Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: wwELQYr8Nc3htsQXc

I want to give a quick summary on some recent events in the NW. A long time member and a new member both left/got suspended from the organization.

One had been with us for well over a year, and left to join a do-nothing Hitlerite group because he doesn't believe that we are of our own nation which DEMANDS its own cause, and would rather make do with quasi-religious idolatry of Hitler instead. Our organization is built of stronger stuff. Our message is our own, our labors are for the sake of our own nation. We find our chief inspiration for our actions in the people and lineage that forms OUR ranks. I don't much care which combination of interwar European regimes and parties you find appealing, but the belief in OUR OWN history and right to exist is beyond critical.

Another gave himself over to hysterical whining about his own inability to do this thing and that thing and the other thing. He lamented on about how he couldn't organize with us because he has a job and an alcohol addiction to keep up with. Nevermind those men of our cause who have careers, wives, children, and numerous other responsibilities and not only participate, but excell and organize their brothers. Belief in our ideals means NOTHING if you can't even believe in yourself. Despair is NOT native to your soul. It is an invader sent from your enemies to subjugate you.

I don't often bring attention to disappointing matters such as these, but it is important for all of you to harbor a healthy resentment for those who fail us in such ways. The difference about our organization is the stakes of being involved. It matters. It requires that we build something. Those who would waste our time and dilute our convictions are dangerous, and it's all of our jobs to be that much better, so that the next one that shows up will either be compelled to change or stay away on his own volition.

Everyone let me know if any/all of the above makes sense, and if you've read the announcements sent further above today. Go!