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@Don TX I need to know if you can dog sit for the December trip. I can't remember if you were going.
@Lewis TX We may be able to have the dogs sat at the main house. @Vincent TX Could the lady do that you think? Lewis' dog is extremely well behaved and gets along just fine with Tex.
Open to alternative ideas.
Yeah for sure
For sure. Simple as.
Just drove by the posters we did yesterday they're still up not a single scratch
Very nice, good work yesterday.
@Don TX The distance doesn't matter. If we need to pick you up, we can. If you gotta take a bus, we can do that too. Just get us the time and the notice and we will handle the rest.
@Thomas I mentioned the distance in reference to watching the pups. The time off is achievable, I'm just waiting on what limits the other higher ups have set when the time comes
Hey men, any job recommendations which wouldn't be killer on my wrists? Just got screwed over with 2 month notice vacation originally being approved but now cancelled due to understaffing, and I'd like to still make the December event as long as I have some sort of job.
We need guys to
Help Adam
Make Shields
On Thursday
Between 9AM and 2PM
Let me know if you are available to help
If a boss can screw over all the employees like that, and get away with it, you're going to end up in the smaller and smaller batch of workers that only gets more and more screwed over until the company or the boss turns bottom up.
FacTs 💯
:exclamation: IMPORTANT :exclamation:
You will need to arrive at Murrell Park in Flower Mound by 6 a.m. on Saturday, so be sure that you take an early rest the night before.
If you are bringing food, there will be an hour-long intermission for you to go pick any such items up so you do not have to worry about them during the morning.
IF YOU WANT TO CAMP OUT: We do have campsites rented the whole weekend. Campsite 30 is reserved for 8 people, and we have some other spots for more. NW2, NW4, and our friends from Missouri will be arriving early to camp out. However, you must arrive before 10 p.m.
Message @NQ - Austin TX for Gear List Instructions
Post HERE if you have any questions
:clock7: Itinerary:
3 Hour Drilling Session
3 Hour Sparring Session
1 Hour Literature Session
Thanksgiving Dinner in Early Afternoon
I'm working on shields as best I can. Ran into a little bump. My saw is out of commission and so is the nozzle for my plasma cuter, but I have a few shields ready for handles now.
Is this something we can get you money for @Adam TX
@Adam TX I was unaware we were using the plasma. Swing by the house on Monday and we'll go buy you a new saw blade or whatever.
- Dress Code: Pants encouraged, running shoes or hiking boots, layers on upper body to deal with temperature fluctuation. Dress code patches and jackets allowed, but only if used sparingly by a few.
- Water Bottles & Canteens
- Sparring Equipment
- $5 Per Head Event Fee (Optional)
- If Camping: Tent, Sleeping Bag
- Head Lamps
- Dress Code Mask
If Applicable: Leg Protection, Chin Strap
@Robert TX You're coming tomorrow, right?
Tap the flag when you read and confirm you have what you need from the gearlist
Its Its likely not an easy fix for the saw blade. Unfortunately. I'll look into it and see if the saw is recoverable
Oscar make sure to bring a screwdriver for the tables.
Shall I bring a drill?
HQ boys, please be sure to bring my toolbox. I need it to work on shields
Where is it?
It was left in Patrick's truck when we were coming back from Tulsa
Big thank you for everyone who helped prepare food for today
@Adam TX I got it man
@Adam TX We have a reciprocating saw with metal blades but i dont imagine that will work
EVENT FEES ARE CURRENTLY SET AT $80 (cash only, paid at departure)
Rental Vehicle: $40
Gas: $20
Lodging, Equipment, Misc: $20
If you predict having issues with this payment, please message me and we will help you.
REMEMBER: We will be leaving the metroplex at MIDNIGHT on Thursday the 2nd. The vehicle exchange will be released soon. It is likely we will use the same lot as we did for the Tulsa Drilling meet.
I want to give a quick summary on some recent events in the NW. A long time member and a new member both left/got suspended from the organization.
One had been with us for well over a year, and left to join a do-nothing Hitlerite group because he doesn't believe that we are of our own nation which DEMANDS its own cause, and would rather make do with quasi-religious idolatry of Hitler instead. Our organization is built of stronger stuff. Our message is our own, our labors are for the sake of our own nation. We find our chief inspiration for our actions in the people and lineage that forms OUR ranks. I don't much care which combination of interwar European regimes and parties you find appealing, but the belief in OUR OWN history and right to exist is beyond critical.
Another gave himself over to hysterical whining about his own inability to do this thing and that thing and the other thing. He lamented on about how he couldn't organize with us because he has a job and an alcohol addiction to keep up with. Nevermind those men of our cause who have careers, wives, children, and numerous other responsibilities and not only participate, but excell and organize their brothers. Belief in our ideals means NOTHING if you can't even believe in yourself. Despair is NOT native to your soul. It is an invader sent from your enemies to subjugate you.
I don't often bring attention to disappointing matters such as these, but it is important for all of you to harbor a healthy resentment for those who fail us in such ways. The difference about our organization is the stakes of being involved. It matters. It requires that we build something. Those who would waste our time and dilute our convictions are dangerous, and it's all of our jobs to be that much better, so that the next one that shows up will either be compelled to change or stay away on his own volition.
Everyone let me know if any/all of the above makes sense, and if you've read the announcements sent further above today. Go!
@all :exclamation:
Heard and understood! Hail Columbia and good riddance.
I will always welcome news about losing dead weight. Our enemies deploy grotesque, poorly coordinated swarms of orcs. We must never disgrace ourselves or our people in such ways.
@all Reminder to confirm you read the DECEMBER GEAR LIST and EVENT COST BREAKDOWN*.
