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2018-11-01 07:04:48 UTC

Addressing a plural and singular at once?

2018-11-01 07:04:57 UTC

Un-ironically there were 8 pairs of Rick and Mortys including 2 pickle Ricksโ€™s.

2018-11-01 07:04:58 UTC

Winter isn't for a month or two, right?

2018-11-01 07:05:48 UTC

it โ€œofficiallyโ€ starts December 21

2018-11-01 07:06:04 UTC

but everyone knows winter comes after Thanksgiving

2018-11-01 07:06:31 UTC

ackshually, all time is arbitrary


2018-11-01 07:06:34 UTC

Or you're in the south west and Winter just never comes.

2018-11-01 07:09:57 UTC

It's only been autumn in OK for... five days?

2018-11-01 07:10:10 UTC

We'll be done by next week

2018-11-01 07:11:02 UTC

I'm finding it impressive how unimpressed the reception to FO 76 has been
it's also hilarious how the in-game stuff is directly tied to framerate (made funnier when it turned out that staring _at the ground_ made you run faster)

2018-11-01 07:44:46 UTC

Oh I missed the candy corn debate

2018-11-01 07:44:51 UTC

Itโ€™s disgusting

2018-11-01 10:10:16 UTC

@ophiuchus Lies.
Candy Corn is a delicacy.

2018-11-01 11:08:03 UTC

What was the fireside about last night? I couldnโ€™t make it....

2018-11-01 11:10:47 UTC

@Punisher National IE Conference 2019!

2018-11-01 11:11:59 UTC

@Punisher It's called "Leading Our People Forward." Lots of great speakers will be there.

2018-11-01 11:32:42 UTC

Thanks @Axel

2018-11-01 11:33:43 UTC

Anyone wanna redbar me on the Kanye fallout? Just heard on FTN that he threw in the towel...

2018-11-01 11:33:54 UTC

Morning, by the way!

2018-11-01 11:45:19 UTC

@Tyler0317 Candy corn is a delicacy

2018-11-01 11:45:42 UTC

@Bjorn - MD Good morning

2018-11-01 11:49:20 UTC

He went down the rabbit whole and is took the ultimate โ€œwe wiz kangzโ€ redpill

2018-11-01 11:50:00 UTC

@Salo Saloson How is FO 76, I've heard nothing but bad things about it. It looks like a dlc for FO 4.

2018-11-01 11:52:51 UTC

Speaking of we wuz kangz check out this jewel of a video from our good friends at Vice

2018-11-01 11:53:33 UTC

**Breaking news:** *Marble is racist!*

2018-11-01 12:12:51 UTC

This was covered on TDS

2018-11-01 12:20:36 UTC

Good morning!

2018-11-01 12:34:08 UTC

Arguing with a CATONIAN this early in the morning

2018-11-01 12:42:58 UTC

Good morning

2018-11-01 12:56:07 UTC

@Virgil Didn't realize you were on the latest episode of IA. Looks like ya made it, man ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-11-01 13:00:09 UTC

@Bjorn - MD Lol thanks man๐Ÿ‘

2018-11-01 13:16:30 UTC

This page intentionally or unintentionally is pushing our agenda. Awareness is step one I suppose.

2018-11-01 13:19:07 UTC

Yeah that page was created in response to Twitter blocking all links to their website

2018-11-01 13:21:39 UTC

Canโ€™t have whites know they will be outnumbered, that might motivate them to pursue their own interests.

2018-11-01 13:26:54 UTC

@The Eternal Anglo Clouds also.

2018-11-01 13:27:01 UTC


2018-11-01 13:35:55 UTC


2018-11-01 13:41:00 UTC


2018-11-01 13:49:23 UTC


2018-11-01 13:49:27 UTC

Today in stupid

2018-11-01 13:49:46 UTC

Tariq Nasheed using bad optics Rahowa language lol.

