(DM) ND - Samuel VA & Victor DE

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Send over your weekly update when you get a chance; also did you get a jacket yet? Finally - would you be available for:
1. Drilling this weekend on 11/13
2. December 3-5
3. Banner making/Christmas Dinner for the network 12/11-12/12

Victor DE @PF-365630

7 posts done four post goal next week. Haven't ordered the jacket, 11/13 has already passed, and I work both of those weekends in December.

I meant 11/20 for 1. (This coming weekend)

I need to have a brief call with you about 2., when will you have time?

Victor DE @PF-365630

Qhats your schedule like I doubt your up at midnight like me.

I can talk anytime between 6am and 10pm

Maybe w the exception being 7pm-9pm

Victor DE @PF-365630

You think I can show up late to Christmas dinner? I can leave work at 12ish.

Of course

Victor DE @PF-365630

5 posts this week four post goal this week, also sent numbers to grant.

10-4 man

I dont think so we would be sitting down at 2am then I think by that point everyone will be sleeping

Victor DE @PF-365630

Ver-mac is the brand of signs that have detachable modules.

Message boards?

Victor DE @PF-365630

Yea im going back out tonight and I'll get a video.

Godspeed my friend

Victor DE @PF-365630

Tyler CT is going to have my stencils at the event can you pick them up for me? I'm looking into a go pro so I can get some solo footage in hopes that it generates some attention in DE.

of course

Victor DE @PF-365630

Four post this week four post goal for next week.

Victor DE @PF-365630

Safe travels brother.

Thank you brother. Fortune favors the bold, and we will do deeds worthy of our ancestors. Victory or Death

Victor DE @PF-365630

I'm in.

Victor DE @PF-365630

Message sent to Norman.

Victor DE @PF-365630

What did I miss last night.

You can actually listen for yourself lol

Victor DE @PF-365630

Shoot me the link on tg I can't get it from rocket.

Victor DE @PF-365630

And did our opsec get sloppy and someone got in?

Victor DE @PF-365630

Any word on the interview.

He is good to meet in Pocomoke city 10am Sunday mornint

35/MD/D.C. (Is Permres)

Conductor: Sam MN
Notes: Tyler SD

Result: Accepted

Test: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About 7 days ago.

Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: None.
Govt Employ: Was in the marine corp, not active duty, left 8 years ago. Not involved with mil intelligence.
Ailments: None.

SEQ1: A few years ago came across app called "know your jew", starting noticing pattern and how the world really is. The sources of all the political problems (jews) was realized, it then through telegram (names proud boys, and NS groups), which lead him to Europa: The Last Battle which further pushed him forwards. Admits he was originally apprehensive with brainwashing he was brought up with, it was after Europa: The Last Battle he realized that there was a spun narrative which hid important details about reality; named Hitlers attempts at peace, Hitler allowing the withdrawal at Dunkirk, the Polish aggression that provoked Hitler. Doesn't believe holocaust happened (states various proofs). Western Chauvinist, Shadowman311, Full Tide were especially influential TG channels.

SEQ2: Labels self as a fascist, because of the idea that we are stronger together, that the only way forward is to 1488. Describes 'we' as White Americans. Story about his upbringing, had a Black neighbor who pushed him to admit that he's racist, that our cultures are meant to be distinct.

SEQ3: Found out about the Org through activism reposted by The Western Chauvinist. The impression that pushed him over was the reaction from mainstream right slandering us as feds, in addition to the group being organized and not just talking on the internet (namely the banners and marches demonstrated that to him).

SEQ4: Wants to join because he must help secure the future for his children (4, wow). Willing to do activism.

SEQ5: Heard of civnationalism, states it's a farce because it's too abstract and a nation is comprised of it's people.

SEQ6: Family came from England, came on the mayflower; he is Irish, English and French.

SEQ7: Is Christian, never felt like it was at odds with his political beliefs. Would have no issues working with activists of other religions.

SEQ8: Has outdoorsmanship skills (marines and boy scouts, very familiar with camping and hiking), knows basic first aid, was radio operator.

SEQ9: Able to run mile in under 10 min, is very active in general. Very familiar with wrestling, intermediate in Ju Jitsu. Is 5'9" 160lbs.

TEQ1: Never been a part of any other groups. Dad and wife are like-minded.
TEQ1.2: Wanting to help improve the lives of his children made him want to organize.

TEQ2: Believes biggest threat to US is the media/government; media pushed degen and covers for the gov, launders misinformation to the determent of society; government because they are ineffective (admits that it was by design but things have gone too far).

TEQ3: In self-defense violence is justified, doesn't believe it's a viable strategy right now (would do more harm than good because it would play into the plans of our enemies). Would be able to remain peaceful if provoked or attacked at demos.

TEQ4: Last physical altercation was around 2013/2012, he got in a minor fight with a guy.

TEQ5: Follows (TG) America First people (Lauren Witske was named), Police Frequency, DiscloseTV for information. Some info from Gab. Gets emails from 'Patriot Post', which is more normie but keeps him looped in.

TEQ6: The Approaching Fury, book about what lead to the civil war, was particularly influential. Some Ayn Rand book (couldn't remember name). An essay written by Andrew Torban about how masculinity has been subverted. They were influential because they strongly stated what reality is.

TEQ7: Nuclear family stated as ideal family structure. That differs from today because of how many less exist today (28%) versus the 60s (~60%), in addition to the propaganda being pushed. Raised by dad (divorced). Thinks porn and promiscuity is immoral and should be banned.

TEQ8: Admires George Patton the most, because of his admittance of the mistake that was made in WWII.

