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2018-08-23 15:57:10 UTC

What would be a good #Cyberstrike response?

2018-08-23 16:01:43 UTC

I can have our press team reach out to Vox as well.

2018-08-23 16:08:12 UTC

@Matthias yeah!

2018-08-23 16:17:10 UTC

wtf I love Vox now.

2018-08-23 16:18:32 UTC

Hubris, my friend. Pure hubris.

2018-08-23 16:18:52 UTC

Seems like they're trying to pull in nationalists, then trick them after they gain their trust

2018-08-23 16:19:05 UTC

Mike Enoch says Vox is where globalist elites communicate with each other so they're a little more frank.

2018-08-23 16:19:53 UTC

Vox is so sure they will win that they made this video to gloat about it

2018-08-23 16:20:01 UTC

They want you dead white man

2018-08-23 16:22:20 UTC

i would respond to southern's tweet with something simple like "can confirm"

2018-08-23 16:23:23 UTC

Yeah, I was just thinking how last night we responded to Trump's tweet with links to our SA action, I wonder is there's something similar we can respond to Lauren Southern's tweet. She certainly has sympathetic followers.

2018-08-23 16:25:39 UTC

I think if we just post our embassy action in response to her tweet it would bring attention to what we do to her audience. Not sure if it needs to come from our official twitter though since we just posted on DT's post last night

2018-08-23 16:37:47 UTC

Based Indians helping us out.

2018-08-23 16:39:38 UTC

Lol "You're a racist" "No, I'm a liberal!"

2018-08-23 16:41:31 UTC

omg he's white shaming the liberals, and it's working it really shut them up

2018-08-23 16:41:45 UTC

2018-08-23 16:41:54 UTC

The left in a nutshell

2018-08-23 16:43:14 UTC


2018-08-23 16:45:41 UTC

Is there any constructive way to amplify that Vox made the statement? Would it provide any value even? I don't know if normies know that Vox exists

2018-08-23 16:46:53 UTC

Normies definitely have heard of vox

2018-08-23 16:47:03 UTC

Their stuff is pushed everywhere

2018-08-23 16:50:17 UTC

Thanks @Steve - NJ that's good to know. Now that it comes to mind, besides Drudge Report I feel I don't have a good pulse on what normie people know about. What are other good ways to learn about normies? I feel Reddit feeds are just rabid leftists. Maybe Facebook feeds but in my experience they tend to skew towards vocal voices and smart normies don't post about politics that often or at least not in an easy to find way.

2018-08-23 16:57:02 UTC

2018-08-23 16:57:27 UTC

Came across this in the MSM. I wonder what happened to make life less glamorous in the USA?

2018-08-23 17:03:27 UTC

@Fox while there's certainly a demographic angle there, there's also an ancappy response that regulations on ticket pricing forced companies to compete on experience quality because they couldn't lower prices below a certain floor

2018-08-23 17:05:03 UTC

There's also the increasing knowledge of safety. You're much safer strapped to a stiff chair then sitting in one of those curved 60's Jetsons' chairs smoking a cigarette

2018-08-23 17:06:14 UTC

@Fox Flying always sucked, dude. There was the golden age in the 60's, but the idea that flying was awesome is just wrong. Watch that Twilight Zone with Captain Kirk on the plane. It's a cramped, crappy little machine, which was pretty standard

2018-08-23 17:07:52 UTC

Thanks, gentlemen.

2018-08-23 17:09:54 UTC

lmao sorry dude

2018-08-23 17:13:39 UTC
@2:20 Pewds almost says, "Sheckle" then proceeds to be irritated because he knows he can't say sheckle

2018-08-23 17:19:37 UTC

2018-08-23 17:26:46 UTC

Trump cucking on Mandela

2018-08-23 17:28:33 UTC

@Zyzz Look at the date of each Tweet. He's getting <:redpill:439924063377555497> over time.

2018-08-23 17:30:51 UTC

First he cucked on Mandela (a racist commie), then doesn't mention Mandela (probably found out more about him), now he's having his administration watch the country for a white genocide (without saying "white genocide")

2018-08-23 17:32:53 UTC

He's getting warmer, boys...

2018-08-23 17:32:55 UTC

The level of crazy and anti-white from the left from this recent Tweet should be great for our side as it shows normies what the left really thinks and cares about (not whites).

2018-08-23 17:42:48 UTC

"If I had a daughter, she'd look like Mollie Tibbetts."

2018-08-23 17:43:46 UTC

They spooged all over Obama for about if it's said exactly the same, but by Trump? ๐Ÿค”

2018-08-23 17:44:54 UTC

No surprise he can't speak English...they don't want to assimilate, just suck our country dry and take over.

2018-08-23 17:50:57 UTC

There were those huge planes with bars and stuff. Smoking wasn't the only perk

2018-08-23 17:57:39 UTC

Mexicans come up to me all the damn time speaking Spanish to me, then getting angry when I tell them that I speak English, sorry.

2018-08-23 17:59:45 UTC

Yeah Iโ€™ve had that happen a few times too. I actually speak enough Spanish to understand them pretty well, I just pretend I canโ€™t so they have to switch to English.

2018-08-23 18:25:26 UTC

Do they really just expect whites to speak Spanish?

2018-08-23 18:27:31 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD thanks I missed that!

2018-08-23 18:29:05 UTC

@Jacob On the Strip often times they do.

2018-08-23 18:30:01 UTC

I'm not changing for them.

2018-08-23 18:31:03 UTC

Had a similar situation in Houston, was visiting a museum there and a Mexican parking attendant came up to my car window and started speaking Spanish. When he realized I didnโ€™t habla he got extremely disrespectful. These people hate us.