2018-11-01 13:50:44 UTC

Pls Tariq. Give me more bad optics language that will make normies think about race.

2018-11-01 13:51:19 UTC

I want more Ferguson type events that wake people up. Receiving will be LIT.

2018-11-01 13:51:25 UTC

Tariq is based and redpilled.

2018-11-01 13:51:32 UTC


2018-11-01 13:52:35 UTC

If racists made a Twitter bot to agitate Blacks. It would look a lot like Tariq.

2018-11-01 13:56:31 UTC

I wonder, what ever could it be about Texas that's changed...?

2018-11-01 13:56:56 UTC

@Bjorn - MD ๐Ÿ˜”

2018-11-01 14:02:58 UTC

@Sam Anderson Tariq posting this type of language is scary. There are people who will follow out his orders.

2018-11-01 14:03:39 UTC

I reported him for inciting violence.

2018-11-01 14:05:31 UTC

I dont think there are many people who take tariq seriously, but I could be wrong.

2018-11-01 14:05:48 UTC

You under estimate that demographic

2018-11-01 14:07:46 UTC

They already make a sport/game out of attacking us. โ˜น๏ธ

2018-11-01 14:34:49 UTC

@Chaos Dionysia please delete, we don't want anything that can be misconstrued as an endorsement of that message behind

2018-11-01 14:36:36 UTC

trump has been on a roll!

2018-11-01 14:36:46 UTC

He has something along the lines of a dozen more rallies until midterm voting!

2018-11-01 14:37:54 UTC

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

2018-11-01 14:38:03 UTC

@ThisIsChris ok, but it's actually a movie made by black people.

2018-11-01 14:38:25 UTC

@Chaos Dionysia thank you

2018-11-01 14:55:02 UTC

Okay what did I just watch lol

2018-11-01 15:01:14 UTC

Mixed pill: one lean Dem house race has become a tossup, one lead Republican house race has become a tossup, according to most recent polls.

2018-11-01 15:01:40 UTC

So 203 races lean dem, 198 races lean republican, 34 tossups

2018-11-01 15:02:27 UTC

2018-11-01 15:02:28 UTC

Well, given how turnout works in the midterms... I voted all Republican this time

2018-11-01 15:02:42 UTC

IB flashmob in Berlin ^

2018-11-01 15:02:48 UTC


2018-11-01 15:02:50 UTC


2018-11-01 15:03:46 UTC

@Sam Anderson Man, that just doesn't sit right with me. I mean, he seems autonomous enough to make his own decisions, so I guess it technically isn't exploitation, but it just feels wrong...

2018-11-01 15:07:28 UTC

@Bjorn - MD Ricky Berwick seems like he was trolling Alex Jones almost. Like seeing this kind of political content as beneath him.

2018-11-01 15:22:05 UTC

Maybe. This was honestly my first exposure to him, but he seems to have some pretty legit video editing chops, so who knows. It seems to be that just his appearance and motor skills are affected, but he's pretty sharp upstairs.

2018-11-01 15:27:23 UTC

I've seen Ricky Berwick a few times. He has a fairly professional operation going on as far as I can tell. He's just an amateur comedian with muscular dystrophy and a lazy eye, the rest he just plays up like sticking out his tongue and hanging his mouth in Nintendo switch face mode

2018-11-01 15:28:36 UTC

Oh, okay. More power to him, lol.

2018-11-01 15:30:35 UTC

@ThisIsChris many of those tossups were recently taken from the lean Republican side.
All modern polling is designed to sway votes, not to inform candidates so it is the fakest fake news.

2018-11-01 15:40:06 UTC


2018-11-01 15:45:00 UTC

Happy lunch break

2018-11-01 15:48:33 UTC

<> Bad optics Blacks make a movie. Lets stay away from the topic itself. But Jared Taylor raises great points. One of the best points was "If America is a Systemically White Supremacist country where all Whites think like me, why am I so persecuted and shunned?"