Who was the longtime member that betrayed us? I assume the other was Robert. Shame for him, not suprising but I was holding out hope that he could conquer his shortcomings.
I'd just like to know in case I ever run into them again
Addition by subtraction. I don't understand alcoholism or meme worshipping but I hope they can overcome their obstacles
@Patrick TX Whenever you get a chance I need a couple of sticks of steel for shield handles. How soon can you get them to me? It's not holding me up right now or anything since I'm still working on shield bodies, but the sooner we get them the better.
This batch is already looking really good though. The best so far, thats for sure.
Wow. That's really stupid of Arthur. I thought better of him.
We all did, but people have a way of surprising you.
@NQ - Austin TX How are the gear list check-ups?
So far @Adam TX @Vincent TX and @NS - Oscar TX have confirmed they have what they need
@NQ - Austin TX Make sure we bring some hand warmers. And by some I mean a lot.
@NQ - Austin TX @NS - Oscar TX @Adam TX We need to get a shield work day going, and we need to get you the tool(s) you need. Remember we also need to paint them all once done. @Patrick TX
Yes, I'll do my best to set up a day. Right now I have family visiting for thanksgiving so it might be a little tricky
Happy Thanksgiving brothers! We are going to win
Adam I will grab what you need Friday, get me an exact product list.
@Thomas I will ensure they are all painted. Will paint what we have this weekend.
@all Who can avail themselves to help paint shield this weekend? Come over to the house and help out.
Reposting from Samuel VA
I've reviewed with @ND - Eric PA and @Patrick TX that with Christmas coming up we should keep in mind that Ulysses NJ left behind a little brother - Logan, 8 years old. It is our intention to launch a large toy drive for the boy and deliver the haul a few days before Christmas.
Goal: Demonstration of our commitment to Ulysses in Death, and our intention to be available/present in the nurturing of his brother in continuance. Gifts are going to be numerous and good quality (do not buy him cheap/meaningless toys that he will not like).
What can you do: For the east coast networks, I believe we can transport gifts locally. NW9 and NW10 will have the direct access to deliver these gifts. For all other networks, please make arrangements for your guys to ship gifts directly to either @ND - Eric PA or myself. Each member should provide a gift, gifts should be not of an inexpensive/inconsiderate nature. For members who are tight financially, it is acceptable for multiple members to pool resources to get a substantive gift.
I will be following up with additional details about the boy and his likes in the near future.
@Patrick TX is the primary point of contact - whatever you buy, please check with him first so we ensure we aren't getting him duplicates.
Deadline date for all gifts to be received: 12/18.
Thank you
:PF-Flag: 🎅
@all @all @all
Doesn't matter how small. Brainstorm here. Include a note with something brief and meaningful. Will get more info on his brother to post here- age, interests etc
@Thomas @NS - Oscar TX Get me a list of attendees from our Network please for communication in the following week to smoothly facilitate travel and preparedness in Tom's absence
@NS - Oscar TX Please call a meeting for Wednesday evening to review travel plans, gear list, logistics- and to get HYPED
An inexpensive, good idea for a gift might be a book. Fantasy and fiction books are great for boys and young men. Even if it is a little more advanced/cerebral and not suitable for an 8 year old he will grow into it. I think I will give him a few of the Classics.
Toys and conventional young boy stuff is good, but if you are strapped for ideas think of timeless, quality stuff that an adolescent growing into a young man will use and enjoy. A quality journal, trekking poles, a book on art history, portable camping hammock. If you can't think of anything I will spoonfeed you something good, communicate to that end here. Less than a week to get something- by Thursday
I'll get the boy the hobbit trilogy.
He won't understand this outpouring of love and gifts right now or maybe for 3-5 years. But there will come a day when he will be a young man and understand. When that time comes he needs to understand there is another world out there, another life and strata of society of men commited to a higher calling, that were committed to his brother, and likewise his brother was commited to it and them- and that we are there for him, we always have been, that our love and extended hand to guide him and lift him up is there for him and always has been. It won't bring his brother back but it will mean a great deal to him. Hard to articulate but you get me. Think about it from his perspective and what this would mean to you when you came of age, were asking questions and seeking answers, and then you understood.
Excellent idea Vincent
@Patrick TX Everyone but Austin is going.
Happy Thanksgiving brothers

Imagine you had a young son, the kind of stuff, books etc you would get for him- or if you had an idealized father, the stuff you wish you had gotten, what would be more influential and meaningful to you
"I will tell you what America is! America is the glimmer in my Compatriot's eye, the visage of my brother as if he were my very own. The smile of my Compatriot's son, for his son is also my own, and the safety of his family, for their safety is indeed my own. Between us is a realm of welcomed recognition, and that middle ground melts when I accept you as my brother, my blood- Columbia's blood- we're a true 'One'."
-Victory or Death
A speech given by Ulysses at a Network X gathering- his last
Brother likes soccer and star wars. Some video game stuff but that's ruled out- easy to get duplicate games too
Star wars books
Warhammer novels might be good if you're into that
@Patrick TX i sent you a DM about the steel we need.
@all Who wants to help me paint shields tomorrow or Sunday?
@Adam TX How many ready to be painted at your place? Doesn't matter if they lack handles at present
all are ready for paint
I'll bring them to your place
how many Adam
@Michael TX Preference on Saturday or Sunday to paint shields with us?
Sunday might work best for me since I have family over for thanksgiving
I'll be there Sunday at 10 if that's alright
I'll get started tomorrow and at least have the process streamlined and locked down and all materials ready to rock
Sounds good buddy
hell yeah. Can't wait
@all Where you guys at
I haven't been the most engaged or communicative the last week or so but no matter, its fuckin' go time boys- less than a week out
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