Message from PF-3527

RocketChat ID: RGEYhz5YDmr7MbqHH

35/Salt Lake City/Utah
Conductor: Jesse AR
Notetaker: Tyler SD


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: About a week ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes.

Permanent Resident: Yes.

Political Ideology: Doesn't have political ideology, "can appreciate Life, Liberty, and Victory", used to consider self conservative, thinks it's bullshit now. Feels strongly about abortion, immigration, CRT/education, gay rights, vaccination, religious freedoms.

Drug Abuse: Was an alcoholic, has been sober for almost 7 years.

Religion: Roman Catholic. No issues working with activists of other religions.

Why Join: Wants to contribute, sick of standing on sidelines as Country falls, wants to restore it for future generations and experience what he was able to experience. Wants to join PF in particular because we're out there actively doing effective activism.

Skills: Martial artist (Taekwondo (black belt), with a mix of BJJ), grey man opsec, "amateur espionage" (lockpicking, night vision). Outdoorsman in younger days: hiking & camping.

Read Manifesto: Yes, agreed with all of it.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Has not interviewed in process before.

Q2: Had felony burglery charges from when he was an addolecent that were sealed and expunged. Nothing currently (won't pop on background check). No federal/military affiliation.

Q3: No restricting physical or mental ailments.

Q4: 9/11 made him start paying attention. Has become jaded with modernity (vax, rigged election) and it's pushed him further to the Right. Was a part of the proud boys for a little bit, went away from them because of their alcohol use.

Q5: Found out about PF through Telegram (Patriot Alerts, Western Chauv, Proud Boys), was through activism demos (D.C. most recently) that got him to join.

Q6: Heard of it, doesn't know definition. Believes immigrants can become Americans; believes America is an idea independently of ethnicity. Describes ideal America as industrious and White. Later admits that ethnicity IS a critical part of being American because it was the intention for the start, it's what needs to be protected.

Q7: Family has been in US for at least 4 generations, speculates somewhere over 100 years. Family originated from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal.

Q8: Used to be with Proud Boys, went to Trump rally with them once, went to bars with them (which is why he left). In for about a year. Has not been doxxed. Based off of PF activism seen, believes he can fit in and help out.

Q9: Believes violence is justified when there is immediate life-threatening danger. Also believes that there's generally a place for violence, but only after all attempts at peace have failed.

Q10: Had a fight over 10 years ago with "some thugs" after drinking.

Q11: Can make self available at almost any time, very flexible.

Q12: Communists are biggest threat to US. Communism exists in US to destroy White America. Believes white people in particular are targeted because we are strong and the largest threat to them. Believes there's a jewish agenda (but also mentions "black agenda").

Q13: Gets information from Telegram (Western Chauvenist, Covid Red-Pills, Punished Disidents, Proud Boys, One Whites).

Q14: Labels self as White Nationalist, has starting describing self as such starting about 2.5 years ago unappoligetically. Grew up in a ghetto in CA, became aware of "things not being right", especially after an incident where his friend covered up a highlighter to spell "Hitler" and getting suspended. Saw muslim immigrants getting free rent when his family was paying in full.

Q15: Believes his religion is at odds in some ways, but has reconsiled them through strictly following what Roman Catholicism used to be.

Q16: Doesn't read much, read a Nikki Haley book recently and made connection that it was much of the same mainstream garbage.

Q17: Physically fit, 5'10" and 165 lbs, lacking cardio but willing to improve; can run a mile in under 10 minutes. Can hike for a very long time though. Experience in Taekwondo (black belt, 15 years), capable of training others (actually did so for a long time).

Q18: Nuclear family (same race wife and husband) with lots of kids is ideal. Today differs because of anti-White agenda: single moms, loser dads, race-mixing. Parents divorced, neither remarried.

Q19: Admires Thomas Jefferson the most, his tenacity and willingness to fight for freedom.

Q20: Most despised figure would be Bill Gates (or Zuckerberg), for using money to destroy America.

Q21: Coordinated movements are required, destroying subversive corperations. PF fits in line with what he believes needs to be done in terms of organization.

Q22: In the future he sees self in concentration camp if everything keeps up. Wants to contribute to preventing that.