Message from PF-729917

RocketChat ID: DkpzYcZmTYKMtKHJS

Interviewee - 796512
28/CA/Costa Mesa (With his brother in CA. Will be there for the foreseeable future.)
Conductor: Jason TX
Notes: Randolph IL
Result: Accepted
Test: Have you ever seen any of the orgs activism in person?: No
Interviewed before: No
Transport: Yes
Drugs: No
Crimes: No
Govt Employ: No
Ailments: None

Q1: Grandfather was part of a club in Georgia (Oakleaf Club). He was into Hitler stuff. Went to meetings with him when he was young. Has been familiar with Fascism for a long tome. There was never are trigger moment. Grew up around non whites in GA. Label: White Nationalist. Concerned with demographic issues and parasites in the gov. Mother and Father are on the same page as him.

Q2: Found us on 4chan. Found our videos about 6 months ago. Knew about Cville and Vanguard. Getting tired of not doing anything. We are at a turning point in America. Wants to find ideological allies in CA. Would do all types of activism.

Q3: Civic nationalism is wrong. It will always break down into conflict. Is on the side of European Nationalism.

Q4: Ancestry fought in the revolution. Other parts came in 1830's. French, Scottish, Ukrainian on dads side a little bit.

Q5: Believes in a God. Not a church goer. Read some French sounding authors as well as Evola. Behaves as if there is a God. No religious/political conflicts. No problem working with others.

Q6: Has done construction, plumbing, cooking, will be at events. Outdoorsman. Hikes a lot.

Q7: Current level of fitness is "fine" 6' 175ibs. Does burpees in his living room a lot. Could do a mile in under 10 min. Hikes. Brother has taught him some Jiu Jitzu.

Q8: Counter protested people removing confederate state in St. Augustine FL. Never a part of a group. Had a blog that someone found out about and told some people. Lost a few friends. Doesn't have a lot to lose. Not afraid to get hurt, arrested, hand out materiel and ect. Families is like minded and has some friends back home.

Q9: Biggest threat to America is Jewish subversion and demographic shift away from the white race.

Q10: Violence is justified when violence is being committed towards you. Doing anything overtly violent would hurt us right now. There comes a point where violence is necessary but it's not his call to make. Could remain disciplines during a demo. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q11: Last physical confrontation was three years ago at a bar. No arrests or serious injuries.

Q12: Telegram: Follows PF, Mike Enoch, Paul Wagner and similar people.

Q13: Has read a lot of philosophy. Likes Evola even though it's a meme now. Post WWI nationalist type. Storm of Steel. Mein Kampf. Doctrine of Fascism. For My Legionaries. Imperium by Yakey. Liked the idea of "fortress Europe" with a white nationalist tone.

Q14: Ideal family is man and woman with at least 3 kids. That is almost non-existent now. Families are almost non existent in CA. His parents are still married. Two parents. One brother. Had a lot of family around him.

Q15: Admires Andrew Jackson, Teddy R, Patton. Stonewall Jackson. He had faith and was highly religious. He had loyalty to where he came from. We need more fanatics.

Q16: Despises FDR. He betrayed the Germans.

Q17: The nationalist movement in America is almost non-existent. It is not homogeneous. Civic nationalism is weak. PF has the balls to go out and be active.

Q18: Goal for the future is to have a farm and a family. Would like to own a restaurant.

Q19: Has been truthful.

Q20: Doesn't know where he is needed in PF. "I'm a good dude and can help out any way I can."