2018-11-01 15:49:15 UTC

Best part about this article is how much security they needed for Jared Taylor.

2018-11-01 15:49:26 UTC

Because how little they trust their audience.

2018-11-01 15:50:49 UTC

I cannot wait to ask Jared Taylor about this experience at the Atlantic Society.

2018-11-01 15:54:04 UTC

the Atlantic Society sounds like a supervillain organization

2018-11-01 15:54:19 UTC

Shhh lmao

2018-11-01 15:55:13 UTC

TBH when I got the email for it I was thinking "why is (((The Atlantic))) " sending me emails?

2018-11-01 15:55:41 UTC

"Curiously, the only whites who speak on camera are myself and Richard Spencer. I deny that there is a race war, and add that it is ludicrous to think whites as a group are attacking โ€œpeople of color.โ€ I do agree that there is racial tension and misunderstanding, and say that the only solution is voluntary separation. Mr. Spencer says that thereย isย a race war going on, and that whites will win. He says fairness and morality are irrelevant, that power and victory are all that matter."

A perfect representation of the contrast between Mr. Taylor's views and Spencer's views.

2018-11-01 15:57:33 UTC

Exactly. @Virgil on the way back from camping we were listening to speeches by Taylor and Spencer, and contrasting how concise Taylor is with how scattered the thoughts of Spencer are. How Taylor can articulately outline White Identity in 3 mins and Spencer can somewhat touch on it in 10.

2018-11-01 15:59:56 UTC

@Sam Anderson Spencer is one of those people that talks a lot but says absolutely nothing and passes it off as intellectualism.

2018-11-01 16:02:10 UTC

@Sam Anderson Man, the comments under that video are pretty telling...

2018-11-01 16:02:56 UTC

The comments are very supportive of him haha.

2018-11-01 16:05:49 UTC

tfw you get the big bad White Supreemist to review your movie and this is all the ammunition you can get on him.

2018-11-01 16:10:13 UTC

@Sam Anderson You'd be surprised how many normies like Jared Taylor, the worst thing I've heard is that they respectfully disagree with him.

2018-11-01 16:11:38 UTC

It would be easy for him to go on naming the Jew, but Taylor does not do that. He is aware of but not obsessed with the JQ. That is his strength.

2018-11-01 16:11:57 UTC

Not everybody needs to be full David Duke calling out the Jews power level.

2018-11-01 16:12:27 UTC

At this point Duke is just a man obsessed with 4/10 quality content and a questionable history

2018-11-01 16:13:51 UTC

Taylor is most effective where heโ€™s at. Let KMac handle the heavy lifting with the JQ.

2018-11-01 16:13:56 UTC

Jews are being mixed out of their identity pretty rapidly. Only 40% of reformist Jews marry other Jews, and without the holocaust they would have *no* sense of identity since they tend to be secular

2018-11-01 16:15:11 UTC

So I definitely respect Taylorโ€™s strategy. Someone with a Jewish grandfather on their fatherโ€™s side isnโ€™t Jewish unless theyโ€™re obsessive about it

2018-11-01 16:16:24 UTC

Like Rachel Maddow...

2018-11-01 16:23:17 UTC

@NateDahl76 Somebody who's an 1/8 or a 1/4 Jewish will more than likely identify as white Europeans.
So the question is, should they be accepted as so. I lean towards yes, but I'm not a 100% sure.

2018-11-01 16:28:19 UTC

Love the new firefighter video! Great job to everyone involved!

