anti-semetic and hateful of the jews than Hitler
Q17:aims for 20-40 push ups a day also does push ups and sit ups, 6'3" 280 lbs. wrestled for 4 years, 2 of which were spent training =due to an injury. 2-3 hours of cardio a week. thinks he could run a mile in 15-20 minutes. but has never actually timed himself.
Q18: ideal family structure is a man working, the mom takes care of the kids and having many children. Most families are now divorced or mixed couples where the father leaves. Promiscuity is deplorable. Has only had relations with 2 women in his life. Is against porn, and the lgbt+ crowd. "absolutely degenerate." Parents divorced and was a single mother family for a few years before she remarried. his grandparents never divorced.
Q19:admires FDR,before WW2, we had a president who essentially said "if you dont have a job we'll give you one" the depression era work programs and building the hoover dam.
Q20:despises Obama, he opened the floodgates for immigration. admits he is well spoken for an african. he hung mus

I want to give a quick summary on some recent events in the NW. A long time member and a new member both left/got suspended from the organization.

One had been with us for well over a year, and left to join a do-nothing Hitlerite group because he doesn't believe that we are of our own nation which DEMANDS its own cause, and would rather make do with quasi-religious idolatry of Hitler instead. Our organization is built of stronger stuff. Our message is our own, our labors are for the sake of our own nation. We find our chief inspiration for our actions in the people and lineage that forms OUR ranks. I don't much care which combination of interwar European regimes and parties you find appealing, but the belief in OUR OWN history and right to exist is beyond critical.

Another gave himself over to hysterical whining about his own inability to do this thing and that thing and the other thing. He lamented on about how he couldn't organize with us because he has a job and an alcohol addiction to keep up with. Nevermind those men of our cause who have careers, wives, children, and numerous other responsibilities and not only participate, but excell and organize their brothers. Belief in our ideals means NOTHING if you can't even believe in yourself. Despair is NOT native to your soul. It is an invader sent from your enemies to subjugate you.

I don't often bring attention to disappointing matters such as these, but it is important for all of you to harbor a healthy resentment for those who fail us in such ways. The difference about our organization is the stakes of being involved. It matters. It requires that we build something. Those who would waste our time and dilute our convictions are dangerous, and it's all of our jobs to be that much better, so that the next one that shows up will either be compelled to change or stay away on his own volition.

Everyone let me know if any/all of the above makes sense, and if you've read the announcements sent further above today. Go!

Q11: Schedule would allow for a meetings on a weekly basis. Works part time.

Q12: Right now the biggest threat to America is immigration and the threat of whites becoming a minority. In his opinion the Jews and the hard seller act fucked us in the ass and stopped limiting people form coming over here. Both democrats and republicans are retarded. Wants the border sealed off and mined. Most blacks and Mexicans will never try to expel jews, so the jews want to brown down the population to be better able to exploit them.

Q13: Gets his information mostly from YouTube and /pol/. On YouTube he watches Mr. Obvious. Used to watch “Black Pigeon Speaks.” Thinks Nick Fuentes is gay for thinking PF are feds. A lot of faggots have joined his organization. On Telegram he views Shitpost Legion, Goyim.TV, Campfire Intel, Ultezeitung, Potassium Nitrate Pilled, and White WellBeing. Also Martinez Perspective, Project Veritas, Global Resistance News.

Q14: He is an Ecofascist. He grew up in FL and loved being outdoors and fishing. The river is AIDS because retards dump their shit in it. So he cares about the environment.

Q15: Never felt like his religion and politics conflicted.

Q16: Has read the Turner Diaries (to see what the fus was about) and the series by H.A. Cumington: “The Brigade.” They redpilled him more.

Q17: Is working out, has decent musculature. Squats 355lbs. 5’8” 165lbs

Q18: Ideal family structure is him going and working and his wife taking care of the kids. His dad is dead, he was raised by a single mother. Women are going and working and leaving their kids to the education system, where they are recruited into gay clubs. The fathers fuck off or are fucking losers. Women have too much freedom. Thinks sexual deviancy is bad. Thinks porn should be strongly discouraged.

Q19: Admires Henry Ford because he was based and got a medal from Hitler.

Q20: Despises Franklin Roosevelt because he got involved in the war in Europe.

Q21: This is the first organization besides Atomwaffen that he’s heard about, doesn’t know what’s going on in the nationalist movement.

Q22: In several years he would like to get a better job, invest in crypto, wants to get married and have kids.

Q11: Has 2-3 days free in a typical week – would allow for weekly meetings.

Q12: Thinks leftist movement or Jewish menace are the biggest threat to America. Some people who aren’t Jews work for them. Jews control media, money, politics, congress, Biden’s cabinet, military generals.

Q13: Uses YouTube and Telegram and Snapchat and Discord. Mainly Telegram for politics; sun and Steel, the tullern fellow, Cascadia, Voluntarist memes, Whites against loxism, the catholic integralist.

Q14: He is a fascist, because fascism is broad enough to encompass all of his beliefs. Fascism has respect for religion, nation, and tradition. His mom is divorced two times and living with a guy she isn’t married to, he doesn’t like that. That influenced him towards traditionalism. Need something strong to combat degeneracy.

Q15: Never felt religion and politics were at odds. Fransico Franco, Hitler, Mussolini were supportive of the church. Neo-fascism today is different. Doesn’t know much about different brands of fascism, based on classic fascism and supportive of the church.

Q16: Reading Peter Kamp – War of Trouble, bronze age mindset, and sun and steel. Sun and Steel talks about the beauty of youth, connects us with honor and tradition. The author stood up for his country, tradition, and blood.

Q17: Works out every day for over an hour except for Sundays. Every day he does a half mile run, 150 pushups, ten pullups, and then a major muscle group. He is 5’11” 150 lbs.

Q18: Ideal family structure is the traditional one. A mother, father, and children. Grandparents too. Today divorce rates are going up. There are cases of single moms pushing ideology on their kids. There are transgender children, homosexual partnerships with children. Thinks homosexuality, transsexuality, pornography, and promiscuity are degenerate sins. His mom was a single mom, his dad left at around 3 years old.

Q19: Admires George Rockwell because he was a more accustomed to our time, wasn’t concerned about dividing people religiously.

Q20: Despises the guy who Andrew Jackson killed, because he was a Rothschild Agent: Charles Dickenson.

Q21: Biggest issue with nationalism is defining America. People have different loyalties to different Americas. The real America is dead. What we can do is spread awareness about the movement by putting out flyers, making videos, and all that. PF is a means of reaching these goals. You need to organize to create and spread awareness.

