Message from @JohnAtlas
Discord ID: 509912118120939520
Tell the truth, but joke about it; that is the whole of the law
@Reinhard Wolff How do we most effectively use autism?
White homelands must exist
@Reinhard Wolff Is there a car pool from the airport in Appalachia.
Despite Barbara Spectres BS
White countries for white people shouldn't be considered radical
Ben Shapiro is our greatest ally.
Damn dude, I love the Hodge twins
@John O - it's that twitter link I posted
We the shadow government now.
I just watched it
@Ryonne ;)
Cernovich can't join
funny stuff Hodge twins. Tyrone!
Loving black people is okay, as long as you don't love them more.
Exactly, can't stand him @Freiheit - CA
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN here here
yeah ive watched them on Crowder they are indeed funny and make edgy jokes
I bet Stefan Molymeme is a deep cover /ourguy/
Trump train
@JohnAtlas Indeed.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I wish they'd return to jazz instead of rap (and blues of/c)
Stefan Molyneaux redpilled me about race and IQ so I kinda have to thank him.
Stefan is definitely undercover
@Mikolas yep
I hierarachically love black people
@Gimlet Autism outreach when?
@JohnAtlas minecraft recruiting was a thing
the meetup app has republican meetup groups
@Gimlet Who is going to be our director of autism outreach?
Stefan when counter signaling against us strawmans the worst most wignat argument. but then he talks about demos and white birthrates
Based Hapa gfs as a cover?
I love black people who take after Marcus Garvey
Influence the culture of you local community, if not the politics