TEQ9: Despises Lincoln the most because of his aggression on the South. Makes comparison to couple wanting to break up and the other partner pulling a gun to make them stay.

TEQ10: Says largest issue with nationalism movement is the lukewarmness of them, how they harbor complacently (names mainstream, Groypers). Org fits into thoughts by how it organizes, is in shape, that it's building communities to push our goals further down the road.

TEQ11: Sees self working to help straighten out the mess society is in.

TEQ12: Has been entirely truthful about everything said.

TEQ13: Believes he should be in the org because he has the conviction to do what needs to be done to contribute towards moving the country in the right direction.

Victor DE @PF-365630

And me whatever info you can on him. Do you have s location selected yet.

I haven't picked the specific location yet, and all of the info is cited above in the notes

Victor DE @PF-365630

Got the notes and delmarva discovery museum looks like a good place for first contact.

Victor DE @PF-365630

There is a park about a block away we can head to and finish the interview there. The museum allows us to observe and walk up to while giving us exits.

Victor DE @PF-365630




Can you draft a 1 paragraph instruction memo, telling him to stand on a specific space (provide street view pic), and to message me w his description upon arrival?

Victor DE @PF-365630

Got it.

we have an event coming up on Friday jan 21st, 2022. It will require you to take off work that Day. Will you be available to come?

please let Ben MD know as well


Did you get the jacket yet?

This is the shot right here

Victor DE @PF-365630

I was just about to ask for the link, also did you find a spare nw9 patch I swear I picked one up at I day but I don't have it. I think I left it in your tent.

I do have several I can bring you one

Victor DE @PF-365630


Victor DE @PF-365630

Stand on the corner of willow and front St 10am 12/16/21. Park in the Delmarva discovery museum parking lot prior to meeting and proceed on foot to stated location. Once at the corner of willow and front send a message confirming you are in position and describe your attire.

Victor DE @PF-365630


Victor DE @PF-365630

I'll park up here to observe you will park at a different location and make first contact. I'll walk down the front of the museum and approach from behind. After the pat down we will go back to either your car or mine and head to the park.

Victor DE @PF-365630

This can be your parking area it will allow you to see anyone who pulls up in the parking area I told him to use. This way you'd be able to see if he's alone or with someone before hand. Also acts as a escape route since it's the main highway.

Victor DE @PF-365630



We aren't going to take vehicles anymore

The interviewee should not have access to license plate info

Victor DE @PF-365630

I'm in a rental still but if you don't want to use cars the plan is the same. We are able to walk to the park from the area of initial contact.

Victor DE @PF-365630

Jacket ordered.


I'll get to messaging the applicant today

Victor DE @PF-365630

I'm going to send you an updated view of the meet area with illustrated entry and exit routes. Are we doing this with two or three guys?

Victor DE @PF-365630


Victor DE @PF-365630

Forgive the crude drawing but this is what we got for entry and exit. You park at the red dot and red line is your entry. I'm yellow for entry and parking blue is my escape route should we need it and purple is your exit. Light purple is the meeting spot for all of us. I'll be in the area around 9am to recon it and setup we won't meet up before then. We can start a call on tg once we are in position before the walk up.

Just the two of us

12/16/21 is a typo I hope

you meant 12/19 right?


Time: 10:00 AM at 12/16/21 (do not arrive later or earlier).

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/PQchSPVSyp7ymuGT6

Directions: Stand on the corner of willow and front St 10am 12/16/21. Park in the Delmarva discovery museum parking lot prior to meeting and proceed on foot to stated location. Once at the corner of willow and front send a message confirming you are in position and describe your attire. Please bring with you a hat, sunglasses and facemask.

Do you have any questions?

Instructions sent to intermediate:

Time: Sunday 12/19/21 at 10:00 AM (do not arrive later or earlier).

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/PQchSPVSyp7ymuGT6

Directions: Stand on the corner of willow and front St 10am 12/19/21. Park in the Delmarva discovery museum parking lot prior to meeting and proceed on foot to stated location. Once at the corner of willow and front send a message confirming you are in position and describe your attire. Please bring with you a hat, sunglasses and facemask.

Do you have any questions?

Victor DE @PF-365630

Good to go are you good with my plan of observing the area solo and not meeting up until the start of the interview.

Observe the area beforehand, and I will probably get there a bit earlier to link w you so we're on same page

Victor DE @PF-365630

The only reason I recommend not meeting up before hand is to reduce damage should one of us be spotted. Solo we can say we are here for the museum which is plausible. Operating separately does require abit more coordination but if we each know our role is safer.

Victor DE @PF-365630

At the end of the day it's your call I'll do whatever you want this is only my recommendation.

I'll defer back to you in this case. Until now i have been doing a certain way based on my own experiences and your recommendations, I would like to see your full vision put into practice

Until now it has worked well. Only one snafu - we patted down an applicant and some dock loading Mexican saw us, notified the manager of the Chipotle, called the cops who came around to harass us and asked us very nosy questions.

Victor DE @PF-365630

If you look at the street view of the meeting location it's an empty field across the street and we are in the back of the museum. A quick check of the belt line and off we go to the park. When you see me approaching from behind him let him know I'm there to search him and to keep his eyes forward and hands on his chest. We do need more experience doing this and working as a team so meeting up before hand isn't a bad idea. It's worth the risk to get things squared away than possibly draw more attention in public when we are on the street.

Okay so I will call u on tg when I'm in there area around 930

Victor DE @PF-365630

I'll find us a spot to meet away from the interview.

Victor DE @PF-365630
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