Q22: Sees himself moving to Florida. Working in cybersecurity, getting ready to have a family and getting his own home.

35/MD/D.C. (Is Permres)

Conductor: Sam MN
Notes: Tyler SD

Result: Accepted

Test: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About 7 days ago.

Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: None.
Govt Employ: Was in the marine corp, not active duty, left 8 years ago. Not involved with mil intelligence.
Ailments: None.

SEQ1: A few years ago came across app called "know your jew", starting noticing pattern and how the world really is. The sources of all the political problems (jews) was realized, it then through telegram (names proud boys, and NS groups), which lead him to Europa: The Last Battle which further pushed him forwards. Admits he was originally apprehensive with brainwashing he was brought up with, it was after Europa: The Last Battle he realized that there was a spun narrative which hid important details about reality; named Hitlers attempts at peace, Hitler allowing the withdrawal at Dunkirk, the Polish aggression that provoked Hitler. Doesn't believe holocaust happened (states various proofs). Western Chauvinist, Shadowman311, Full Tide were especially influential TG channels.

SEQ2: Labels self as a fascist, because of the idea that we are stronger together, that the only way forward is to 1488. Describes 'we' as White Americans. Story about his upbringing, had a Black neighbor who pushed him to admit that he's racist, that our cultures are meant to be distinct.

SEQ3: Found out about the Org through activism reposted by The Western Chauvinist. The impression that pushed him over was the reaction from mainstream right slandering us as feds, in addition to the group being organized and not just talking on the internet (namely the banners and marches demonstrated that to him).

SEQ4: Wants to join because he must help secure the future for his children (4, wow). Willing to do activism.

SEQ5: Heard of civnationalism, states it's a farce because it's too abstract and a nation is comprised of it's people.

SEQ6: Family came from England, came on the mayflower; he is Irish, English and French.

SEQ7: Is Christian, never felt like it was at odds with his political beliefs. Would have no issues working with activists of other religions.

SEQ8: Has outdoorsmanship skills (marines and boy scouts, very familiar with camping and hiking), knows basic first aid, was radio operator.

SEQ9: Able to run mile in under 10 min, is very active in general. Very familiar with wrestling, intermediate in Ju Jitsu. Is 5'9" 160lbs.

TEQ1: Never been a part of any other groups. Dad and wife are like-minded.
TEQ1.2: Wanting to help improve the lives of his children made him want to organize.

TEQ2: Believes biggest threat to US is the media/government; media pushed degen and covers for the gov, launders misinformation to the determent of society; government because they are ineffective (admits that it was by design but things have gone too far).

TEQ3: In self-defense violence is justified, doesn't believe it's a viable strategy right now (would do more harm than good because it would play into the plans of our enemies). Would be able to remain peaceful if provoked or attacked at demos.

TEQ4: Last physical altercation was around 2013/2012, he got in a minor fight with a guy.

TEQ5: Follows (TG) America First people (Lauren Witske was named), Police Frequency, DiscloseTV for information. Some info from Gab. Gets emails from 'Patriot Post', which is more normie but keeps him looped in.

TEQ6: The Approaching Fury, book about what lead to the civil war, was particularly influential. Some Ayn Rand book (couldn't remember name). An essay written by Andrew Torban about how masculinity has been subverted. They were influential because they strongly stated what reality is.

TEQ7: Nuclear family stated as ideal family structure. That differs from today because of how many less exist today (28%) versus the 60s (~60%), in addition to the propaganda being pushed. Raised by dad (divorced). Thinks porn and promiscuity is immoral and should be banned.

TEQ8: Admires George Patton the most, because of his admittance of the mistake that was made in WWII.

TEQ9: Despises Lincoln the most because of his aggression on the South. Makes comparison to couple wanting to break up and the other partner pulling a gun to make them stay.

TEQ10: Says largest issue with nationalism movement is the lukewarmness of them, how they harbor complacently (names mainstream, Groypers). Org fits into thoughts by how it organizes, is in shape, that it's building communities to push our goals further down the road.

TEQ11: Sees self working to help straighten out the mess society is in.

TEQ12: Has been entirely truthful about everything said.

TEQ13: Believes he should be in the org because he has the conviction to do what needs to be done to contribute towards moving the country in the right direction.

35/MD/D.C. (Is Permres)

Conductor: Sam MN
Notes: Tyler SD

Result: Accepted

Test: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About 7 days ago.

Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: None.
Govt Employ: Was in the marine corp, not active duty, left 8 years ago. Not involved with mil intelligence.
Ailments: None.

SEQ1: A few years ago came across app called "know your jew", starting noticing pattern and how the world really is. The sources of all the political problems (jews) was realized, it then through telegram (names proud boys, and NS groups), which lead him to Europa: The Last Battle which further pushed him forwards. Admits he was originally apprehensive with brainwashing he was brought up with, it was after Europa: The Last Battle he realized that there was a spun narrative which hid important details about reality; named Hitlers attempts at peace, Hitler allowing the withdrawal at Dunkirk, the Polish aggression that provoked Hitler. Doesn't believe holocaust happened (states various proofs). Western Chauvinist, Shadowman311, Full Tide were especially influential TG channels.

SEQ2: Labels self as a fascist, because of the idea that we are stronger together, that the only way forward is to 1488. Describes 'we' as White Americans. Story about his upbringing, had a Black neighbor who pushed him to admit that he's racist, that our cultures are meant to be distinct.

SEQ3: Found out about the Org through activism reposted by The Western Chauvinist. The impression that pushed him over was the reaction from mainstream right slandering us as feds, in addition to the group being organized and not just talking on the internet (namely the banners and marches demonstrated that to him).

SEQ4: Wants to join because he must help secure the future for his children (4, wow). Willing to do activism.

SEQ5: Heard of civnationalism, states it's a farce because it's too abstract and a nation is comprised of it's people.

SEQ6: Family came from England, came on the mayflower; he is Irish, English and French.

SEQ7: Is Christian, never felt like it was at odds with his political beliefs. Would have no issues working with activists of other religions.

SEQ8: Has outdoorsmanship skills (marines and boy scouts, very familiar with camping and hiking), knows basic first aid, was radio operator.

SEQ9: Able to run mile in under 10 min, is very active in general. Very familiar with wrestling, intermediate in Ju Jitsu. Is 5'9" 160lbs.

TEQ1: Never been a part of any other groups. Dad and wife are like-minded.
TEQ1.2: Wanting to help improve the lives of his children made him want to organize.

TEQ2: Believes biggest threat to US is the media/government; media pushed degen and covers for the gov, launders misinformation to the determent of society; government because they are ineffective (admits that it was by design but things have gone too far).

