Message from @Nicholas1166 - NY
Discord ID: 494685805789446146
Going to get a flag for sure once some money comes in
Replace the N with an IE
Remember fam, come on out to Columbus. We need all hands on deck. We're trying something new and it could be huge!
@Reinhard Wolff Do you think that republics can fix themselves or are they inherently corrupt?
"Not new balance, New Right" - Martin sellner
@Reinhard Wolff are traps gay?
@Gimlet That's for you.
@Reinhard Wolff TODAY show is stay at home Moms, excellent demographic to reach.
Egalitarianism makes repair of republics impossible.
@Reinhard Wolff could we get pics of you for sale, in front of IE flag maybe? Boost $ autographed
Signed copies available at defend the Rockies
@John Bud - IL Boomers wouldn't understand, of/c
@John Bud - IL No, traps are very heterosexual
Rule by banner painters is the best form of government
If I’ve learned anything in the past year, it’s that planning anything with a discord server is just a bad idea.
@Reinhard Wolff Favorite Roman Emperor? Also, how can we combat decadence in our daily loves?
@Reinhard Wolff Have you gotten an email for a definitive date of when these shows are supposed to air? Today show,NBC?
it means OK. @lonewolf19d
Eurosiberian Federation when?
Wrote a good letter to President Trump and orderd a nice pic of him to send for an autograph
@Reinhard Wolff I don’t have a question, but tonight I had the pleasure of meeting a man who used to do calligraphy. He showed me his work and one in particular stood out which I wanted to share with you. I look forward to seeing you this weekend for our action brother!
If we go from charlemagne to Francis I then yeah
@Alex Kolchak - NY We have it already. It's called Russia
Holy Roman Empirer did last 1000 yes
@Reinhard Wolff What do you think about people becoming public school teachers despite the low pay? (long march through the institutions, etc)
@Grossly Incandescent Honorary!
Most of us are lucky that the person who dumped the UTR server didn’t have access to the IE part of that server.
technically the empire lasted around 1.5 millennia, but heavy emphasis on the technically part
Good night guys ! Good fireside chats, nice talking with you all
Imperium Romanum Sacorum ad natio Theutonicorum
The French monarchy lasted 1,000 years. The French republics fall apart every other generation
Yeah, Venice was about 900
Goodnight @NITRODUBS
The Venetian Republic lasted centuries
@Distracted nah, I mean from Atlantic to the Pacific 😄
@Gimlet Damnit.