
RocketChat ID: vagQyKbCTedcw7BdZ

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PF is welcome at Amren?

I thought we were too extreme

Thomas @thomas

If we weren't, it's too late.

William TX @PF-3544


Bill MA @PF-6309

Jared Taylor spoke positively of us in the Amren podcast last year

Jason NY @PF-3527

I’m very glad to hear that, who doesn’t love Jared Taylor?

NS - Grant MD @PF-880297

@William TX Link please??

Walter ID @PF-8472
Walter ID @PF-8472
Thomas @thomas

Reminder that he's a former who got kicked because he wouldn't do anything but sticker.

Thomas @thomas

And even then, was barely doing that.

Thomas @thomas

He probably listened to that deranged NWG rant after our IDay action and lapped it up like the puppy he is.

Thomas @thomas

@Walter ID Let him know PF never asks for that kind of info.

Thomas @thomas

For the first, ask him to show you links to the dozens supposedly identified publicly. Where can this information be found? If it can't be found anywhere, it's not a dox.

Second comment more or less the same thing. He's overestimating police because he wants to be afraid.

Thomas @thomas

Also, cowing your message for the sake of being perceived as better by cops is dumb.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Fuentes gets flak for saying awful stuff about the kids who died in Waukesha and his fans rush to his defense by… attacking us on twitter????

Jason NY @PF-3527

We have made 0 official mentions of Fuentes ever but they never shut up about us

Walter ID @PF-8472

Did he actually say anything about it or was it just one of his fans?

Jason NY @PF-3527

There is a video on Eric Striker's telegram of Fuentes mocking people for being upset about the kids & talking about how they would've had black boyfriends in the future

Walter ID @PF-8472

Hadn't seen that yet

Walter ID @PF-8472
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 24, 2021 3:52 PM
Jason NY @PF-3527

Guess we made a good impression on him in Pittsburgh

Thomas @thomas

There's no way to confirm that anything was actually taken since nothing appears to have happened. I know you want to fearmonger because you think it drives people toward more moderate opinions, but you could do better leaving PF out of your discussions.

Thomas @thomas

Activism is about so much more than just sloganry. Not every single word of PF's message is about race, and it's unfortunate you got kicked out. Best to leave PF out of your rhetoric if you're going to be negative and repetitive.

Thomas @thomas

PF isn't meant for just anyone. There are requirements and standards which demand people above the average, who change the way they think and act. It's very unfortunate that you were unable to understand PF's actions. You should leave those actions alone if you're so opposed.

Thomas @thomas

Leave it there. He wants a debate but he's just resentful that he got kicked out.

Thomas @thomas

"Why isn't your entire message about race?" - Because our ideology includes the whole spectrum of societal life and structure. We believe that there is more to a functioning civilization than "oh boy I'm so white today".

"PF's rehashed like everything else" - Not true, obviously we're the difference. Racialism "white/anti-white" composing 90% of the message is actually what has been the norm since the 80's at least.

Thomas @thomas

Remember that identity is about culture and EXTENDS from your genetics, but your genetics are NOT culture. Racialism in this type of online ecosystem has stock photos as its greatest expressions of cultural relevance, because everything else that's been produced by civilizations has been "tainted" by things like religion, warfare, government, economy, and all the other things that make society what it is. You can't construct a prim and perfect stock photo society.

Thomas @thomas

Make sense? Give me some feedback.

Thomas @thomas

Also notable.

We use the term European to denote our racial collective, not white, because it is a term which conveys a greater geographic and cultural lineage than a term which is a literal skin-level observation. White is fine as an informal classification, but in formal matters of diction, we are American, of the European race.

Thomas @thomas

This is to educate you guys. We have all the answers for this Twitter sperg's questions, but they're lost on him. @all

Sam MN @PF-173220

I think the survival of our race is the most important political objective, but you have to appeal to the masses with a vision for society.

Sam MN @PF-173220

It's like the chicken vs the egg scenario; racial survival is intrinsically tied to the re-ordering of society/culture.

Sam MN @PF-173220

I think the most important and essential aspect of identity is race - the people themselves being more important than their cultural habits, and the European person-body being a greater masterpiece than any cultural artifact. Of course, without a healthy lifestyle and worldview the people degenerate and lose their will to power or survival.

Thomas @thomas

@Sam MN Survival of any body politic is dependent upon a state, a government. We aren't Anarchists, so we believe in the power of a state being needed to guide society.

We do not believe that one government can govern a whole race. Slovenians and Boers ought not report to the same Parliament. That would be chaotic and/or tyrannical, correct? So then the template is one nation:one state. Our nation is America, and our state is what we are trying to build to protect, guide, society. At this point, the racial aspect is a predicate understanding for the motive, but not every single motive in itself.

Saying that any part of the Identity Hierarchy is necessarily more important than any other is silly. Someone always exists as an individual, with a family, a community, a nation, and a race (with very few exceptions). A healthy society depends on every single one of those. A proper government depends on them too.

I am not saying that paintings are more important than the race. I am drawing a distinction between an active cultural expression and an inactive cultural expression. I am one who creates art, literature, rhetoric, myself, and these are all active expressions, but I don't really clench hard and become whiter to showcase my whiteness. Your genetic makeup is pre-decided at birth, but your cultural output in regards to works, efforts, constructs, deeds, etc. is up to you.


