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I'll hop on it
"Someone who is not my neighbor tried to open my car door and then my neighbor's car"
80 push-ups, wild man
Join https://meet.jit.si/NothingHappenedLastWeekend when you are ready to interview, please remember to turn off your camera before you join.
It was just Mein Kampf
Please send your ready status in #interviews
Yo, that looked like a jewish physiogamy
You're telling me
How about any other states
I didn't hear a city
Smells of desperation
I'm not going to lie, I summarized heavily with this guy
Can you ask about the powers that be behind immigration, the motivation for it?
Thinking that he misconfiged his mic settings
35/MD/D.C. (Is Permres)
Conductor: Sam MN
Notes: Tyler SD
Result: Accepted
Test: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About 7 days ago.
Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: None.
Govt Employ: Was in the marine corp, not active duty, left 8 years ago. Not involved with mil intelligence.
Ailments: None.
SEQ1: A few years ago came across app called "know your jew", starting noticing pattern and how the world really is. The sources of all the political problems (jews) was realized, it then through telegram (names proud boys, and NS groups), which lead him to Europa: The Last Battle which further pushed him forwards. Admits he was originally apprehensive with brainwashing he was brought up with, it was after Europa: The Last Battle he realized that there was a spun narrative which hid important details about reality; named Hitlers attempts at peace, Hitler allowing the withdrawal at Dunkirk, the Polish aggression that provoked Hitler. Doesn't believe holocaust happened (states various proofs). Western Chauvinist, Shadowman311, Full Tide were especially influential TG channels.
SEQ2: Labels self as a fascist, because of the idea that we are stronger together, that the only way forward is to 1488. Describes 'we' as White Americans. Story about his upbringing, had a Black neighbor who pushed him to admit that he's racist, that our cultures are meant to be distinct.
SEQ3: Found out about the Org through activism reposted by The Western Chauvinist. The impression that pushed him over was the reaction from mainstream right slandering us as feds, in addition to the group being organized and not just talking on the internet (namely the banners and marches demonstrated that to him).
SEQ4: Wants to join because he must help secure the future for his children (4, wow). Willing to do activism.
SEQ5: Heard of civnationalism, states it's a farce because it's too abstract and a nation is comprised of it's people.
SEQ6: Family came from England, came on the mayflower; he is Irish, English and French.
SEQ7: Is Christian, never felt like it was at odds with his political beliefs. Would have no issues working with activists of other religions.
SEQ8: Has outdoorsmanship skills (marines and boy scouts, very familiar with camping and hiking), knows basic first aid, was radio operator.
SEQ9: Able to run mile in under 10 min, is very active in general. Very familiar with wrestling, intermediate in Ju Jitsu. Is 5'9" 160lbs.
TEQ1: Never been a part of any other groups. Dad and wife are like-minded.
TEQ1.2: Wanting to help improve the lives of his children made him want to organize.
TEQ2: Believes biggest threat to US is the media/government; media pushed degen and covers for the gov, launders misinformation to the determent of society; government because they are ineffective (admits that it was by design but things have gone too far).
TEQ3: In self-defense violence is justified, doesn't believe it's a viable strategy right now (would do more harm than good because it would play into the plans of our enemies). Would be able to remain peaceful if provoked or attacked at demos.
TEQ4: Last physical altercation was around 2013/2012, he got in a minor fight with a guy.
TEQ5: Follows (TG) America First people (Lauren Witske was named), Police Frequency, DiscloseTV for information. Some info from Gab. Gets emails from 'Patriot Post', which is more normie but keeps him looped in.
TEQ6: The Approaching Fury, book about what lead to the civil war, was particularly influential. Some Ayn Rand book (couldn't remember name). An essay written by Andrew Torban about how masculinity has been subverted. They were influential because they strongly stated what reality is.
TEQ7: Nuclear family stated as ideal family structure. That differs from today because of how many less exist today (28%) versus the 60s (~60%), in addition to the propaganda being pushed. Raised by dad (divorced). Thinks porn and promiscuity is immoral and should be banned.
TEQ8: Admires George Patton the most, because of his admittance of the mistake that was made in WWII.
TEQ9: Despises Lincoln the most because of his aggression on the South. Makes comparison to couple wanting to break up and the other partner pulling a gun to make them stay.
TEQ10: Says largest issue with nationalism movement is the lukewarmness of them, how they harbor complacently (names mainstream, Groypers). Org fits into thoughts by how it organizes, is in shape, that it's building communities to push our goals further down the road.