2018-11-01 16:32:00 UTC

I am sooo excited for the midterms, we're going to WIN so hard

2018-11-01 16:32:25 UTC


2018-11-01 16:37:11 UTC

@NateDahl76 It's also a question of whether said heritage is matrilineal or patrilineal, and whether or not they're eligible to make Aliyah, which represents an obvious conflict of interest:

2018-11-01 16:58:39 UTC

Tfw typo in the IE email

2018-11-01 16:59:09 UTC

Just got invited into an old-timer's house while door-knocking. He thought he would redlist me on Roosevelt and the Communists. He was familiar with the Solzhenitsyn quote about "the perpetrators are currently in control."<:nervous:359009898115104770> <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-11-01 17:06:10 UTC


2018-11-01 17:06:20 UTC

Where at? @fgtveassassin

2018-11-01 17:07:04 UTC

First paragraph "...for our Identity Evropa" not really typo, more so grammar

2018-11-01 17:07:22 UTC

It may be OK but seemed wrong when reading it

2018-11-01 17:08:05 UTC

I'm not so confident that 1/4th J is diluted enough to fully trust. I've met plenty of 1/4th Js who identify as J.

2018-11-01 17:08:31 UTC


2018-11-01 17:08:35 UTC

Good catch

2018-11-01 17:08:45 UTC

@Logan Is Tester gonna win it in Montana or is he finished?

2018-11-01 17:09:50 UTC

@ThisIsChris yeah I'd agree, 10% and below is the threshold I'd begin to consider

2018-11-01 17:10:06 UTC

And even then it's totally on an individual basis

2018-11-01 17:11:41 UTC

Aaliyah is now open to people with basically *any* Jewish ancestry, right? @Bjorn - MD

2018-11-01 17:12:06 UTC

In the sense of Israeli citizenship and such

2018-11-01 17:12:41 UTC

I think it's limited to people who have at least one grandparent who was an observing Jew, and whose religious practice is acknowledged by the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, or someone who's married to, or possibly who has children with such an individual.

2018-11-01 17:15:05 UTC

Someone that is currently a fugitive from justice is still releasing podcasts? Odd... ๐Ÿค”

2018-11-01 17:15:24 UTC
2018-11-01 17:15:54 UTC

Don't know if I should say the name.

2018-11-01 17:16:34 UTC

@micbwilli has he made an Azz of himself?

2018-11-01 17:17:05 UTC

lol Yes he did. ๐Ÿ˜€

2018-11-01 17:17:10 UTC


2018-11-01 17:18:48 UTC

@micbwilli I've seen less self-awareness before. There was a TRS guy who wasn't doxxed and started a YouTube channel of himself talking about his political opinions with the camera just recording himself the whole time, then he was shocked and left TRS when he was doxxed as if he were surprised

2018-11-01 17:19:46 UTC

Was that Bulbasar?

2018-11-01 17:19:58 UTC

@micbwilli no, Ghoul

2018-11-01 17:20:30 UTC

@micbwilli another lack of self-awareness guy was Chris "Let me do an interview with Elle Reeve at UTR" Cantwell

2018-11-01 17:20:47 UTC

How dumb can you get. I heard Larry Ridgeway was doing livestreams in a sky mask.

2018-11-01 17:21:14 UTC

@Deleted User Tester is pretty well-despised. The polling showing tester up 4 percent is totally fake. My knocks target few Democrats, mostly Republicans and Independents but I think Tester is anywhere from up 2 to down 6. The momentum is 100% in Rosendale's favor and Trump has one more visit scheduled. Still I don't know how strong Dem turnout will be.

Trump was up TWENTY in 2016 in MT and he has come here three times so I think we will win.

2018-11-01 17:21:19 UTC

I saw a video about Ukranian families with very limited Jewish ancestry making Aaliyah as refugees; was interesting, felt like a cheat ๐Ÿ˜‚ @Bjorn - MD

2018-11-01 17:21:33 UTC

Chris CantDoAnythingWell.

2018-11-01 17:24:07 UTC

Glad I decided to sit at the picnic table nearby instead of standing in the background of Chris's first park interview with Elle

2018-11-01 17:24:53 UTC

@missliterallywho But don't you wanna be famous? Why be safe and effective when you can be on TV?

