Message from @Stella
Discord ID: 504826849889746973
Thank you, Valeska.
Who’s talked to frame in the last couple days? He made his videos private
I love Red Ice!
In Texas early voting, it appears that R is dominating over D by about 10 points. Beto however has gained a financial network for 2020...that scares me a bit
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN yeah he's still civnat but he woke me to current JQ organization stuff
current day
@Reinhard Wolff can you go into thoughts on spencer
Faith is /mygirl/
@Reinhard Wolff Real talk, hit or miss girl, thoughts?
wE hAvE tO nAmE dA jOoOo
Faith is an inspiration not to smoke and to tan all the time. Love your skin tone!
black panther
Will you at least hand out candy
@Freiheit - CA. Faith was in Prague shortly before announcing her campaign
If Faith is done running for office i hope she returns to us
>believing the mainstream media spin
>mfw <:really:453005408064241674>
Rube, now there is a much underused insult.
Stefan Molyneux? Really? ☹️
@Reinhard Wolff Come down and party with SoVa. We are going to a party dressed as Rick from Rick and Morty, you can be good optics Rick.
Which, not big deal. Just sounds not like how she looks.
Very jarring
@Freiheit - CA Teal Redoubt is freaking rad
@Logan. Cute baby!
WHat color are his eyes?
is it ok for us to to make a page for example or are there any ways you would recommend for us to help raise money?
@Max Bianco - NY Yes, unfortunately, Molyneux referred to patrick indirectly as a crazy nutbar.
@Stella in a world full of soy, we're gonna need women with some "umph" to pick up the slack
@american_frankenstein please tag patrick with questions
ah kk
sorry new to discord
How can Molyneux be so close yet so far
Remember birthing order; each additional son has an increased chance of being LGBT.
@american_frankenstein "@ patrick" without the space
Your body becomes less efficient at creating the testosterone to expose to the baby in the womb.