TEQ11: Sees self working to help straighten out the mess society is in.
TEQ12: Has been entirely truthful about everything said.
TEQ13: Believes he should be in the org because he has the conviction to do what needs to be done to contribute towards moving the country in the right direction.
No? Where's the "no sir" coming from?
Result: Accepted
27 Years Old/NC/Raleigh (Permres: Yes)
Conductor: Jesse AR
Notes: Tyler SD
Test Question: Have you spoken with anyone who has interviewed before about the process?
Answer: Has not.
Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: No.
Govt Employ: No.
Ailments: No.
1. Interested in Political theory when younger (superficially), growing up in poverty amongst a multi-racial area has cemented his political beliefs and morality. It was in 9th grade lit class that he read the "docterine of Fascism", came to realize that the image the ideology painted was better than anything he had seen around him or posed elsewhere. Became sick of nihilism surrounding him, that there was a disconcern not just from his cohorts but society writ large, which pushed him further into ideology; read The Myth of the 21st Century by Spengler, Revolt against the modern world, (amongst others that he said very rapidly). Further saw little advancement from either political side, red vs blue, no solution other than third position was evident. Came upon Iron march in 2010s, realized the importance of self-respect and discipline on there. Once again the docterine of fascism fit into reality better than anything else he saw.
2. Labels self as a National-Socialist.
3. Heard about the Org after Unite The Right, right after it was born out of Vanguard America, the first impression that influenced him was the professionalism of the website in addition to our activism. Hear about org years ago, but is joining now because though he criticized others for nihilism, he fell into that pit himself; the D.C. march pulled him from that pit and forced him towards helping the Org. Agrees to being capable of everything activists in Org do.
4. Doesn't believe in civnationalism, says culture/country and race are intertwined and that American values (forward thinking, mesh of old and new world, tradition needs to adapt to survive) is decidedly White. But does say that non-Whites can live with Americans, but will never be American.
5. At least 5 generations, family is Irish and German; described self as White ethnically.
6. Still attends Church, but considers self a deist, has dabbled in paganism but feels it's conflated with wickens and neo-pagans. Has never felt like religious beliefs are at odds with political. No issues working with activists of other beliefs.
7. Has been camping his entire life, knows medicine (former pharm-tech).
8. At home routine is mostly cardio (5 days), every other day focuses on a part of his body (ex. monday arms, legs wednesday, etc). Would be able to run mile in under 10 min. 5'10", 130 lbs.
9. Never participated in activism, has some similarly minded friends and family but none who lean in as far as him. Wanted to get involved because he realizes the need to get involved now, in addition to the response from luke-warm conservatives who cannot imagine anyone but feds being as organized as we are. Sees self fitting in as an activist.
10. Spengler described society as a body, believes degeneracy is the biggest threat because it is an infection upon the body. Believes the cultural-marxists are behind it, later describes them as the jews, in addition to neo-liberals who are driving to create neo-feudalism.
- Believes violence is justified in self-defense. Doesn't believe we are in circumstances that would justify it now, but believes we may be heading in that direction. Had a very thorough answer as to why it is currently ineffective, only effective when society has totally broken down (more thorough than that, "best yet" - Jesse AR). Agrees he could compose self in the same way as the Org's activists.
12. Last physical altercation was when he was 14.
13. Follows Zero Hedge (likes it the most), RT, and "the lying media heads" such as Fox, etc. Follows Western Chauvinist Thomas Sewell, Aryan Fitness, Folkish Resistence, PF.
14. Top 3 works that have: Decline of the West - Spengler, The Squire's Trial - Slavros, Ride of the Tiger. Was a janny for Iron March, spoke with James Mason, Slavros, among others during his time there. But was not affiliated with any groups during his time, but knew guys who started up the first Atomwaffen groups; wasn't a huge fan of their "goofiness" and "schizophrenic ramblings".
15. Ideal family structure is nuclear family. Problems with current US family is that there's no moral structure, it's been destroyed, single mother's have been the new standard; lack of marriage, lack of structure, lack of moral framework are gone from modern families by propaganda and rot. Was raised by a single mother and broken larger family, it was through that he saw what was wrong with having no structure first hand; unsure how he came out the other side unscathed.
16. Admires Washington, but did say Rockwell first, Washington because he was an incredible idealist. It was his strong beliefs and their application towards a harsh reality that held together the Country in it's infancy.