2018-11-01 17:25:27 UTC

I think Elle loves covering the alt right cos it's a sure way of getting male attention

2018-11-01 17:25:45 UTC

@micbwilli lol it's bad enough my van drives by later in the doc

2018-11-01 17:26:16 UTC

I loved the TDS episode with her. It's interesting....

2018-11-01 17:27:14 UTC

She has forever ruined the observation of "interesting" for me

2018-11-01 17:27:47 UTC

@NateDahl76 Yeah, there was a LOT of that going on, to the point where they felt compelled to modify the law, for fear that they'd be swamped by Slavs seeking Israeli gibs (if only), lol.

2018-11-01 17:27:53 UTC

@missliterallywho I can't say "imagine my shock" anymore.

2018-11-01 17:28:31 UTC

@micbwilli I hate even using the word "based" now. New lingo when?

2018-11-01 17:29:26 UTC

Based = Based on heavy Jewish influence.

2018-11-01 17:30:13 UTC

@missliterallywho As much as I'm inclined to agree, I also feel the need to remind myself to enjoy this brief window of intelligibility, before the movement's handed over to gen Z, and nobody can understand what the crap *anyone* is saying anymore...

2018-11-01 17:31:20 UTC

@Bjorn - MD ugh you're right, the slang is just going to get even more negro-ish. We'll sound like old fogies in no time.

2018-11-01 17:31:41 UTC

*dabs in gen z*

2018-11-01 17:31:44 UTC

People are saying based ironically now

2018-11-01 17:32:01 UTC


2018-11-01 17:32:14 UTC


2018-11-01 17:32:15 UTC

Tbh though we need normie-friendly adult words to replace based, cuck, woke, etc

2018-11-01 17:32:19 UTC

@NateDahl76 Most people at this point, I would say. I certainly do, or least, semi-ironically.

2018-11-01 17:32:34 UTC

Communicating our ideas to normies has become my top priority

2018-11-01 17:33:14 UTC

We probably need to maintain multiple lexicons at any given time, just as we do now, and which one we utilize will depend on whom we're approaching.

2018-11-01 17:33:18 UTC

black pill, new polls shift one lean GOP to toss up, and one toss up to lean DEM. Now 204 lean dems, 197 lean R, 34 tossups

2018-11-01 17:33:37 UTC

>believing polls

2018-11-01 17:33:44 UTC

Just gave a half hour lecture to a late 20s normie gal today

2018-11-01 17:33:51 UTC

This blue wave is really something

2018-11-01 17:34:24 UTC

Went pretty well. They walked away saying they disagreed with everything but that they saw my points

2018-11-01 17:34:34 UTC

I'm going to count it as a win

2018-11-01 17:34:37 UTC

@MrBland - VA nice job man!

2018-11-01 17:34:46 UTC

She'll simmer on it for a while

2018-11-01 17:35:05 UTC

generally how it goes... they can't refute any of the points but still feel inclined to disagree

2018-11-01 17:35:40 UTC

Yep, the brainwashing is deep, I still fight it in myself to be honest.

2018-11-01 17:35:43 UTC

@MrBland - VA You planted the seed *rubs hands vigorously*...

2018-11-01 17:35:45 UTC

2018-11-01 17:36:33 UTC

good vidya for flame / meme wars and cyber strikes

2018-11-01 17:37:01 UTC

Hello my admirers, I know, Iโ€™m amazing. Give me praise, show me your offerings.

2018-11-01 17:37:10 UTC

2018-11-01 17:38:38 UTC

I get angry with myself everytime I'm hesitant to point out our country was founded as a white Christian nation, founded for whites.

2018-11-01 17:39:24 UTC

@MrBland - VA if you're hesitant maybe your gut is telling you that it isn't the right approach at the right time

2018-11-01 17:39:45 UTC

It's funny how hard it is to shake 40 years of brainwashing.

2018-11-01 17:40:00 UTC

For example, I lead off with how increased immigration is pushing up rent and the cost of school enrollment. These are very concrete issues people worry about often.

