Der Seeteufel - SD

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I'm not a mod, but I'mguessing so we all can keep track of who's who.

The mall. The photos will be better if they have landmarks in the background.

I was at the Alt-Right rally. It was huge! And all of our speakers showed up.

@Erika between Vanguard America and us there was at least 50 on the metro and probably another 75 to 100 when we arrived.

There's about 20 of us currently at an undisclosed bar somewhere in the Alexandria area. So turn out was fantastic.

I will.

@Erika Richard is way more approachable than I thought. He's a great guy! This is what I wear. Kind of on the expensive side but very comfortable for both standing and running.

I think it goes without saying that only lawful CCW/CCP holders will be allowed to concealed carry. That being said Virginia has a relatively easy to aquire non-resident permit. If you're interested you can probably still get one before the event.

I'll have my truck there, but I don't want to get it too close to the event.

2017-07-24 14:28:41 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

Do the interview. It's Unite the Right. Even if they write a hit piece we still win by being more willing to work across lines.

I built some steps for my mom's house. We still have to paint them, but I thought I'd show off my handy work. Getting the supports for the stairs right was a pain, but in the end I think I got them level enough.

Yeah it's all old wood

or I guess not old but stuff that we had in a barn. It's probably stuff left over from a deck that was built 3 or 4 years ago

I could probably do that pretty easily. I don't have many tools though. The only powertools I had for this was a circular saw and a drill.

I would have to buy pre-made newel posts

How do the police feel about the change? Has anyone talked to them? I'm sure their plans were based around the event being held in Lee Park too.

We Insist

Probably just cross checking every white male who is staying during those dates.

I started working for a factory that manufactures parts for tractors on Monday. Demand is so high for new construction equipment that the company is giving us 4 hrs of mandatory overtime per week plus plenty of voluntary overtime.

I just hope some of the parts I make will go into the cranes that put up the Wall.

I'm an uncle!

I'll put up some pictures when I get them. And if any of you are wondering the baby is white. Mostly German with a little Anglo admixture.

My brand new niece. Plz no dox my sister and her husband.

The whitest pill!

A little back story. I just started a new job 3 weeks ago. I'll spare the details but basically I am an assembly line worker. I picked this job because I figured it would be an easy way to pass the winter while I decide what I want to do as far as higher education. Now the white pill. I apparentlly am so high agency our shift's head of maintainance wants me to apply (and almost guarantees I'll get) a job as a maintainance tech. Where I work that is normally a job that requires a degree which I don't have. This would get me a small raise innitially but would also massively increase my top potential salary. Plus the commpany will pay for any additional schooling I would need meaning I can save my G.I. Bill.

TLDR. Got job, was High agency white man, Got offered a way better job!

I heard it was the college republicans.

"proof that hate can happen anywhere" HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Imagine for a second if a group like Hammerskins or the Aryan Brotherhood showed up to that school. Do you think they would be interviewing a fat chick who is literally wearing fricken goggles on her head? What are those goggles for??? My sides are killing me!!!

We should start doing this.

I went to church today for the first time in a long time, and one of the other members was casually racist and no one even batted an eye. I think I found the church for me. โ›ช

We're up to 14% honestly that wasn't the worst story ever. It's actually pretty fair compared to what we normally get.

Reality is that they usually just send a officer to go take it down or ignore it. Cops have more important things to worry about and getting stupid calls about stuff like this pisses them off.

Lol the "director of civil disobedience" complaining that we didn't follow campus posting rules. These people are literally retarded.

I was a nuclear reactor operator. I can help with the splitting the atom questions.

G-damn that is not something I expected to see from a politician before the collapse.

Hysterical Societies sort of black pill me. It just makes me feel like we're in decline. A civilization on the rise doesn't have time for that sort of stuff.

My mom uses peanut oil for stir fry and a couple of other things.

You can use it in a deep fryer as well.

I bought pretty high too. But I didn't put much in and I'm patient. I think it will get back above 19000.

If Nehlen doesn't get elected he'll still bring a lot of attention to the movement. If he gets elected. It will rewrite the political rules in a way that makes Trump's election look like business as usual.

2018-01-02 02:54:10 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

We used to watch some shitty prank show in the break room at work. Now we watch Tucker. I've heard some very good reactions.

The no mask rule is about looking respectable and like you have nothing to hide. Wearing a scarve in -20ยฐ weather is fine imo.

That looks like a good way to take a cork to the face.

Atomwaffen even sabotages Atomwaffen. They purity spiral themselves to death literally.

This is huge! The only reason blacks live where I live is because of programs like this.

I found a free website for language learning that seems pretty good.

I'm attempting to learn German.

Thanks I'll have to get that so I can practice when I'm on break at work.

2018-01-16 01:14:40 UTC [Fitness #onions]  

*grabs rock*

That article really isn't that bad. It sounds like they are trying to get us to think they'll play nice so we dox ourselves.

We launch secret stuff all the time. I'm kinda surprised they used spaceX but if the launch was time sensitive maybe NASA didn't have a vehicle ready.

Sloke: you don't even know what a black person is but you think it sounds sinister.