17. Despises the Clintons' the most as they have been responsible for bankrolling and organizing the cultural marxism rampant in education system, calls HRC a pig who has many times come so close to plunging this country into extreme rot atop what they already did.
18. Says flaws in Nationalist movements is lack of clarity, says that Nationalism on it's surface lacks structure as it can be left/centrist/right and therefore requires ideological structure and uniformity. PF fits in as it provides that structure, through ideas, uniform, and discipline.
19. Would like to establish his name in the movement, yell, speak, feels he's been muzzled and wants to express himself. Would like to help out others, build community.
20. Claims to have been fully truthful.
21. Believes he should be let in because he is fully devoted, refuses to sit on the sidelines.
We are, yes, every night at 8PM EST
Sorry for the late response
Are you available right now?
We're taking 594799
Join the voice room when you are ready to begin your interview: https://meet.jit.si/Int203tksR2
They say it don't be like that but it do
"hasn't been shown to be successful in the past", hmmm
I'll touch on those
I'll follow up after the manifesto
I'll hit it after this
I think it's also that he's nervous
gonna ask that
Understood; I won't be there tonight, but so long as you jump in line early enough you should get lined up with other guys who are familiar with your situation which should help move things faster.
I'm available if there's space for another room
UT + SD joint interview action
@Interviewee-894480 check your DMs
@Interviewee-331013 check your messages
Join this voice room when you're ready: https://meet.jit.si/Inter6282R3
@JonUT does he have links to the edits he talked about?
and is he good enough to teach
any of those
holy cow he's jacked
or he's bear mode
@JonUT agreed
@JonUT based answer LMAO
can you have him detail who "the people pulling the levers" are?
@JonUT can you circle back to that before the end if he doesn't cover it ^
@JonUT good from me
Result: Accepted
28 Years Old/Kansas/Kansas City (Permres: Yes)
Conductor: Jon UT
Notes: Tyler SD
Test Question: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: Sent in one about 6 months back, never got a response; sent another a week ago and got the link.
1. Have never interviewed before.
2. Has access to a personal vehicle.
3. Has never had substance abuse issues.
4. No past crimes.
5. Was previously in the marine corp, out in 2018.
6. No ailments.
7. Has always had a passion for "outspoken ideology", though highschool was fairly melancholy, but when he started paying taxes he really moved forward. When he started in the military he read Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spoke Zarathustra; by Evola: Men Amongst the Tigers, Revolt Against the Modern World; also ready Mein Kampf.
8. Labels self as a Natsoc, influenced by working class family, grandfather who fought for Germany. Believes that the government exists to serve the interests of the people and Natsoc best aligns to that end. As a teenager we was needlessly leftist, but shortly after matured and realized how wrong and against reality it was. Raised in Texas, went to skinhead and punk shows, was never really a leftist as much as he was someone who had leftist views at one point due to who he was surrounded by in HS. Seeing how X had struggled with rejection from society engaged him forward in his political journey especially.
9. It was the demo at the March For Life that enraptured him, how organized and directed it was. Decided to join 6 months ago. Had a doxxing experience where an employee of his recognized him (Michael Knowels event "Men Aren't Women") that was eye-opening for how bad things were and what he needed to do. Wants to join because he needs to do something; has stickered for White lives matter in the past, but felt it lacked organization. Agrees to do everything an activist needs to do.
10. Has heard of civnationalism, sees it as an erroneous starting point. Believe that a true identity is required, that there is an ethnic component to being an American (European) due to heritage.
11. Family has been here since early 1700s, they mostly came from Germany and Wales. Describes self as German (blond hair and blue eyes).
12. Raised Christian, but says he's not sure if he can be a Christian because he's dabbled in hedonism and has always put his race first. Has never felt like religious beliefs have conflicted with political, able to work with activists of other religions.
- Has amateur audio/video skills, made some PF edits, runs an Active Club in Kansas. Has experience in a variety of martial arts, including marine corps martial arts, ju jitsu, kung fu, karate (and more). Has been body-building for the last 2 years, sub-8 minute mile. Has people who are similarly minded in his Active Club (would recommend 3 or 4 of them). Runs 1 or 2 times a week, lifts 3 or 4 times a week, job is labor intensive. 5'9" 230 or 240 lbs. Would be able to teach basics of the martial arts he outlined.
14. Was loosely part of White-lives-matter (stickering), was a part of IE and left when their discord server got doxxed. Brother is like-minded, other friends aren't. The doxxing occurred because an employee reported him to corp HR for violations after he went to a college event (happened around jan 6th so tensions were high there). Feels like he's taken the appropriate steps to prevent that by taking security more seriously, but also is somewhat indifferent because he knows he can bounce back.
