Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 507576399150841856
@Chaos Dionysia please delete, we don't want anything that can be misconstrued as an endorsement of that message behind
trump has been on a roll!
He has something along the lines of a dozen more rallies until midterm voting!
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
@ThisIsChris ok, but it's actually a movie made by black people.
@Chaos Dionysia thank you
Okay what did I just watch lol
Mixed pill: one lean Dem house race has become a tossup, one lead Republican house race has become a tossup, according to most recent polls.
So 203 races lean dem, 198 races lean republican, 34 tossups
Well, given how turnout works in the midterms... I voted all Republican this time
IB flashmob in Berlin ^
@Sam Anderson Man, that just doesn't sit right with me. I mean, he seems autonomous enough to make his own decisions, so I guess it technically isn't exploitation, but it just feels wrong...
@Bjorn - MD Ricky Berwick seems like he was trolling Alex Jones almost. Like seeing this kind of political content as beneath him.
Maybe. This was honestly my first exposure to him, but he seems to have some pretty legit video editing chops, so who knows. It seems to be that just his appearance and motor skills are affected, but he's pretty sharp upstairs.
I've seen Ricky Berwick a few times. He has a fairly professional operation going on as far as I can tell. He's just an amateur comedian with muscular dystrophy and a lazy eye, the rest he just plays up like sticking out his tongue and hanging his mouth in Nintendo switch face mode
Oh, okay. More power to him, lol.
@ThisIsChris many of those tossups were recently taken from the lean Republican side.
All modern polling is designed to sway votes, not to inform candidates so it is the fakest fake news.
Happy lunch break
<> Bad optics Blacks make a movie. Lets stay away from the topic itself. But Jared Taylor raises great points. One of the best points was "If America is a Systemically White Supremacist country where all Whites think like me, why am I so persecuted and shunned?"
Best part about this article is how much security they needed for Jared Taylor.
Because how little they trust their audience.
I cannot wait to ask Jared Taylor about this experience at the Atlantic Society.
the Atlantic Society sounds like a supervillain organization
Shhh lmao
TBH when I got the email for it I was thinking "why is (((The Atlantic))) " sending me emails?
"Curiously, the only whites who speak on camera are myself and Richard Spencer. I deny that there is a race war, and add that it is ludicrous to think whites as a group are attacking “people of color.” I do agree that there is racial tension and misunderstanding, and say that the only solution is voluntary separation. Mr. Spencer says that there is a race war going on, and that whites will win. He says fairness and morality are irrelevant, that power and victory are all that matter."
A perfect representation of the contrast between Mr. Taylor's views and Spencer's views.
Exactly. @Virgil on the way back from camping we were listening to speeches by Taylor and Spencer, and contrasting how concise Taylor is with how scattered the thoughts of Spencer are. How Taylor can articulately outline White Identity in 3 mins and Spencer can somewhat touch on it in 10.
@Sam Anderson Spencer is one of those people that talks a lot but says absolutely nothing and passes it off as intellectualism.
@Sam Anderson Man, the comments under that video are pretty telling...
The comments are very supportive of him haha.
tfw you get the big bad White Supreemist to review your movie and this is all the ammunition you can get on him.
@Sam Anderson You'd be surprised how many normies like Jared Taylor, the worst thing I've heard is that they respectfully disagree with him.
It would be easy for him to go on naming the Jew, but Taylor does not do that. He is aware of but not obsessed with the JQ. That is his strength.