(DM) Josh CA & IC - Jesse AR

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Conductor: Jason TX
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: What do you expect to be asked in the interview? Gauge of his usefullness and compatibility with our community.
Political Ideology: Has been a Libertarian for a long time, but realized it is a fantasy and has been going towards National Socialism. Believes in freedom, that men are tribal, the Bill of Rights.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Perm
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Atheist. No issues with working with any religions.
Why Join: Wants community. Has been resisting authoritarianism with a group of friends, and one was forced to take a vaccine for his job and died three days later. Wants to join a community that fights back against that. Authority is only bad depending on who is in charge. He is impressed with our recent work. Doesn't know of a better organization for what we do.
Skills: Martial artist, brown belt BJJ, outdoorsman, hiker, does a lot of what we do recreationally.
Read Manifesto: Yes, first read it a year ago. Also read it a few times in the past month or so, last time a few hours back. Reminds him of Mein Kampf. [Interviewee talks a lot about Hitler and the 20th century, and a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't apply to the manifesto.] Interviewee has not finished the manifesto. Just picked it up a few months ago [?]. Finds passion in its words. Didn't find hate in it. Interviewee thought we were talking about Mein Kampf. The Manifesto communicated a lot of his beliefs back at him.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Started as a Republican, educated man. Reasonable party to align with from his perspective. Then he went Libertarian, which he soon realized was fantasy. He wanted to find solutions to our problems, so he is moving towards National Socialism. Was lead to NS through Mein Kampf, also watched Europa from a recommendation online. Got interested in reading Mein Kampf from hearing about it on Gab. Wanted to expose himself to some of Hitler's ideas and decided that there was a lot of truth to it.
Q5: Found out about us on Instagram, saw a demonstration. Saw some articles about us after Unite the Right. Wanted to join after seeing videos of us march in DC. Found our march to be very successful. Wants to stand with us against vaccine mandates in particular. Got motivated to be organized from his friend's situation, and considered us after seeing our tactic of the fake twitter account for the DC march.
Q6: Has heard of CivNat. Foreigners cannot become American. You have to grow up here and know our rights. Ideal Americans know the Bill of Rights and understand why they were given. Foreigners should not be allowed to come into America. There is an ethnic component to being American, you have to be a White European.
Q7: Family has been here since the 1800's. French, German, and Irish descent. Ethnically describes himself as White.
Q8: No past groups or activism. Wanted to become organized because of his friend's death. He has had enough just passively resisting. Has seen many of our posts, followed us for about 2 years now. Has some experience making his own stickers, Its OK to Be White stickers, "Santa Claus is White", likes pushing boundaries with his friends' beliefs. Sees himself fitting into our activism well. Can climb billboards easily.
Q9: Violence is justified in self-defense. Would only engage in violence if his life is in danger or the life of someone who he cares about is threatened. Would be able to comply with instructions from leadership. Understands and agrees with the Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight he was in was 6 or 7 years ago at a bar. Standard bar fight stuff, someone talked badly about him and tried to take his drink.
Q11: Available after 6pm most days. Somewhat flexible schedule throughout the day. Would be able to make weekly meetings.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is ideological subversion. Marxist tactics are used against us all the time. He has lived in Cali his whole life and Marxism is destroying his home. The left is pushing them, and "we can name the Jew if we want" but he sees that calling it the Left is good enough. BLM openly admits that they are Marxists. Immigration and Administrative failures are also problems we face.
Q13: Most news comes from Gab. Also reads the Epoch Times, but sees a lot of news from a lot of different places. Doesn't use Telegram that often. Follows Joey Camp, he doxxes antifa. Follows Western Chauvinist on Gab, as well as Racial Consciousness, and Nature and Race.
Q14: In his perfect world, he would still call himself a Libertarian, but that does not stand up against the Globalists hard enough for him to really describe it as his label. Doesn't know enough about National Socialism for him to adopt it as a title right now.

Q15: No conflict between religion and politics. When he was a Republican, he did feel a conflict between that and his past Christian faith.
Q16: Has read Robert Russler's "Whoever Fights Monsters", he was an FBI profiler, wrote a lot about serial killers and such. He explains how these people became who they are. Also read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", which taught him about how the US uses finance to dominate other countries and their direction. Currently reading Mein Kampf. He knows Hitler is not who he was told he was, understands that Hitler was fighting against a foe that wanted him to die and now we fight the same opposition who wants to kill us.
Q17: 5'9, 140 lbs, slim and toned. Got banned from his gym, so that has disrupted his fitness routine, but he lifts weights in his office and goes hiking often. Trained for 8 years in MMA, various martial arts schools. Used to teach martial arts in a dojo.
Q18: Nuclear family is ideal. Extended family contact is nice too. There are a lot of single parents and same sex couples with adopted kids. Nuclear family is rather uncommon now. LGBT is a sign of bad mental health and they play into the hands of the Marxists. Has been looking into Weimar Germany and the same tactics used against the Germans are the ones being used here. Doesn't think porn is that bad, but addiction to it is bad.
Q19: Admires Benjamin Franklin. Always thinks about how much it would have taken to be a leader in the early years of America, it took a lot of creativity and skill to successfully lead the country like he and others did.
Q20: Despises Alexander Hamilton. He laid the groundwork for the Federal Reserve and designed the banking system.
Q21: Nationalism in America is a response to Bolshevism. Marxism has to be stopped, and Nationalism is the only way to do it. Some people within the Movement don't take the time to convince or argue their points with those who do not share their views. You have to make this movement more palletable with others, bring strong arguments to the table, and win hearts and minds. That has been improving recently. Finds the "rebranding" from VA to PF to be a positive change. The Manifesto is a good sign of our improvement.
Q22: Will be getting married next year, so building his family is a good personal goal. He also wants to fight against our enemy in a positive way. Building community with us and building a good family are one in the same to him.

We understand this interviewee to not exactly be along the same lines as most of the organization ideologically, the Interviewers find him to be along the same lines as us enough to fit in. The interviewee sounded very honest and genuine in the way he spoke of these subjects.

Josh CA @PF-7674

Copy that, I'll message him on the vetting server 👍. Thank you.

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