TEQ3: In self-defense violence is justified, doesn't believe it's a viable strategy right now (would do more harm than good because it would play into the plans of our enemies). Would be able to remain peaceful if provoked or attacked at demos.

TEQ4: Last physical altercation was around 2013/2012, he got in a minor fight with a guy.

TEQ5: Follows (TG) America First people (Lauren Witske was named), Police Frequency, DiscloseTV for information. Some info from Gab. Gets emails from 'Patriot Post', which is more normie but keeps him looped in.

TEQ6: The Approaching Fury, book about what lead to the civil war, was particularly influential. Some Ayn Rand book (couldn't remember name). An essay written by Andrew Torban about how masculinity has been subverted. They were influential because they strongly stated what reality is.

TEQ7: Nuclear family stated as ideal family structure. That differs from today because of how many less exist today (28%) versus the 60s (~60%), in addition to the propaganda being pushed. Raised by dad (divorced). Thinks porn and promiscuity is immoral and should be banned.

TEQ8: Admires George Patton the most, because of his admittance of the mistake that was made in WWII.

TEQ9: Despises Lincoln the most because of his aggression on the South. Makes comparison to couple wanting to break up and the other partner pulling a gun to make them stay.

TEQ10: Says largest issue with nationalism movement is the lukewarmness of them, how they harbor complacently (names mainstream, Groypers). Org fits into thoughts by how it organizes, is in shape, that it's building communities to push our goals further down the road.

TEQ11: Sees self working to help straighten out the mess society is in.

TEQ12: Has been entirely truthful about everything said.

TEQ13: Believes he should be in the org because he has the conviction to do what needs to be done to contribute towards moving the country in the right direction.

35/MD/D.C. (Is Permres)

Conductor: Sam MN
Notes: Tyler SD

Result: Accepted

Test: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About 7 days ago.

Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: None.
Govt Employ: Was in the marine corp, not active duty, left 8 years ago. Not involved with mil intelligence.
Ailments: None.

SEQ1: A few years ago came across app called "know your jew", starting noticing pattern and how the world really is. The sources of all the political problems (jews) was realized, it then through telegram (names proud boys, and NS groups), which lead him to Europa: The Last Battle which further pushed him forwards. Admits he was originally apprehensive with brainwashing he was brought up with, it was after Europa: The Last Battle he realized that there was a spun narrative which hid important details about reality; named Hitlers attempts at peace, Hitler allowing the withdrawal at Dunkirk, the Polish aggression that provoked Hitler. Doesn't believe holocaust happened (states various proofs). Western Chauvinist, Shadowman311, Full Tide were especially influential TG channels.

SEQ2: Labels self as a fascist, because of the idea that we are stronger together, that the only way forward is to 1488. Describes 'we' as White Americans. Story about his upbringing, had a Black neighbor who pushed him to admit that he's racist, that our cultures are meant to be distinct.

SEQ3: Found out about the Org through activism reposted by The Western Chauvinist. The impression that pushed him over was the reaction from mainstream right slandering us as feds, in addition to the group being organized and not just talking on the internet (namely the banners and marches demonstrated that to him).

SEQ4: Wants to join because he must help secure the future for his children (4, wow). Willing to do activism.

SEQ5: Heard of civnationalism, states it's a farce because it's too abstract and a nation is comprised of it's people.

SEQ6: Family came from England, came on the mayflower; he is Irish, English and French.

SEQ7: Is Christian, never felt like it was at odds with his political beliefs. Would have no issues working with activists of other religions.

SEQ8: Has outdoorsmanship skills (marines and boy scouts, very familiar with camping and hiking), knows basic first aid, was radio operator.

SEQ9: Able to run mile in under 10 min, is very active in general. Very familiar with wrestling, intermediate in Ju Jitsu. Is 5'9" 160lbs.

TEQ1: Never been a part of any other groups. Dad and wife are like-minded.
TEQ1.2: Wanting to help improve the lives of his children made him want to organize.

TEQ2: Believes biggest threat to US is the media/government; media pushed degen and covers for the gov, launders misinformation to the determent of society; government because they are ineffective (admits that it was by design but things have gone too far).

TEQ3: In self-defense violence is justified, doesn't believe it's a viable strategy right now (would do more harm than good because it would play into the plans of our enemies). Would be able to remain peaceful if provoked or attacked at demos.

TEQ4: Last physical altercation was around 2013/2012, he got in a minor fight with a guy.

TEQ5: Follows (TG) America First people (Lauren Witske was named), Police Frequency, DiscloseTV for information. Some info from Gab. Gets emails from 'Patriot Post', which is more normie but keeps him looped in.

TEQ6: The Approaching Fury, book about what lead to the civil war, was particularly influential. Some Ayn Rand book (couldn't remember name). An essay written by Andrew Torban about how masculinity has been subverted. They were influential because they strongly stated what reality is.

TEQ7: Nuclear family stated as ideal family structure. That differs from today because of how many less exist today (28%) versus the 60s (~60%), in addition to the propaganda being pushed. Raised by dad (divorced). Thinks porn and promiscuity is immoral and should be banned.

TEQ8: Admires George Patton the most, because of his admittance of the mistake that was made in WWII.

TEQ9: Despises Lincoln the most because of his aggression on the South. Makes comparison to couple wanting to break up and the other partner pulling a gun to make them stay.

TEQ10: Says largest issue with nationalism movement is the lukewarmness of them, how they harbor complacently (names mainstream, Groypers). Org fits into thoughts by how it organizes, is in shape, that it's building communities to push our goals further down the road.

TEQ11: Sees self working to help straighten out the mess society is in.

TEQ12: Has been entirely truthful about everything said.

TEQ13: Believes he should be in the org because he has the conviction to do what needs to be done to contribute towards moving the country in the right direction.

Interviewee- 248255
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 2 weeks ago

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes. No plans to move.

Political Ideology: Fascist. Revenge against Judeo Bolshevism. Jews can never have control of media or be citizens. Should be exiled. Fascism is the opposite of Satanic Bolshevism.

Drug Abuse: No. Has had many friends and family member who have.

Religion: Is Orthodox. When the Jews turned against Jesus, they never stopped doing so. They have been at the center of every evil revolutionary position. No problem working with others.

Why Join: Wants to stop sitting idly by as country is as the country dies. Every other org sells out when it comes to race like the Proud Boys. Melting Pot ideology got us into this position.