15. Says the biggest threat to America is the people pulling the levers. Unsure whether it's the Masons, Jews, or both but says it's some variation of that.
16. Believes that violence is justified in response to a threat. Doesn't believe it is the proper route for the change he seeks, would be able to remain peaceful as the Org's activists do.
17. Last physical confrontation was about two years ago, working in bar security he had to throw a guy out.
18. Views TG regularly, top channels are: PF, Fascist Fitness, Thomas Sewell.
19. Ride the Tiger and Men Amongst the Ruins were especially influential on him, as it relates to subversive influence on society and the need for great men to take control.
20. Describes nuclear family as ideal, with close network of extended family. Today differs as we will in a society of broken homes, raised by technology. He was raised by a strong intact family. Believes porn, trannies (etc), promiscuity is ruining society, should not exist within a household; weeds that need to be plucked.
21. Likes Davey Crocket, General Lee, and Andrew Jackson; Jackson especially as he suffered through being in a prison camp and watching his brothers rot away and die. Crocket because he exemplifies the adventurous spirit of the White man.
22. Despises Alexander Hamilton the most, because he was a crypto-jew, subversive, created the secretary of the treasury and punished people who wanted to avoid taxes.
23. Biggest flaws in Nationlist movement is that there's no leadership and little commitment to the ethnic component. Plato laid it out hundreds of years ago and no one wants to admit he was right. Believes the movement fits in as it provides strong leadership and organization.
24. In the future he sees himself saving up and buying land where he can more effectively train fitness, in the "foggy future" he would like to build a shelter on land to host young men who have fallen prey to vices in an effort to help them rehabilitate.
25. Has been entirely truthful.
26. Believes he should be in the organization because he has the drive to do what needs to be done to fully contribute to the organization.
Shoot them to me and I'll pass them along in addition to taking a look myself
No worries, they're not up on bitchute or anything?
@Interviewee-424666 check your messages shortly
Roger that.
Right on, thank you.
Join the voice room when you are ready: https://meet.jit.si/Inter6282R3
@JonUT warn him that it is going to be about an hour
ha, nice
Geez, whole gang joined in
Fair warning, this guy is dangerously based
"looks like a men's physique competitor". 6'1", 230lbs.
In April plans to set a record in powerlifting for his height/weight
This has been building throughout, he was clear to be modest earlier.
Result: Accepted
22 Years Old/CO/Denver (Permres: Yes)
Conductor: Jon UT
Notes: Tyler SD
Test Question: What do you expect will be asked in this interview?
Answer: Political and socio-economic views, religious, character and moral base.
1. Yes.
2. Used illegal drugs in HS, but has been clean for over 2 years.
3. No criminal history.
4. Worked for the city of thornton when he was 16/17 (government).
5. Has tendentious that is going away.
6. Was concerned with pleasing family/society until Trump came around, then (as a normie) was quite the "MAGA-tard" until 18/19, when he got "radicalized" into believing what his forefathers believed. Between marxism being crammed down his throat and noticing patterns like conservatives never enacting action and jews conducting both sides of the political isles which drove him towards that direction. Ironically, on instagram of all places he got red-pilled by pages posting empirical facts which drove him away from his past beliefs and habits.
7. Describes self as a Fascist, White Ethno-nationalist, American Traditionalist. Believes that it's the correct mode of being as the commy left and free market worshiping right are controlled op by jews. Society helped instill that in him as jewish propaganda was so forcefully pushed on him and forced him to notice patterns. Believes Whites are the largest problem before them because though they can enrapture the masses, they are the ones which see through their propaganda.
8. Wants to rejoin the org because he is capable of fully dedicating himself to the organization. He was so enlabored by familial circumstances which causes him to be inactive in the first place. The influence that had him join in the first place was a big banner dropped in Texas, which covered a BLM billboard and got the Org a ton of recruitment from that event (including himself). Is willing to dedicate himself to activism in the Organization.
9. Believes there is an ethnic component to being an American, a conglomeration of the best of European stock.
10. Family came on the mayflower, can prove it.
11. Is a Orthodox Christian, a church helped him out when he needed it the most and they're not pozzed which is why he's there despite previously coming from a Southern Baptist background. Never felt like religious beliefs are at odds with his political belief, even goes as far to say that the Church is at conflict with the Bible; quotes Revelation 2:9 (synogogue of satan). No issues working with members of other religions.