2018-11-01 17:40:57 UTC

I'd pull out that the country was founded by white christians for whites only when someone tries to trot "aren't we a nation of immigrants" line, but before that point it probably wouldn't be relevant

2018-11-01 17:41:14 UTC

Oh the conversation was perfect; I asked questions and led her down a road. But thanks for the tips, those are solid.

2018-11-01 17:42:01 UTC

thanks, and I'm glad to hear the convo went well

2018-11-01 17:42:24 UTC

I just still have that tinge of white guilt I still find myself fighting to shake off at times.

2018-11-01 17:42:26 UTC

yes asking questions and listening and letting them discover the points on their own is super impactful

2018-11-01 17:43:04 UTC

@ThisIsChris lmao is that a betting site for politicians

2018-11-01 17:43:19 UTC

@Jawa yeah it's super popular, and legal

2018-11-01 17:43:27 UTC

I like it

2018-11-01 17:43:27 UTC

Lol thatโ€™s funny as all hell

2018-11-01 17:43:37 UTC

Iโ€™ll have to jump in on it

2018-11-01 17:44:14 UTC

My sister is an overstressed/ underpaid school teacher but had an ah ah moment school districts will slow/stop growth without birth citizenship and she said she felt bad for wanting it. I told her not to feel bad.

2018-11-01 17:44:22 UTC

@Jawa it's part of some university project because this kind of betting can be used as a way to get people to put their money on what they think is really going to happen, as opposed to talking head pundits who can say 20 different things 20 different days

2018-11-01 17:44:39 UTC

Thatโ€™s actually really cool

2018-11-01 17:45:41 UTC

2018-11-01 17:58:49 UTC

@MrBland - VA have you read Nathan Damigoโ€™s โ€œValues before Policyโ€ in guidebook? Its an interesting and short read regarding your conversation with a normie today.

2018-11-01 18:02:51 UTC

Sorry I missed the spooky announcement last night, what was it?

2018-11-01 18:03:15 UTC

IE is's nothing.

2018-11-01 18:04:15 UTC

Leading Our People Forward 2019 was not ask about details, they will not be given...go to <#489823000707727360> READ

2018-11-01 18:07:44 UTC

The immortality cocoons will be mailed to state coordinators shortly. Big news!

2018-11-01 18:40:48 UTC

Patrickโ€™s favorite phrase โ€œand so forthโ€ will be patented. And IE will collect a royalty on any use of the term.

2018-11-01 18:45:21 UTC

PewDiePie just posted "I'm White" video

2018-11-01 18:45:28 UTC

I'm dying

2018-11-01 18:48:53 UTC


2018-11-01 18:48:56 UTC

Dr. Phil - "The Caucasian group, of which I am a member... you are not welcome"

2018-11-01 18:50:22 UTC

โ€œEverybody knows only white people can hate our own race, how dare she appropriate our culture like thatโ€ -Pewdiepie

2018-11-01 18:50:51 UTC

@FACINEMA I was pretty mad for a second

2018-11-01 18:50:52 UTC

The whole thing is gold!

2018-11-01 18:51:42 UTC

@John O - ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-11-01 18:57:32 UTC

Patrick vs Zizek debate

2018-11-01 18:57:39 UTC

And so forth vs and so on

2018-11-01 18:58:09 UTC

Zizeck vs Jordan Peterson

2018-11-01 18:58:35 UTC

@NateDahl76 She will marry Heimbach and co-lead the NSM within the year

2018-11-01 19:05:27 UTC

They will foster total Avalonian victory

2018-11-01 19:07:52 UTC

@NateDahl76 Watched the whole thing. Hilarious

2018-11-01 19:08:29 UTC

The profound Arthurian larping was very odd

2018-11-01 19:09:14 UTC

I half expected her to tell at the audience to "read [a certain book]!"