Skills: Electrician. No medical skills.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Has not read it in a while. Didn't disappoint. It hold true to his ideals. He agrees with it from the standpoint of a fascist.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes or government employment

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Upbringing was similar to any other. Public school made him liberal. Started browsing pol in 2007/8 which led him to Evola and Hitler. Discovered a few years later. Iron March was a huge contributor to ideological development. Conversations with people on the website radicalized him. Learning about the fall of Tsarist Russia led him to discovering the parasitical nature of the Jews. Thinks capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. Jews attack all things good in this world.

Q5: Found PF on Pol a couple of years ago. Book fair video. Thinks that the Fed accusations are dumb. Our organizations discipline and order convinced him to join. Agrees with firearms statement.

Q6: Does not think migratory foreigners can become Americans. Europeans are different from other races.

Q7: Family has been in America for at least 4 generations. Father is Armenia background. Mother has German background. Calls himself an American. Considers himself white and looks white despite some of his Armenian back ground.

Q8: Has not done any activism in the past. Wanted to join Atomwaffen and help it grow in the south west. Atomwaffen was trying to collapse the United States. Doesn't agree with their methods of violence but does think it will come down to violence eventually. Can see himself participating in marches as well as other activism.

Q9: Violence is justified defensively. Agrees and understand violence statement. Could restrain himself in a march.

Q10: Physical confrontation with father a couple of years ago. Had to wrestle a gun out of his hand. He was on meth. Subdued him with his brothers.

Interviewee- 504149
Date: 12/16/21
Conductor: Randolph IL
Notetaker: Tyler MD
Test Question: How long ago did you send in your application?
A: Three weeks ago

IFQ1: 32
IFQ2: Florida, permanent resident
IFQ3: Miami nearest major city
IFQ4: Has not interviewed before
IFQ5: Has personal vehicle
IFQ6: Has not experienced drug abuse
IFQ7: Has not been charged with non traffic crimes
IFQ8: Was a marine reservist, 2010-16
IFQ9: No physical or mental ailments

SEQ1: We’re being slowly but surely taken over by foreigners, not happy about it. Needs to look into nationalist movements because he doesn’t like the way things are going. No one is speaking up for real Americans, only worried about the latest blacks. Didn’t pay much attention to politics until Trump came around. Trump seemed like the real deal, but he doesn’t know what happened to him. He liked that Trump spoke his mind. He liked the wall. Thought Trump was going to be more for White people but it didn’t really go that way.
Q14: “Not throwing a Hitler salute right now but getting there”. Cares about his nation and his people and doesn’t care about anyone else. His people are White people. Living in diversity led him to these conclusions.
SEQ2: Had heard a little about us, saw us marching in DC and thought it might be legit. Saw stickerings on 4chan. Saw fed accusations and disagreed, wanted to see what we’re about. He wants to take action. He can commit to some activism.
SEQ3: On civic nationalism, doesn’t think anything can work without segregation. America was built by and for Whites and needs homogeneity.
SEQ4: Descended from Robert Morris. Believes his family came from Scotland and Ireland. Describes himself ethnically as a White Anglo-Saxon
SEQ5: Christian. Religion and politics intertwined. Has no problem working with other religions if not antagonistic.
SEQ6: Skills include making apps, has built an inventorying system for cameras, works on cars and bikes. No outdoorsmanship or first aid to speak of.
SEQ7: “Shredded brah”. Has a fitness routine and does muay thai. 5’9” 175

TEQ1: Has not been involved with other groups. No likeminded friends or family
TEQ1.2: See himself as an activist doing legwork and logistics to keep things moving
TEQ2: Mass migration of godless savages is the greatest threat to America right now. Zionist Jews who hate White Christians are flooding us with savages to crush us.
TEQ3: Violence is justified in self defense. Wouldn’t initiate violence. Could keep his cool under pressure. Understands and agrees with the violence statement.
TEQ4: Had a fight seven years ago. Another’s alcohol fueled stupidity
TEQ5: Doesn’t use mainstream social media at all
TEQ6: Doesn’t have a specific book or essay to refer to, just lurks and sifts through ideas
TEQ7: Ideal family structure is a male and female nuclear family. What’s going on right now is absolutely degenerate. Pornography is a Jewish trick to destroy people’s psyches and should be shut down.
TEQ8: Admires JFK, seemed to be on our side, but doesn’t know if that’s true
TEQ9: Hates Obama and his transgender so called wife, for stoking hatred of Whites.
TEQ10: Thinks the manifesto is pretty much exactly what he thinks on the state of the movement and where it should go. Doesn’t hear about us in the news like the proud boys, and that’s a good sign that they’re not amplifying us.
TEQ11: Would like to buy a house and start a family. Wants to settle down and get away from mainstream life
TEQ12: Has spoken his mind and been fully honest
TEQ13: He has ancestors that built this country and he won’t sit back and watch it be destroyed.

Interviewee- 717720
22/IN/Louisville KY
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 4 days ago

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes

Political Ideology: Fascist. Putting Family, strength and the country before any other values. The country means the ideals that the country was built on. The country unites individuals together and an idea to strive for. Individuals are the founding member of the country. Americans have personal freedom. We should be able to work ourselves up from nothing.

Drug Abuse: No

Religion: Christian. No problem working with others.

Why Join: PF wants to protect culture, heritage, and the American away of life. We have the best optics and ideals to strive for.

Skills: Personal fitness trainer. Art skills. Video editing skills. Basic medical knowledge.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Speaks to him. Nationhood cannot be bestowed to those not of the founding stock.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Interviewed once a year or two ago. Wasn't prepared. Ideals where different. Learned that being outwardly radical pushes people away. Such as being outwardly racist. Best to keep yourself mellow.

Q2: No crimes or gov employment

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Originally was a big fan of Trump but his ideals changed. He became more open borders and put the blue collar worker to the back of the bus. Got into Nazism from reading Mein Kampf which woke him up to race theory. Read more Hitler and GLR and became more racially conscience.

Q5: Found out about PF on telegram: Sons of Columbia. Kept following us. Got into the Indiana active club and talked to an ex member. Recent video showing us doing hikes and Thomas talking inspired him to join.

Q6: Migratory foreigners cannot become American. There is a "stock" component to Americans. Our founding fathers where of European descent. To be a true American you have to be of founding stock

Q7: One part of family has been her since late 1700s and the other since early 20th century. German and Irish.

Q8: Indiana active club. Has done stickers and a banner drop. Desire for brotherhood as well as our ideals made him want to get involved. Never been doxed. Can do all of our activism.

Q9: The only time violence is justified is when we absolutely need to defend ourselves. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: Last physical confrontation was in HS. Got in an fight with another student.