12. Is in school for programming (will be useful in the future as more time goes on), used to be pretty fluid with video/audio software (though says he would still be useful), can weld, has access to powder/painting equipment (says maybe useful for shields).
- In April plans to set a record in powerlifting for his height/weight, for most of the year says "looks like a men's physique competitor". 6'1", 230lbs.
14. Has never been doxxed.
15. Says biggest threat to America right now is jewry because of their overall subversion; browning of America, race-mixing, porn, drug pushing, etc. (many, MANY, more examples in a short amount of time, the usual suspects).
16. Believes that violence is not the best political solution, he's not seeking it, however, does say that it may present itself in the future if things get bad enough. Would be able to conduct self as our activists do.
17. Last physical confrontation was during the summer, he was seeing a girl and her degenerate friends convinced them into going to a bar in an "urban" area. After leaving the bar, a black man put hands on his girl, grabbed her braid, no legal trouble from the event. Admits it's out of character for him as he doesn't harbor anger in that way.
18. Is pretty slow to mainstream news (passively ingests them), on TG follows: The Judgement Zone, Fascist Fitness, Nationalist Division, Liveleak, Lauren Witske (then says "even though she's a gate-keeping fuck"), Fighting for Christiandom
19. Influential works have been History of Central Banking, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The International Jew; Ford was especially influential because he was an honest man of integrity. Says Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were influential despite him not liking mormonism because they were especially antisemetic and unified until the 70s when the mossad pushed to prevent them from continuing to push back on civil rights by replacing leadership with "kike worshipers".
20. Says ideal family structure is the Nuclear family, but states that the "zogged" modern marriage gives women undue power which is antithetical to the Bible and therefore has reservations about getting married in the current LEGAL system. Further explains how it's different from today through the normalizing of ideas which destroy what's natural. Says he "hates faggots" and degeneracy writ large, to the extent that he would get in trouble with faggots who approached him. Has indulged in promiscuity in the past, but has come to rise above that since college.
21. Admires Henry Ford the most.
22. Despises FDR, Hart and Cellar, the jew who were behind birth control and the 19th amendment. FDR especially.
23. Describes nationalist movement as having problems with being too over-reactionary because they're essentially being edgy despite being right because they are not practicing American Patriotism and rather emulating the past despite different circumstances. We are Americans, not Germans, you have a new identity, a new White identity as an American. Says other issues are the gate-keeping through civnationalism which appeals loosely to the problems from the jews, but side-steps them and never addresses them in order to keep people complacent. The Organization fits in through achieving the best of what he described, but understands that we are under intense scrutiny and are doing the best in every way under the constraints applied.
24. Sees self as owning his own business in the future, being in charge of his financial future, so that he can "build his castle" so to speak to have a strong base to build from for the future of his family. Says that he wants to help prepare in hand with the Organization to wall against whatever has yet to come.
25. Has been entirely truthful.
26. Believes he should join because he believes he can contribute technologically, in addition to be a great advocate for the movement.
Hello, you are being contacted because you have been deemed an appropriate representative to participate in the Evaluation Process for an Intermediate who has been interviewed. The Interview record and instructions for meeting the Intermediate will follow this message.
If you are capable of meeting the Intermediate within exactly two weeks, and do not choose to protest this assignment immediately, the responsibility for this Intermediate is transferred to you. Message the Intermediate on the Interview Server immediately. Do not contact them or discuss vetting details on any platforms or apps other than the Interview Server. If you do not have access to the Interview Server, please contact leadership to attain access.
If you cannot complete this assignment and comply strictly with the guidelines in the following Meeting Intermediates document, let me know immediately.
*Please message Jason NY when you have met with the interviewee.
Result: Accepted
22 Years Old/CO/Denver (Permres: Yes)
Conductor: Jon UT
Notes: Tyler SD
Test Question: What do you expect will be asked in this interview?
Answer: Political and socio-economic views, religious, character and moral base.
1. Yes.
2. Used illegal drugs in HS, but has been clean for over 2 years.
3. No criminal history.
4. Worked for the city of thornton when he was 16/17 (government).
5. Has tendentious that is going away.
6. Was concerned with pleasing family/society until Trump came around, then (as a normie) was quite the "MAGA-tard" until 18/19, when he got "radicalized" into believing what his forefathers believed. Between marxism being crammed down his throat and noticing patterns like conservatives never enacting action and jews conducting both sides of the political isles which drove him towards that direction. Ironically, on instagram of all places he got red-pilled by pages posting empirical facts which drove him away from his past beliefs and habits.
