(DM) Thomas & Nathan MI

RocketChat ID: A65uqTfX8fnRhwdmBn8Hnfj4Hze86xAjyf

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Nathan MI @PF-383447

Just for fun, since I know you were a boy scout back in the day, I thought you'd be interested to know that lord Robert baden Powell supported Hitler (in case you didn't know already)

Thomas @thomas

Will look at the link, thank you.

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

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