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is demographic replacement. The US government is doing it because they feel the need to replace our people because we do not agree with their ideals. There are mostly Jewish/Israeli string pullers in all western governments.

Q13: Follows on telegram: Western Chauvinist, Indy Active club, Midwestern news.

Q14: Label: Fascist. Watched videos and speeches of Mosley and others.

Q15: Fascist is Christian

Q16: Books/essays: Mein Kampf. MK woke him up to the idea of protecting the white race. Blood and Soil by Darre. Agreed with his message.

Q17: Goes to the gym at least 6 days a week. could run a mile in under 10 min. Has light boxing training.

Q18: Working man and a humble woman and children is the ideal family structure. Today Men are fat and lazy and women don't have children. Had a very good mother and father as well as 2 brothers. Would support a ban on porn.

Q19: Admires GLR. He saw the rise of communism in America and the problem of brining in cheap labor.

Q20: Despises Marx (Not American)

Q21: Many nationalist groups are too radical. They try to shove radical views in people face. PF is not radical. We have good optics and don't shove our ideals in peoples faces.

Q22: Wants to be married with kids.

Interviewee - 796512
28/CA/Costa Mesa (With his brother in CA. Will be there for the foreseeable future.)
Conductor: Jason TX
Notes: Randolph IL
Result: Accepted
Test: Have you ever seen any of the orgs activism in person?: No
Interviewed before: No
Transport: Yes
Drugs: No
Crimes: No
Govt Employ: No
Ailments: None

Q1: Grandfather was part of a club in Georgia (Oakleaf Club). He was into Hitler stuff. Went to meetings with him when he was young. Has been familiar with Fascism for a long tome. There was never are trigger moment. Grew up around non whites in GA. Label: White Nationalist. Concerned with demographic issues and parasites in the gov. Mother and Father are on the same page as him.

Q2: Found us on 4chan. Found our videos about 6 months ago. Knew about Cville and Vanguard. Getting tired of not doing anything. We are at a turning point in America. Wants to find ideological allies in CA. Would do all types of activism.

Q3: Civic nationalism is wrong. It will always break down into conflict. Is on the side of European Nationalism.

Q4: Ancestry fought in the revolution. Other parts came in 1830's. French, Scottish, Ukrainian on dads side a little bit.

Q5: Believes in a God. Not a church goer. Read some French sounding authors as well as Evola. Behaves as if there is a God. No religious/political conflicts. No problem working with others.

Q6: Has done construction, plumbing, cooking, will be at events. Outdoorsman. Hikes a lot.

Q7: Current level of fitness is "fine" 6' 175ibs. Does burpees in his living room a lot. Could do a mile in under 10 min. Hikes. Brother has taught him some Jiu Jitzu.

Q8: Counter protested people removing confederate state in St. Augustine FL. Never a part of a group. Had a blog that someone found out about and told some people. Lost a few friends. Doesn't have a lot to lose. Not afraid to get hurt, arrested, hand out materiel and ect. Families is like minded and has some friends back home.

Q9: Biggest threat to America is Jewish subversion and demographic shift away from the white race.

Q10: Violence is justified when violence is being committed towards you. Doing anything overtly violent would hurt us right now. There comes a point where violence is necessary but it's not his call to make. Could remain disciplines during a demo. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q11: Last physical confrontation was three years ago at a bar. No arrests or serious injuries.

Q12: Telegram: Follows PF, Mike Enoch, Paul Wagner and similar people.

Q13: Has read a lot of philosophy. Likes Evola even though it's a meme now. Post WWI nationalist type. Storm of Steel. Mein Kampf. Doctrine of Fascism. For My Legionaries. Imperium by Yakey. Liked the idea of "fortress Europe" with a white nationalist tone.

Q14: Ideal family is man and woman with at least 3 kids. That is almost non-existent now. Families are almost non existent in CA. His parents are still married. Two parents. One brother. Had a lot of family around him.

Q15: Admires Andrew Jackson, Teddy R, Patton. Stonewall Jackson. He had faith and was highly religious. He had loyalty to where he came from. We need more fanatics.

Q16: Despises FDR. He betrayed the Germans.

Q17: The nationalist movement in America is almost non-existent. It is not homogeneous. Civic nationalism is weak. PF has the balls to go out and be active.

Q18: Goal for the future is to have a farm and a family. Would like to own a restaurant.

Q19: Has been truthful.

Q20: Doesn't know where he is needed in PF. "I'm a good dude and can help out any way I can."

29/MI/Ann arbor
Conductor: Sam MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 4 days ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: yes

Permanent Resident: yes

Political Ideology: Nationalist. Primary concern is about my people. Starting with family and branching out to everyone that shares his blood and culture. Blood=Race.

Drug Abuse: no

Religion: Raised Lutheran but with an aspect of ethnicity (German). Open minded about spirituality. Cosmo theism. No problems working with those of other religions except Judaism.

Why Join: The only legitimate political entity that gives a damn about me or my family.

Skills: Has a CDL. Good with people. Some outdoorsmanship skills.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Read a little bit of it tonight Read it a long time ago. Agree with it generally speaking. Not a huge ideas guy. Likes to go with the flow.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Interviewed in late 2020. Posted QR codes. Met a guy in his area who said he was good to join. Lost his phone and pswd. Didn't have internet. His name was Johnny MI.

Q2: Charged with shoplifting at 18. No gov employment.

Q3: No ailments

Q4: In 3rd grade, said something positive about Germany. Teacher shut him down and he was confused. Did a project in HS about his grandfathers experience in WWII as a kid in Germany. Made him realize that things weren't black and white. Teacher mentioned that same people don't think the holocausts happened which made him suspicious. Got into holocaust. Found a bunch of different "deniers" online. Exposed to a lot of minorities in his work. Always knew that there was a profound difference in races from interacting with them. Found TRS around 2015/16 and has been a loyal listener. Also read The Daily Stormer and read it every day.

Q5: Found out about PF through an episode of Strike and Mike. DC demonstration made him join for the 2nd time.

Q6: Civic Nationalism doesn't make any sense. Nationalism requires you to be related by blood. There is an ethnic component to being an American.

Q7: All grandparents except for one where born in Germany. Ethnically white.

Q8: Has not been a part of any other group. Did some "Its ok to be white" posters. Has many like minded friends and family

Q9: Violence is justified in self defense. Could conduct himself properly in a march. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: Got into a fight a few years ago. A guy slashed his buddies tire. Put the guy in a choke hold.

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is international finance and the degeneration of American culture. Jews are behind it.

Q13: Follows TRS. Whatever stupid headlines are on google. No social media.

