
Discord ID: 481597551272001546

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2018-10-25 01:14:48 UTC

boggel 647?

2018-10-25 01:14:56 UTC

Whoa our HQ has two rooms? nice

2018-10-25 01:15:01 UTC
2018-10-25 01:15:04 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff. Are IE rompers still Haram?

2018-10-25 01:15:12 UTC


2018-10-25 01:15:18 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff if you get bunk beds for the HQ can I get top bunk?

2018-10-25 01:15:24 UTC

Faith goldy goes against her own beliefs entirely and Iโ€™m tired of these e-celeb women telling every other woman to be submissive, and settle down with a man as quickly as possible, while they try to lead in government and halt their family life as long as possible. Itโ€™s like they think theyโ€™re exempt from their own standards because theyโ€™re popular.

2018-10-25 01:15:33 UTC

Faith Goldy is an ID Canada issue.

2018-10-25 01:15:43 UTC

CALIFORNIA....time to restore her greatness

2018-10-25 01:15:48 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Call HQ the "Teal Redoubt" or "Dragon's Lair"

2018-10-25 01:15:48 UTC

>That water chug

2018-10-25 01:15:57 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff thoughts on the coming Caravan?

2018-10-25 01:15:58 UTC


2018-10-25 01:15:58 UTC

JDL is right wing

2018-10-25 01:16:08 UTC

Yeah talk about the caravan

2018-10-25 01:16:09 UTC

jewish antifa? Isn't that superfulous?

2018-10-25 01:16:10 UTC

>Toronto mayor
>What should Israel do

Why even

2018-10-25 01:16:17 UTC


2018-10-25 01:16:18 UTC

Hydrate by staging ice chewing hot mic cue

2018-10-25 01:16:19 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Im in the market for a new truck. Nissan frontier, Ford F150, or Toyota Tacoma?

2018-10-25 01:16:19 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff This might be a bit of a long shot, but have you thought of the Mercer family for funding? They funded Breitbart for a time, it might not be too much of a jump to us potentially.

2018-10-25 01:16:21 UTC

you gotta tag him @Stella

2018-10-25 01:16:24 UTC

Jewish Defense League

2018-10-25 01:16:31 UTC

Eh someone else asked

2018-10-25 01:16:36 UTC

@Bjorn - MD who cares what that insane slag with the complexion of a vintage leather doctor's bag thinks?

2018-10-25 01:16:39 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff - I was told that I need to "complete one pledge hall seminar" , by my initial interviewer, before becoming an official IEmember. He's afk right now so now I'm confused. Any info about that? I thought my unsaturated teal name meant I was an 'official member'.

2018-10-25 01:16:54 UTC

Not yet

2018-10-25 01:17:00 UTC

you are an official member @Selma

2018-10-25 01:17:05 UTC

@Selma did you go to the one on Monday?

2018-10-25 01:17:07 UTC

@Deleted User You know you would and so do I.

2018-10-25 01:17:14 UTC

Patrick's interview wasn't doing enough damage and actually helping, so the left had to import the migrants as a distraction but had to use the deliveries as a distraction from the migrants.

this is all Patrick's fault

2018-10-25 01:17:33 UTC

@Goldstein Riots Not really, generally.

2018-10-25 01:17:35 UTC
2018-10-25 01:17:53 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Any other big media events planned/being talked about?

2018-10-25 01:18:16 UTC

Alright, I was just utterly confused because I got the message today even though I informed him I went to the orientation.

2018-10-25 01:18:17 UTC

Clean your room, heebs

2018-10-25 01:18:21 UTC

@Selma that's it then, you completed the pledge to member requirement. Next up is probably your second interview to get into the regional server. Get in touch with your coordinator

2018-10-25 01:18:43 UTC

(((Frame Game Radio))) is a nice guy glad you talked to him

2018-10-25 01:18:58 UTC

Thank you, Chris.

2018-10-25 01:19:02 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff If we sucessfully secure billionaire support, can we have I.E. lettermen jackets?

More seriously though, important reminder to everyone how critical it is that we all get out and vote. Probably preaching to the choir, but we all need to do our part.

2018-10-25 01:19:03 UTC

@VinceChaos He is the Jewish Thomas Sowell

2018-10-25 01:19:05 UTC

@Selma you're no longer purple. You're now a full member

2018-10-25 01:19:11 UTC

Thank you, Valeska.

2018-10-25 01:19:18 UTC


2018-10-25 01:19:29 UTC

Whoโ€™s talked to frame in the last couple days? He made his videos private

2018-10-25 01:19:38 UTC

I love Red Ice!

