Discord ID: 321378710265659393
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I'm seeing States but I'm not seeing one for the LS.
im back
~ He moaned and struggled as well might be, for the white child wanted his liberty ~
@Scott Terry
Good talking to you last night.
Did we talk last night?!
I'm sorry, I can't keep up with everyone's sock. ๐ฆ
Yeah, you too!
@Scott Terry I'm working on getting a bagpiper or two.
Damn I'm looking forward to August.
We're experiencing technical diffculties with Gavin and Stickman. They want all pro-white references scrubbed, to change the title from Unite the Right to a more generic "free speech rally" and put a bunch of nonwhite speakers up as shields.
Obviously that's not going to work
Baked Alaska is onboard no matter what and says he can bring the Proud Boys. I think we can get Stickman off the fence but we're not going to compromise our integrity
Thanks but no thanks. I didn't think that would work out.
We are still going to bring a large coalition. I just think the Gavin thing might be a bridge too far
Fuck gavin. Sodomy free rally
Promoting Sodomy is not a Traditional Value of Western Civilization.
Fuck chopstick man
Uniting the right will be a worthwhile task... But fuck anyone to the left of Hitler.
For the sake of this rally getting 800-1000 people to be openly pro-white is good enough for me
I'll be damned if I'm going to put any celebrity before the average men and women of this movement though and every leader worht their salt should feel the same way
lol @Mark Vandal
We have people's families, their businesses and more being threatened just for being pro-white. This is bullshit and we have to make a moral stand against it
@MadDimension we're with you brother
Evening white folk.
How do I join a group on the side? Need to be invited the role?
don't forget me!
omg everyone stop bickering. I don't like Gavin or chopstick man, either, but many of the young white men who listen to Gavin and chopstick man right now will no doubt see the flaws in their logic and will be on our side by the end of the year. Should we tolerate counter signaling from them? Absolutely not. But we should be open to having them at our events because this is just a way for us to have honest conversations with young white men and women who will agree with us when shown that our worldview makes sense.
Goldstein for IE
@Aaron - VA @queenarchitect you both should have access to your organization specific servers now
Yea it's kind of like dangling a carrot on a stick than completely red pilling on the jq
you too, @Goldstein Riots
Thanks Erika.
We should suck it up for the opportunity to Redpill the alright.
you're welcome @Aaron - VA
@Erika thanks!
We won't be cucking. Make no mistake. This is a pro-white event and folks are going to have to accept that
If you guys can't see your organization specific servers, let me know
If they will play ball our way, they can come. Otherwise a sodomite and a race traitor are certainly not worth compromising over.
Hello, can I get sorted into IE.
make sure ladies channel is only for ladies this time lol
They understand the rules of engagement
I see the links as Gavin-baked-alright.
Baked is 100% onboard with us
Can someone place me in IE, please?
Baked had people reciting the 14 words on Sunday.
Good to hear
Multiple times, real whitepilling to see.
I need to be placed in Identity Dixie please
Hail victory brothers
oh i can see the proud boys and league of the south channels too
@queenarchitect I have closed off the <#321380355456106506> to the patriarchy. It is only for us with the role of "Wheatfield Dweller".
@commonplebe - IN you should be able to access the IE channel now
@HipToTheJQ role is set
thanks fam
@queenarchitect can you still see the PB and LS channels?
Chris-MA is from IE
nope! you fixed it
Put me in the ATL-right channel pls
yayyyy. I'm getting so good at the technical stuff
Oh wow, roles
@Bjorn_Sigheim - GA you should be set.
<#321379005926342666> is blank. Does that mean no rules?
sieg all the heils
Speaking of party
I'm expecting a full nazi party again. I missed the first one so we need to make sure this one is the cause of the race war, thanks.
I agree
I am so hype for this. I live an hour away from Charlottesville and missed the first one.
We'll be taking over the Downtown Mall after our demonstration. Best nazi party ever.
ain't no party like the Nazi party
cause the Nazi party don't stop
Maybe do a little Hot Topic run?
<@&321416859620605953> Would probably fit in
Here is the Facebook event page. Lots of normie Confederates and Alt-Light will be in on it too but if you're sensitive about doxxing use an anon account¬if_t=plan_user_joined¬if_id=1496700577577971
This is the most colorful server. I'm so happy.
We're like a rainbow
Let's get beers at citizen burger while we're at the downtown mall
that place is tasty and has great beers on tap usually
cant wait for this.
Separate is beautiful ๐ณ๏ธโ๐
@Goldstein Riots WTF NO
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