Q14: Label: Nationalist. Religiously agnostic with a respect for the unknown.

Q15: No religious/political conflicts.

Q16: Has read Mein Kampf, Hitler's Revolution. MK was really interesting. Hitler as a thinker and revolutionary.

Q17: 5' 8" 200ibs. People at work see him as the "fit guy". Has a beer belly. Short and stocky. Goes to a boxing gym weekly and lifts 3 times a week usually.

Q18: Father at the helm, Mother at home and kids. Today there are usually 2 people working and constantly in a rush. Childhood was chaotic. Parents where young and immature. Promiscuity and porn is dangerous like a drug.

Q19: Admires GLR. Admired his bravery and boldness. Read White Power.

Q20: Despises Donald Trump. Used to campaign for the guy. Got disenchanted. Watched him betray his own people. Hates how people are still under the Trump spell.

Q21: The nationalist movement in America are the underdogs that swing way above their weight class. There is a lack of identity for people. PF is the activist wing of the legit nationalist movement.

Can become a committed activist.

Q22: Wants to move up in the hierarchy of PF. Wants to be more efficient and smarter.

If I remember correctly, you vetted this guy a couple months before I joined

29/MI/Ann arbor
Conductor: Sam MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 4 days ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: yes

Permanent Resident: yes

Political Ideology: Nationalist. Primary concern is about my people. Starting with family and branching out to everyone that shares his blood and culture. Blood=Race.

Drug Abuse: no

Religion: Raised Lutheran but with an aspect of ethnicity (German). Open minded about spirituality. Cosmo theism. No problems working with those of other religions except Judaism.

Why Join: The only legitimate political entity that gives a damn about me or my family.

Skills: Has a CDL. Good with people. Some outdoorsmanship skills.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Read a little bit of it tonight Read it a long time ago. Agree with it generally speaking. Not a huge ideas guy. Likes to go with the flow.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Interviewed in late 2020. Posted QR codes. Met a guy in his area who said he was good to join. Lost his phone and pswd. Didn't have internet. His name was Johnny MI.

Q2: Charged with shoplifting at 18. No gov employment.

Q3: No ailments

Q4: In 3rd grade, said something positive about Germany. Teacher shut him down and he was confused. Did a project in HS about his grandfathers experience in WWII as a kid in Germany. Made him realize that things weren't black and white. Teacher mentioned that same people don't think the holocausts happened which made him suspicious. Got into holocaust. Found a bunch of different "deniers" online. Exposed to a lot of minorities in his work. Always knew that there was a profound difference in races from interacting with them. Found TRS around 2015/16 and has been a loyal listener. Also read The Daily Stormer and read it every day.

Q5: Found out about PF through an episode of Strike and Mike. DC demonstration made him join for the 2nd time.

Q6: Civic Nationalism doesn't make any sense. Nationalism requires you to be related by blood. There is an ethnic component to being an American.

Q7: All grandparents except for one where born in Germany. Ethnically white.

Q8: Has not been a part of any other group. Did some "Its ok to be white" posters. Has many like minded friends and family

Q9: Violence is justified in self defense. Could conduct himself properly in a march. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: Got into a fight a few years ago. A guy slashed his buddies tire. Put the guy in a choke hold.

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is international finance and the degeneration of American culture. Jews are behind it.

Q13: Follows TRS. Whatever stupid headlines are on google. No social media.

Q14: Label: Nationalist. Religiously agnostic with a respect for the unknown.

Q15: No religious/political conflicts.

Q16: Has read Mein Kampf, Hitler's Revolution. MK was really interesting. Hitler as a thinker and revolutionary.

Q17: 5' 8" 200ibs. People at work see him as the "fit guy". Has a beer belly. Short and stocky. Goes to a boxing gym weekly and lifts 3 times a week usually.

Q18: Father at the helm, Mother at home and kids. Today there are usually 2 people working and constantly in a rush. Childhood was chaotic. Parents where young and immature. Promiscuity and porn is dangerous like a drug.

Q19: Admires GLR. Admired his bravery and boldness. Read White Power.

Q20: Despises Donald Trump. Used to campaign for the guy. Got disenchanted. Watched him betray his own people. Hates how people are still under the Trump spell.

Q21: The nationalist movement in America are the underdogs that swing way above their weight class. There is a lack of identity for people. PF is the activist wing of the legit nationalist movement.

Can become a committed activist.

Q22: Wants to move up in the hierarchy of PF. Wants to be more efficient and smarter.

Interviewee- 248255
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: 2 weeks ago

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes. No plans to move.

Political Ideology: Fascist. Revenge against Judeo Bolshevism. Jews can never have control of media or be citizens. Should be exiled. Fascism is the opposite of Satanic Bolshevism.

Drug Abuse: No. Has had many friends and family member who have.

Religion: Is Orthodox. When the Jews turned against Jesus, they never stopped doing so. They have been at the center of every evil revolutionary position. No problem working with others.

Why Join: Wants to stop sitting idly by as country is as the country dies. Every other org sells out when it comes to race like the Proud Boys. Melting Pot ideology got us into this position.

Skills: Electrician. No medical skills.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Has not read it in a while. Didn't disappoint. It hold true to his ideals. He agrees with it from the standpoint of a fascist.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes or government employment

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Upbringing was similar to any other. Public school made him liberal. Started browsing pol in 2007/8 which led him to Evola and Hitler. Discovered a few years later. Iron March was a huge contributor to ideological development. Conversations with people on the website radicalized him. Learning about the fall of Tsarist Russia led him to discovering the parasitical nature of the Jews. Thinks capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. Jews attack all things good in this world.

Q5: Found PF on Pol a couple of years ago. Book fair video. Thinks that the Fed accusations are dumb. Our organizations discipline and order convinced him to join. Agrees with firearms statement.

Q6: Does not think migratory foreigners can become Americans. Europeans are different from other races.

Q7: Family has been in America for at least 4 generations. Father is Armenia background. Mother has German background. Calls himself an American. Considers himself white and looks white despite some of his Armenian back ground.

Q8: Has not done any activism in the past. Wanted to join Atomwaffen and help it grow in the south west. Atomwaffen was trying to collapse the United States. Doesn't agree with their methods of violence but does think it will come down to violence eventually. Can see himself participating in marches as well as other activism.

Q9: Violence is justified defensively. Agrees and understand violence statement. Could restrain himself in a march.

Q10: Physical confrontation with father a couple of years ago. Had to wrestle a gun out of his hand. He was on meth. Subdued him with his brothers.

Q11: Schedule allows for weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is itself. America has no ideology. It is a bunch of divided factions and races fighting each other urged on by the Jewish media.