Did we stay with the banner and remove it ourselves or did someone else get it? I understand the impact of putting a sign above a highway but I always cringe when I think of what would happen if antifa dropped it into traffic.

I don't understand why anyone would pay for a venue for their wedding. The church I go to doesn't charge for member weddings. I don't know if that is common but it should be.

Yeah and it doesn't really add to the moment. I would probably hire a professional photographer just because most people don't know how to get good pictures, but for the rest I would much rather have those services provided by my family or the other members of my church.

More White Babies!!!

I love how they keep putting the helicopter crash on us. Normal people are seeing through the narrative.

Which states didn't get hit? I'm pretty sure we got North and South Dakota but I don't know if the ADL got wind of it.

Paul Nehlen is suspended from twitter and this happened.

If you can't read that they are all Paul Nehlen

We're really blowing the other groups out of the water!

All I read in that article is that UCLA needs to be paid a visit.

We should write him letters thanking him for our Jared Taylor's work. Say we're really supportive of all he's doing to save the white race.

He's a fucking white male. They are probably only looking for diversity hires. It kinda sucks but it would be a good time to drop some red pills.

2018-02-23 11:01:35 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

My uncle wrote a book and if it is any good I will post it here for anyone who wants to read it(no dox plz), but before I finish it and post the title I wanted to share this joke from it because it's too good to wait. "5000 years ago Moses said, "Park your camel, pickup your shovel, mount your ass, and I shall lead you to the Promised Land." 5000 years later, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovel, sit on your ass, light up a Camel, this is the promised land.""

2018-02-23 11:04:19 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

"Today Richard Nixon will tax your shovel, sell your camel, kick your ass and tell you there is no promised land."

These boots are expensive but mine lasted through 6 years of daily wear from Illinois to South Carolina, up state New York, and Guam. I still wear them to work now but they should probably be retired soon as the soles are starting to crack.

Oh and I should mention I regularly polished them. Very Regularly! They won't last half that time if you don't take care of the leather.

2018-02-24 02:00:46 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

@SamanthaM I wasn't going to post the title until I finished reading it myself but what the hell. It's called "Relating to Ancient Learning" by Gary Wietgrefe

2018-02-24 02:03:40 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

There's some pretty red pilled stuff in here. I honestly am wondering what his conclusions are.

2018-02-24 02:06:36 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

I think so let me see if I can find it.

2018-02-24 02:10:59 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

I'm sure he'll appreciate it. I think this book has some potential for being popular with the Alt-right. He defends McCarthy in the second chapter.

2018-02-24 03:57:38 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

Holy Shit my Boomer uncle is a hard core race realist!

2018-02-27 04:13:25 UTC [Fitness #nutrition]  

I am trying to gain weight and I find it extremely difficult to hit 3000 calories a day. I'm eating a lot of red meat and I feel full constantly. I do seem to have a lot more energy though so that's good.

2018-03-06 20:39:07 UTC [Fitness #oc]  

Some scales use body mass impedance. They send a low current into your feet and measure your body's resistance. This isn't super accurate but it's good enough for most people who aren't hard core athletes.

2018-03-06 20:40:59 UTC [Fitness #oc]  

We have our own video.

He's an idiot.

That's actually pretty good video. Seize the means of video production from that commie.

Are we going to give her a statement?

I don't know man. Are you really white if you haven't been vetted by a shady Jewish DNA collection scam?

2018-03-21 00:16:06 UTC [Fitness #general]  

@Deleted User @BryceB-ND if you guys want to plan a trip up to Pike's Peak I'm in.

2018-03-23 08:58:31 UTC [Fitness #general]  

Someone start a petition!

We don't have a hunting channel but I wanted to show these off. I shot them last year. I didn't do the taxidermy though.

2018-03-28 18:53:34 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

I started doing a warm up set about 20% lighter than my full weight and then do 4 heavy sets. I find it works really well for helping me maintain form.

Hey so I've been trying to start hard boiling eggs to bring to work and I think I'm doing something wrong. They come out fully cooked and they taste fine but they are really hard to peel. My mom used to make eggs where the shell would basically fall off on its own. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

2018-03-28 19:38:10 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

@Zyklonius B Gassem-LA I'm by no means an expert but I agree it sounds like you are over training. Do you do squats every strength day?

2018-03-28 19:42:21 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

Yeah I'm still a beginner but I've been reading a lot and putting a day or two between your big compound lifts is really important for recovery. I do 3 days a week strength and I only do squats every other work out and I've already started to see some pretty good improvement.

2018-03-28 19:43:50 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

@BryceB-ND what do you recommend?

2018-03-28 19:48:26 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

Hahaha I've been doing between 3-4k calories a day I'm back up above 140lbs from 132 about 3 weeks ago.

2018-03-29 00:13:28 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

@Krypto- OH I feel your pain man. My peanut butter and whole milk budget is off the charts. Start tracking your calories. If you're anything like me you'll start eating way more to try and hit your goals.

2018-03-29 00:22:14 UTC [Fitness #lifting]  

Try peanut butter, oatmeal, whole milk, and chocolate whey protein shakes. Throw in a banana for a little extra flavor. I do about 24 oz of that after every work out and I've slowly but surely been gaining weight. I started at 132 and now I'm consistently above 140.

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