2018-10-25 01:19:45 UTC

In Texas early voting, it appears that R is dominating over D by about 10 points. Beto however has gained a financial network for 2020...that scares me a bit

2018-10-25 01:19:50 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN yeah he's still civnat but he woke me to current JQ organization stuff

2018-10-25 01:19:52 UTC

current day

2018-10-25 01:20:04 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff can you go into thoughts on spencer

2018-10-25 01:20:14 UTC

Faith is /mygirl/

2018-10-25 01:20:20 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Real talk, hit or miss girl, thoughts?

2018-10-25 01:20:38 UTC

wE hAvE tO nAmE dA jOoOo

2018-10-25 01:20:48 UTC

Faith is an inspiration not to smoke and to tan all the time. Love your skin tone!

2018-10-25 01:20:53 UTC

black panther

2018-10-25 01:21:01 UTC

Will you at least hand out candy

2018-10-25 01:21:11 UTC

@Freiheit - CA. Faith was in Prague shortly before announcing her campaign

2018-10-25 01:21:18 UTC

If Faith is done running for office i hope she returns to us

2018-10-25 01:21:18 UTC

>believing the mainstream media spin
>mfw <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-10-25 01:21:20 UTC


2018-10-25 01:21:33 UTC

Rube, now there is a much underused insult.

2018-10-25 01:21:39 UTC

Stefan Molyneux? Really? โ˜น๏ธ

2018-10-25 01:21:40 UTC

I liked Faith but like Lauren Southern, her voice seems incredibly high T

2018-10-25 01:21:44 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Come down and party with SoVa. We are going to a party dressed as Rick from Rick and Morty, you can be good optics Rick.

2018-10-25 01:21:56 UTC

Which, not big deal. Just sounds not like how she looks.

2018-10-25 01:22:03 UTC

Very jarring

2018-10-25 01:22:08 UTC

@Freiheit - CA Teal Redoubt is freaking rad

2018-10-25 01:22:08 UTC

2018-10-25 01:22:23 UTC

@Logan. Cute baby!

2018-10-25 01:22:28 UTC

WHat color are his eyes?

2018-10-25 01:22:28 UTC


2018-10-25 01:22:44 UTC

is it ok for us to to make a page for example or are there any ways you would recommend for us to help raise money?

2018-10-25 01:22:46 UTC

@Max Bianco - NY Yes, unfortunately, Molyneux referred to patrick indirectly as a crazy nutbar.

2018-10-25 01:22:51 UTC

@Stella in a world full of soy, we're gonna need women with some "umph" to pick up the slack

2018-10-25 01:23:02 UTC


2018-10-25 01:23:03 UTC

@american_frankenstein please tag patrick with questions

2018-10-25 01:23:16 UTC

ah kk

2018-10-25 01:23:22 UTC

@Selma blue!

2018-10-25 01:23:24 UTC

sorry new to discord

2018-10-25 01:23:26 UTC

How can Molyneux be so close yet so far

2018-10-25 01:23:28 UTC

Remember birthing order; each additional son has an increased chance of being LGBT.

2018-10-25 01:23:39 UTC

@american_frankenstein "@ patrick" without the space

2018-10-25 01:23:45 UTC

Your body becomes less efficient at creating the testosterone to expose to the baby in the womb.

2018-10-25 01:23:53 UTC

All white babies are born with blue eyes

2018-10-25 01:24:01 UTC

Can confirm

2018-10-25 01:24:05 UTC

i kept mine!

2018-10-25 01:24:06 UTC

My baby has blue eyes

2018-10-25 01:24:07 UTC

Color finalizes around 6 to 9 months

2018-10-25 01:24:07 UTC

My sister wasn't : (

2018-10-25 01:24:10 UTC

tfw no baby

2018-10-25 01:24:11 UTC

Excuse you? @missliterallywho

2018-10-25 01:24:12 UTC

Sounds like broscience

2018-10-25 01:24:17 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff is it ok for us to to make a page for example or are there any ways you would recommend for us to help raise money?

2018-10-25 01:24:30 UTC

My eyes turned Green/Grey so lemme just hit that dab

2018-10-25 01:24:37 UTC

all white babies are born with blue eyes, fyi. pigment doesn't set in for their lifelong color until at least 9 months post-birth

2018-10-25 01:24:38 UTC

@NateDahl76 they're like navy blue

2018-10-25 01:24:50 UTC

@Max Bianco - NY Molyneux is a race-realist, but he is still too optimistic that we can create a successful multiracial nation based on NAP.

2018-10-25 01:25:01 UTC

If you're going to have brown eyes, you're still born with dark blue

2018-10-25 01:25:13 UTC


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