2018-08-23 18:33:37 UTC

@Jacob Yes. I worked with Mexicans for years and they are very conscious about the fact that they are taking over. Part of what pushed me over the edge on race and culture issues.

2018-08-23 18:37:14 UTC

This is exactly how they feel:

2018-08-23 18:40:01 UTC

What's actually funny...every time a brown/black comedian imitates whites, they sound more educated and respectful. ๐Ÿค”

2018-08-23 18:41:42 UTC

I played soccer with them. Oh those refs. The number of times they cheated and my teams parents started calling for them to all show their green cards. lol

2018-08-23 18:47:47 UTC

โ€œI assume they are all gang relatedโ€ statistically, yes.

2018-08-23 19:09:09 UTC

Lopez needs to enjoy it while it lasts. If they get their way, USA will be Mexico, but w/ mass migration even further down the IQ spectrum. Without white people, the Mexicans will be the "producer class" that resentment is aimed at.

2018-08-23 19:10:19 UTC

Their "white" voice is always a treat to hear.

2018-08-23 19:27:31 UTC

idk about y'all, but it feels pretty fuggin cool to be a part of IE with the identity rhetoric going mainstream

2018-08-23 20:14:49 UTC

off topic, but Pence just landed in New Orleans
he and Steve Scalise skipped the handshake and went straight in for a bro-hug, and then Pence gave the crowd "finger guns"

2018-08-23 20:20:22 UTC

@Goose nice

2018-08-23 20:24:59 UTC

@ThisIsChris not including handouts to foreigners

2018-08-23 20:25:58 UTC

2018-08-23 20:26:03 UTC

Oosh yeah

2018-08-23 20:27:58 UTC

It's interesting they take care to exclude the school lunch program. I remember when my parents divorced my custodial parent wasn't working which made our income on paper low enough for free school lunch. I just paid for school lunch anyway though, because I thought it was silly, I had a job and school lunch was cheap to begin with.

2018-08-23 20:33:26 UTC

@ThisIsChris seems like (voluntary) single moms are the problem... once again

2018-08-23 20:34:08 UTC

odd how there is no mention of single-father homes
must be the patriarchy at work

2018-08-23 20:46:51 UTC

Where do I throw my betabux?

2018-08-23 20:52:39 UTC

Screw it, I just donated $50.

2018-08-23 20:53:29 UTC

She's shining a light on the problems whites face without making it explicitly racial...which is a great starting point for normies to transition to our views.

2018-08-23 21:49:42 UTC

How is I.E today? ๐Ÿ’ช

2018-08-23 21:50:53 UTC

I'm still really white pilled from Trump tweeting about South Africa

2018-08-23 21:54:52 UTC

I wonder what action will happen after he gets the SA reports back to him, it's certainly exciting

2018-08-23 21:55:23 UTC

Well, it looks like YouTube has finally banned Identity Evropa off their platform. ๐Ÿ˜’ *censorship intensifies*

2018-08-23 21:56:40 UTC

*election meddling intensifies*

2018-08-23 21:57:18 UTC

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you (we are here). Then you win.

2018-08-23 22:00:47 UTC

@missliterallywho Yeah, the left carries on about "Russian meddling", then starts banning every right wing personality or group off social media right before the midterms. ๐Ÿค”
They have ZERO morals.

2018-08-23 22:01:04 UTC
Patrick is on ROTC currently! Pretty good stuff my brotato

2018-08-23 22:17:19 UTC

The more they censor us online the more important it becomes that we all know how to present our talking points in person, and take every beneficial opportunity to do so (as opposed to opportunities to simply argue). They can't censor us in physical space-- yet.

2018-08-23 22:21:36 UTC


2018-08-23 22:28:24 UTC

They may take away our internet privileges, but they will never take away OUR FREEDOM

2018-08-23 22:29:44 UTC

This is ridiculous. Is this censorship really JUST for midterms?

2018-08-23 22:30:13 UTC

If they can get away with it, it will be permanent I'm sure.

2018-08-23 22:31:13 UTC

Censorship is for control, at least perceived control of the narrative

2018-08-23 22:31:28 UTC

this stuff is reaaaaallly angering

2018-08-23 22:31:38 UTC

Fight and you may die. Run and you'll live - at least a while.

2018-08-23 22:31:50 UTC

Hopefully it's isolated to that platform, and we're not getting Alex Jones'd in the next couple of days.

2018-08-23 22:32:51 UTC

I hope everyone had a polite and respectful white day and hit the gym for some gains๐Ÿ˜Ž<:deye:359010025223618570> ๐Ÿšด ๐ŸŠ ๐Ÿน ๐Ÿ’ช

2018-08-23 22:36:16 UTC

@hbutzer0511 the lifting was hot and heavy today. Getting a chili dog before BJJ. Summer livin mans.

L E G G day today

2018-08-23 22:54:38 UTC

Iโ€™m getting a bans on Facebook for normie tiered stuff now

2018-08-23 22:54:57 UTC

I guess this is their strategy for wining the election this time

2018-08-23 22:55:13 UTC

Banning all conservatives from saying a word

2018-08-23 22:55:42 UTC

Except the daily wire of course

2018-08-23 23:00:27 UTC

Of course they won't ban the controlled opposition @Sam Anderson

2018-08-23 23:07:51 UTC

I need to go workout but I still have Bambi legs from my last day of squats

2018-08-23 23:09:25 UTC

I'll be doing snatches and other back stuff today though so I'm going to just push through

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