Q13: Keeps up with Styxinhammer. Used to watch Fuentes and Alex Jones when he was on YouTube. Watched Fuentes when it was free. Sam Hyde.

Q14: Label on beliefs. Christian National Socialist. He holds true to both of these things. Christianity he holds above all things. Has had first hand experience with the forces of Bolshevism and liberalism.

Q15: Has had conflict with priests and pastor friends about race. They think you can love everyone and sing kumbaya. Disagrees. We have a stake in this country.

Q16: Has read Mien Kampf and Codreanu. Codreanu showed home that you can hold fascist beliefs and not be a bad person.

Q17: Can bench 210. Can run a mile in under 10 min. 6ft 185ibs. No martial arts experience.

Q18: Ideal family structure is one man and one woman. Dating is just a revolving door of sexual partners. It is societally destructive as well as porn and homosexuality.

Q19: Admires Ted Kaczynski. He was able to verbalize his point of view and ideology very well. Doesn't like his methods. Likes his writings.

Q20: Despises the Margaret Sanger for founding planned parenthood.

Q21: Nationalists like to spurg out about things like the holocaust. These things don't help with attracting a large following. PF is not going to make media headlines for doing anything violent or stupid.

35/Salt Lake City/Utah
Conductor: Jesse AR
Notetaker: Tyler SD


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About a week ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes.

Permanent Resident: Yes.

Political Ideology: Doesn't have political ideology, "can appreciate Life, Liberty, and Victory", used to consider self conservative, thinks it's bullshit now. Feels strongly about abortion, immigration, CRT/education, gay rights, vaccination, religious freedoms.

Drug Abuse: Was an alcoholic, has been sober for almost 7 years.

Religion: Roman Catholic. No issues working with activists of other religions.

Why Join: Wants to contribute, sick of standing on sidelines as Country falls, wants to restore it for future generations and experience what he was able to experience. Wants to join PF in particular because we're out there actively doing effective activism.

Skills: Martial artist (Taekwondo (black belt), with a mix of BJJ), grey man opsec, "amateur espionage" (lockpicking, night vision). Outdoorsman in younger days: hiking & camping.

Read Manifesto: Yes, agreed with all of it.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Has not interviewed in process before.

Q2: Had felony burglery charges from when he was an addolecent that were sealed and expunged. Nothing currently (won't pop on background check). No federal/military affiliation.

Q3: No restricting physical or mental ailments.

Q4: 9/11 made him start paying attention. Has become jaded with modernity (vax, rigged election) and it's pushed him further to the Right. Was a part of the proud boys for a little bit, went away from them because of their alcohol use.

Q5: Found out about PF through Telegram (Patriot Alerts, Western Chauv, Proud Boys), was through activism demos (D.C. most recently) that got him to join.

Q6: Heard of it, doesn't know definition. Believes immigrants can become Americans; believes America is an idea independently of ethnicity. Describes ideal America as industrious and White. Later admits that ethnicity IS a critical part of being American because it was the intention for the start, it's what needs to be protected.

Q7: Family has been in US for at least 4 generations, speculates somewhere over 100 years. Family originated from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal.

Q8: Used to be with Proud Boys, went to Trump rally with them once, went to bars with them (which is why he left). In for about a year. Has not been doxxed. Based off of PF activism seen, believes he can fit in and help out.

Q9: Believes violence is justified when there is immediate life-threatening danger. Also believes that there's generally a place for violence, but only after all attempts at peace have failed.

Q10: Had a fight over 10 years ago with "some thugs" after drinking.

Q11: Can make self available at almost any time, very flexible.

Q12: Communists are biggest threat to US. Communism exists in US to destroy White America. Believes white people in particular are targeted because we are strong and the largest threat to them. Believes there's a jewish agenda (but also mentions "black agenda").

Q13: Gets information from Telegram (Western Chauvenist, Covid Red-Pills, Punished Disidents, Proud Boys, One Whites).

Q14: Labels self as White Nationalist, has starting describing self as such starting about 2.5 years ago unappoligetically. Grew up in a ghetto in CA, became aware of "things not being right", especially after an incident where his friend covered up a highlighter to spell "Hitler" and getting suspended. Saw muslim immigrants getting free rent when his family was paying in full.

Q15: Believes his religion is at odds in some ways, but has reconsiled them through strictly following what Roman Catholicism used to be.

Q16: Doesn't read much, read a Nikki Haley book recently and made connection that it was much of the same mainstream garbage.

Q17: Physically fit, 5'10" and 165 lbs, lacking cardio but willing to improve; can run a mile in under 10 minutes. Can hike for a very long time though. Experience in Taekwondo (black belt, 15 years), capable of training others (actually did so for a long time).

Q18: Nuclear family (same race wife and husband) with lots of kids is ideal. Today differs because of anti-White agenda: single moms, loser dads, race-mixing. Parents divorced, neither remarried.

Q19: Admires Thomas Jefferson the most, his tenacity and willingness to fight for freedom.

Q20: Most despised figure would be Bill Gates (or Zuckerberg), for using money to destroy America.

Q21: Coordinated movements are required, destroying subversive corperations. PF fits in line with what he believes needs to be done in terms of organization.

Q22: In the future he sees self in concentration camp if everything keeps up. Wants to contribute to preventing that.

35/Salt Lake City/Utah
Conductor: Jesse AR
Notetaker: Tyler SD


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About a week ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes.

Permanent Resident: Yes.

Political Ideology: Doesn't have political ideology, "can appreciate Life, Liberty, and Victory", used to consider self conservative, thinks it's bullshit now. Feels strongly about abortion, immigration, CRT/education, gay rights, vaccination, religious freedoms.

Drug Abuse: Was an alcoholic, has been sober for almost 7 years.

Religion: Roman Catholic. No issues working with activists of other religions.

Why Join: Wants to contribute, sick of standing on sidelines as Country falls, wants to restore it for future generations and experience what he was able to experience. Wants to join PF in particular because we're out there actively doing effective activism.

Skills: Martial artist (Taekwondo (black belt), with a mix of BJJ), grey man opsec, "amateur espionage" (lockpicking, night vision). Outdoorsman in younger days: hiking & camping.

Read Manifesto: Yes, agreed with all of it.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Has not interviewed in process before.

Q2: Had felony burglery charges from when he was an addolecent that were sealed and expunged. Nothing currently (won't pop on background check). No federal/military affiliation.

Q3: No restricting physical or mental ailments.

Q4: 9/11 made him start paying attention. Has become jaded with modernity (vax, rigged election) and it's pushed him further to the Right. Was a part of the proud boys for a little bit, went away from them because of their alcohol use.