2018-11-01 19:10:50 UTC

Most cursed picture on my phone

2018-11-01 19:12:13 UTC

@ophiuchus I kind of get the appeal of Arthurian stuff. It is nexus of Pagan and Christian and British people in general. Trying to use that as a basis for a secessionist movement in Appalachia is just further proof that TWP was putting carts before horses and was cargo culting 1930s ("oh certain uncle had esoteric interests in Thule, so se should have one!") without larger understanding of underlying mechanisms.

2018-11-01 19:13:28 UTC

Itโ€™s interesting, but still feels artificial as an identity.

2018-11-01 19:13:37 UTC

@ophiuchus of course it was.

2018-11-01 19:14:17 UTC

โ€œAmerica will become an Angloesque pre-schismatic orthodox Christian countryโ€ is just a strange thing.

2018-11-01 19:14:25 UTC

If an English Nationalist, in England, group *after gaining sone steam* used that motif it would make more sense.

2018-11-01 19:14:59 UTC

Agreed there- thatโ€™s an integral part of their history though.

2018-11-01 19:15:19 UTC

@ophiuchus It is four flavors (Orthodox, Arthurian, Appalachian, NatSoc) that have never existed together- therefore LARP

2018-11-01 19:15:27 UTC

Donโ€™t get me wrong, Iโ€™m mostly English myself, but it just doesnโ€™t make sense for what we are now.

2018-11-01 19:15:45 UTC

Orthodox Arthurian Appalachian Natsoc made me laugh really hard

2018-11-01 19:15:48 UTC

Spot on tho

2018-11-01 19:17:28 UTC

That would be a fun fantasy novel or comic book though. Maybe if Heimbach had done that and not turned his life into the SPLC's favorite Jerry Springer episode, we could read it and be entertained, and he wouldn't be a felon/fed (fedlon?)

2018-11-01 19:20:20 UTC

Haha SPLCs favorite Jerry Springer episode ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-11-01 19:20:47 UTC

Heimbach is skilled at smiling at any camera he sees

2018-11-01 19:24:06 UTC

@NateDahl76 technically Matt Parrot was on the cuck box. But TWP itself was the cuck box Heimbach broke.

2018-11-01 19:25:15 UTC

I think someone owns the cuckbox as a kind of artifact. @Reinhard Wolff Who has it?

2018-11-01 19:25:29 UTC

What's the cuck box ๐Ÿ‘€

2018-11-01 19:25:56 UTC

@NateDahl76 I don't think @Reinhard Wolff would be following that kind of news

2018-11-01 19:26:12 UTC

Itโ€™s lore, I think it came up once

2018-11-01 19:26:45 UTC

@Ald do you know the story of how TWP collapsed?

2018-11-01 19:27:00 UTC

Of course

2018-11-01 19:27:02 UTC


2018-11-01 19:27:11 UTC

the box parrot was on?

2018-11-01 19:27:16 UTC


2018-11-01 19:27:35 UTC

Oh my god

2018-11-01 19:27:44 UTC


2018-11-01 19:27:57 UTC

2018-11-01 19:28:04 UTC

Do you see this right now

2018-11-01 19:28:24 UTC

BITCOIN at 6326.96

2018-11-01 19:28:34 UTC

it makes me think how all these im-esque groups that said their strategy simply works because it's capital T Truth have collapsed while IE remains

2018-11-01 19:29:08 UTC

That's on GDAX though

2018-11-01 19:29:13 UTC

I don't know what's on Binance

2018-11-01 19:29:26 UTC

Has anyone ever tried trading on GDAX and Binance at the same time?

2018-11-01 19:29:37 UTC

if the prices are different then you could buy bitcoin on one and sell on the other

2018-11-01 19:30:46 UTC

Personally I like Monero more though

2018-11-01 19:31:21 UTC

What they do is use ring cryptography to shuffle your transactions with other people making transactions at the same time

2018-11-01 19:31:26 UTC

to enhance security

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