7. Describes self as a Fascist, White Ethno-nationalist, American Traditionalist. Believes that it's the correct mode of being as the commy left and free market worshiping right are controlled op by jews. Society helped instill that in him as jewish propaganda was so forcefully pushed on him and forced him to notice patterns. Believes Whites are the largest problem before them because though they can enrapture the masses, they are the ones which see through their propaganda.
8. Wants to rejoin the org because he is capable of fully dedicating himself to the organization. He was so enlabored by familial circumstances which causes him to be inactive in the first place. The influence that had him join in the first place was a big banner dropped in Texas, which covered a BLM billboard and got the Org a ton of recruitment from that event (including himself). Is willing to dedicate himself to activism in the Organization.
9. Believes there is an ethnic component to being an American, a conglomeration of the best of European stock.
10. Family came on the mayflower, can prove it.
11. Is a Orthodox Christian, a church helped him out when he needed it the most and they're not pozzed which is why he's there despite previously coming from a Southern Baptist background. Never felt like religious beliefs are at odds with his political belief, even goes as far to say that the Church is at conflict with the Bible; quotes Revelation 2:9 (synogogue of satan). No issues working with members of other religions.
12. Is in school for programming (will be useful in the future as more time goes on), used to be pretty fluid with video/audio software (though says he would still be useful), can weld, has access to powder/painting equipment (says maybe useful for shields).
- In April plans to set a record in powerlifting for his height/weight, for most of the year says "looks like a men's physique competitor". 6'1", 230lbs.
14. Has never been doxxed.
15. Says biggest threat to America right now is jewry because of their overall subversion; browning of America, race-mixing, porn, drug pushing, etc. (many, MANY, more examples in a short amount of time, the usual suspects).
16. Believes that violence is not the best political solution, he's not seeking it, however, does say that it may present itself in the future if things get bad enough. Would be able to conduct self as our activists do.
17. Last physical confrontation was during the summer, he was seeing a girl and her degenerate friends convinced them into going to a bar in an "urban" area. After leaving the bar, a black man put hands on his girl, grabbed her braid, no legal trouble from the event. Admits it's out of character for him as he doesn't harbor anger in that way.
18. Is pretty slow to mainstream news (passively ingests them), on TG follows: The Judgement Zone, Fascist Fitness, Nationalist Division, Liveleak, Lauren Witske (then says "even though she's a gate-keeping fuck"), Fighting for Christiandom
19. Influential works have been History of Central Banking, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The International Jew; Ford was especially influential because he was an honest man of integrity. Says Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were influential despite him not liking mormonism because they were especially antisemetic and unified until the 70s when the mossad pushed to prevent them from continuing to push back on civil rights by replacing leadership with "kike worshipers".
20. Says ideal family structure is the Nuclear family, but states that the "zogged" modern marriage gives women undue power which is antithetical to the Bible and therefore has reservations about getting married in the current LEGAL system. Further explains how it's different from today through the normalizing of ideas which destroy what's natural. Says he "hates faggots" and degeneracy writ large, to the extent that he would get in trouble with faggots who approached him. Has indulged in promiscuity in the past, but has come to rise above that since college.
21. Admires Henry Ford the most.
22. Despises FDR, Hart and Cellar, the jew who were behind birth control and the 19th amendment. FDR especially.
23. Describes nationalist movement as having problems with being too over-reactionary because they're essentially being edgy despite being right because they are not practicing American Patriotism and rather emulating the past despite different circumstances. We are Americans, not Germans, you have a new identity, a new White identity as an American. Says other issues are the gate-keeping through civnationalism which appeals loosely to the problems from the jews, but side-steps them and never addresses them in order to keep people complacent. The Organization fits in through achieving the best of what he described, but understands that we are under intense scrutiny and are doing the best in every way under the constraints applied.
24. Sees self as owning his own business in the future, being in charge of his financial future, so that he can "build his castle" so to speak to have a strong base to build from for the future of his family. Says that he wants to help prepare in hand with the Organization to wall against whatever has yet to come.
25. Has been entirely truthful.
26. Believes he should join because he believes he can contribute technologically, in addition to be a great advocate for the movement.
Cruh, wrong server buddy; you'll get this same message in the proper place shortly
I understand that, that was following up on when you said 'ready'
Will be on in about 25
133 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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