Q5: Found out about PF through Telegram (Patriot Alerts, Western Chauv, Proud Boys), was through activism demos (D.C. most recently) that got him to join.

Q6: Heard of it, doesn't know definition. Believes immigrants can become Americans; believes America is an idea independently of ethnicity. Describes ideal America as industrious and White. Later admits that ethnicity IS a critical part of being American because it was the intention for the start, it's what needs to be protected.

Q7: Family has been in US for at least 4 generations, speculates somewhere over 100 years. Family originated from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal.

Q8: Used to be with Proud Boys, went to Trump rally with them once, went to bars with them (which is why he left). In for about a year. Has not been doxxed. Based off of PF activism seen, believes he can fit in and help out.

Q9: Believes violence is justified when there is immediate life-threatening danger. Also believes that there's generally a place for violence, but only after all attempts at peace have failed.

Q10: Had a fight over 10 years ago with "some thugs" after drinking.

Q11: Can make self available at almost any time, very flexible.

Q12: Communists are biggest threat to US. Communism exists in US to destroy White America. Believes white people in particular are targeted because we are strong and the largest threat to them. Believes there's a jewish agenda (but also mentions "black agenda").

Q13: Gets information from Telegram (Western Chauvenist, Covid Red-Pills, Punished Disidents, Proud Boys, One Whites).

Q14: Labels self as White Nationalist, has starting describing self as such starting about 2.5 years ago unappoligetically. Grew up in a ghetto in CA, became aware of "things not being right", especially after an incident where his friend covered up a highlighter to spell "Hitler" and getting suspended. Saw muslim immigrants getting free rent when his family was paying in full.

Q15: Believes his religion is at odds in some ways, but has reconsiled them through strictly following what Roman Catholicism used to be.

Q16: Doesn't read much, read a Nikki Haley book recently and made connection that it was much of the same mainstream garbage.

Q17: Physically fit, 5'10" and 165 lbs, lacking cardio but willing to improve; can run a mile in under 10 minutes. Can hike for a very long time though. Experience in Taekwondo (black belt, 15 years), capable of training others (actually did so for a long time).

Q18: Nuclear family (same race wife and husband) with lots of kids is ideal. Today differs because of anti-White agenda: single moms, loser dads, race-mixing. Parents divorced, neither remarried.

Q19: Admires Thomas Jefferson the most, his tenacity and willingness to fight for freedom.

Q20: Most despised figure would be Bill Gates (or Zuckerberg), for using money to destroy America.

Q21: Coordinated movements are required, destroying subversive corperations. PF fits in line with what he believes needs to be done in terms of organization.

Q22: In the future he sees self in concentration camp if everything keeps up. Wants to contribute to preventing that.

Conductor: Jason TX
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: What do you expect to be asked in the interview? Gauge of his usefullness and compatibility with our community.
Political Ideology: Has been a Libertarian for a long time, but realized it is a fantasy and has been going towards National Socialism. Believes in freedom, that men are tribal, the Bill of Rights.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Perm
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Atheist. No issues with working with any religions.
Why Join: Wants community. Has been resisting authoritarianism with a group of friends, and one was forced to take a vaccine for his job and died three days later. Wants to join a community that fights back against that. Authority is only bad depending on who is in charge. He is impressed with our recent work. Doesn't know of a better organization for what we do.
Skills: Martial artist, brown belt BJJ, outdoorsman, hiker, does a lot of what we do recreationally.
Read Manifesto: Yes, first read it a year ago. Also read it a few times in the past month or so, last time a few hours back. Reminds him of Mein Kampf. [Interviewee talks a lot about Hitler and the 20th century, and a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't apply to the manifesto.] Interviewee has not finished the manifesto. Just picked it up a few months ago [?]. Finds passion in its words. Didn't find hate in it. Interviewee thought we were talking about Mein Kampf. The Manifesto communicated a lot of his beliefs back at him.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Started as a Republican, educated man. Reasonable party to align with from his perspective. Then he went Libertarian, which he soon realized was fantasy. He wanted to find solutions to our problems, so he is moving towards National Socialism. Was lead to NS through Mein Kampf, also watched Europa from a recommendation online. Got interested in reading Mein Kampf from hearing about it on Gab. Wanted to expose himself to some of Hitler's ideas and decided that there was a lot of truth to it.
Q5: Found out about us on Instagram, saw a demonstration. Saw some articles about us after Unite the Right. Wanted to join after seeing videos of us march in DC. Found our march to be very successful. Wants to stand with us against vaccine mandates in particular. Got motivated to be organized from his friend's situation, and considered us after seeing our tactic of the fake twitter account for the DC march.
Q6: Has heard of CivNat. Foreigners cannot become American. You have to grow up here and know our rights. Ideal Americans know the Bill of Rights and understand why they were given. Foreigners should not be allowed to come into America. There is an ethnic component to being American, you have to be a White European.
Q7: Family has been here since the 1800's. French, German, and Irish descent. Ethnically describes himself as White.
Q8: No past groups or activism. Wanted to become organized because of his friend's death. He has had enough just passively resisting. Has seen many of our posts, followed us for about 2 years now. Has some experience making his own stickers, Its OK to Be White stickers, "Santa Claus is White", likes pushing boundaries with his friends' beliefs. Sees himself fitting into our activism well. Can climb billboards easily.
Q9: Violence is justified in self-defense. Would only engage in violence if his life is in danger or the life of someone who he cares about is threatened. Would be able to comply with instructions from leadership. Understands and agrees with the Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight he was in was 6 or 7 years ago at a bar. Standard bar fight stuff, someone talked badly about him and tried to take his drink.
Q11: Available after 6pm most days. Somewhat flexible schedule throughout the day. Would be able to make weekly meetings.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is ideological subversion. Marxist tactics are used against us all the time. He has lived in Cali his whole life and Marxism is destroying his home. The left is pushing them, and "we can name the Jew if we want" but he sees that calling it the Left is good enough. BLM openly admits that they are Marxists. Immigration and Administrative failures are also problems we face.
Q13: Most news comes from Gab. Also reads the Epoch Times, but sees a lot of news from a lot of different places. Doesn't use Telegram that often. Follows Joey Camp, he doxxes antifa. Follows Western Chauvinist on Gab, as well as Racial Consciousness, and Nature and Race.
Q14: In his perfect world, he would still call himself a Libertarian, but that does not stand up against the Globalists hard enough for him to really describe it as his label. Doesn't know enough about National Socialism for him to adopt it as a title right now.

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