Sam MN @PF-173220

Yes, I completely agree with the nation-state concept, and understand what you're saying about cultural expression. The only area where I differ is with regards to the relative importance of each level of the Identity Hierarchy. While a healthy society does depend on the health of each level to flourish, I think race takes precedence where it conflicts with the other levels.

For instance, if the individual must sacrifice for the good of the race, then they should. If the nation must sacrifice for the good of the race, then it should. This establishes race as more important in itself than all the rest. The good of the (racial) collective as a whole always being more important than the good of any other level that it can be subdivided into.

But maybe this is all besides the point. Patriot Front is the only organization effectively organizing European men on the American continent, and therefore the most likely to achieve power. If it did take power, it would safeguard our racial survival here and elsewhere.

Thomas @thomas

Without the individual, there are no humans. Full stop. Without the family, there is no reproduction. No humans. Without the community, then even hunter-gatherer societies are impossible. No civilization. Without the nation, there is no representative government. Everyone's tyrannized. Without races, there's retroactively no nations and also no biological foundations for the rest. Can't have one w/o all. Can't have all w/o one.

They're all equally part of the human experience.

My issue with the NWG cultists is that their view of messaging is an almost sterile repetition of racialist catch-phrases and slogans. So instead of engaging with European/American culture as a whole, they only focus on the genetic phenotype. Obviously this is oversimplified, but you get the idea. There's more to be proud of, more to live up to. That's why there's more to our message as well.

Sam MN @PF-173220

Absolutely agree

Thomas @thomas

Also the guy said that we go out and demonstrate to scare children of color, and he wears a gay crystal on his neck while he rakes in donations from middle aged women all day.

Bill MA @PF-6309

Thomas, you know "___ of color" is communist newspeak don't you?

Thomas @thomas

@Bill MA That was the phrase he used.

Walter ID @PF-8472
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 25, 2021 2:51 PM

Proof that was him?

Walter ID @PF-8472
Walter ID @PF-8472
Missing attachment: Screenshot_20211125-193941_Twitter.jpg
Jason NY @PF-3527

It was his account, he had one of those "twitter spaces" going and it was clearly him talking.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I think we should move on to topics more relevant to our own social media presence though.

That Twitter screenshot really captures how boring these people are and how little they have going for them to post about cheese or whatever. Kinda sad really.

Thomas @thomas

What are these Twitter spaces I keep hearing about?

Jason NY @PF-3527

It's a voice chatroom that you can start and have your followers or random people join. I joined some public ones and it was just black people talking about NBA and kpop.

Thomas @thomas


Mason TX @PF-8656



NS - Grant MD @PF-880297


NS - Grant MD @PF-880297
Missing attachment: IMG_5327.PNG
Thomas @thomas

Kind of cool

Walter ID @PF-8472
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 27, 2021 8:32 PM
Mason TX @PF-8656

This guy has been around for a long time, posting his own PF style edits on our tweets. He disappeared for a while, but is back now, it looks like. Expect him to be doing this quite a bit.

Mason TX @PF-8656
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 27, 2021 11:09 PM
Walter ID @PF-8472

Has anyone talked to him about joining, or is he disqualified for some reason or another?

I like it

Thomas @thomas

@Walter ID I don't know if he wants to join, or maybe is too old. Feel free to ask. He's mainly just a reply guy it seems.

Mason TX @PF-8656

There's no way he isn't old.

Jason NY @PF-3527
Someone reply to this :point_up_2: by tagging all the boogaloo boys for free twitter exposure:

@EgoAndIts0wn @TimTeagan @Trashmin_BiB @IguanaBig @AfaUva @Nomad4Liberty

Jason NY @PF-3527

The clip @ the start was recorded by one of them

Walter ID @PF-8472
Missing attachment: Screenshot_20211128-203803_Reddit.jpg
Thomas @thomas

@Walter ID Do it with your less official account.

Walter ID @PF-8472

Any suggestions to get started?

Thomas @thomas

Take SoC posts and kind of mimic some of the existing memes and posts.

Walter ID @PF-8472

Got it.

This guy is following our accounts, I'm going to block

Jason NY @PF-3527

Good catch, everyone should block. He followed me as well.

Walter ID @PF-8472
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 29, 2021 11:06 PM
Walter ID @PF-8472

It was on a photo of a Strong Families Make Strong Nations flyer too lol

Missing attachment: e4a08bf69d1bd420.png
Thomas @thomas

Why does this man insist that we need more stars?

Shout out from a big account

Bryan OK @PF-345050

What are they supposed to represent if we did add them?

Thomas @thomas

The same states, just double.

Bryan OK @PF-345050

I think the current banner looks goof

Thomas @thomas
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 30, 2021 2:55 PM
Thomas @thomas

"Sorry, that tweet has been deleted."

Thomas @thomas
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 30, 2021 2:56 PM
Thomas @thomas

"Sorry, that tweet has been deleted."

Thomas @thomas
Jason NY @PF-3527

Sad! Groyper didn't want to stand by his comments

Walter ID @PF-8472

Lol this guy has me blocked for some reason. I don't even recognize him

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