Discord ID: 382302908659662868
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Working on the picture right now and just paid the dues.
Looks like I have to keep not reading Teen Vogue.
@ThisIsChris we'll leave that to podesta.
@Guillaume truth
If you can't move weight and make noise, then you aren't in a gym.
@ThisIsChris thays a sexy gym
@ThisIsChris squat is king. I hit a 5x5 today with some back squat actually.
@ThisIsChris are you new to lifting?
I only have a couple years under my belt but it is very addictive.
I'm going to start 531 when I finish what I am working with now.
That's awesome. Keep up the good work. I have nothing but benefited from lifting.
@ThisIsChris nice! We can have a deadlift party. And the same goes for you if you find yourself in North Louisiana.
Does anyone have any good sources for reading up on the projected pros/cons of Chia?
Great job.
Not an argument.
Just got to take a second to brag about my 365# back squat PR today. Looking forward to big number on the rest of my lifts this week.
The Chad meal prep step one.
@Deleted User Thanks, brother. Shooting for a 500# deadlift on the 26th. Pick up that yule log.
@Wotan Reborn I'll take "Germany" for $500.
Looks like it just says "for White Supremacy". Getting mix signals here, antifa.
@Deleted User I would assume so, yes.
@Robtheroman We need to party like those guys. IE field day.
@Deleted User Same here.
Make America Work Again
So academic.
Watching it right now. It is good. Go share it around social media.
Great work! @Reinhard Wolff
@wayne peek there's like ten comments
Oh. My bad. @wayne peek
That's a great article.
Can antifa do anything aside from destroy things?
Post some photos. @Evan Thomas
Red meat.
That may be rooted in a mobility issue in your forearms and wrists. I would suggest also looking into some stretches for long-term improvement. "Front Rack Mobility" would be a useful topic to research.
Maybe the "after working" is the flaw in the logic.
That article sure does take a wild twist at the end.
I'm not going to lie, that made me tear up a little bit.
So many European whitepills!
Squats are great, but they don't work the posterior chain nor upper back muscles like a deadlift.
Plus there are few things more primal than lifting a lot of weight. Feels good man.
I also suggest checking out the YouTube channel untamed strength with Allen Thrall. He has a lot of good, no-bullshit advice for lifters.
I like to hit deadlift hard on Saturday morning and then eat a big ol lunch.
Is the goal just to raise enough awareness to get the action so that the local news actually reports on it?
I think that the idea of volume for beginners is that you are still getting use to the movement, and if you are adding weight in proper intervals, then for a while you will be lifting less weight that your body really needs to stimulate growth. This is due to the fact that your muscles are just getting use to moving this was and not necessarily that they can't lift more weight.
By adding volume you are exhausting the larger muscles due to work load without needing much weight and also hitting smaller muscles groups that will be called upon once the larger groups get tired.
But I don't have any science at my finger tips to back that up. @ThisIsChris
And now we have reached the classic impass of all discussions regarding specific preferences in fitness and training: "Try out both programs and see what works for you." I would suggest starting with fewer sets and if you are seeing measurable progress, then just stay with that as long as it works. If you start to stall on adding weight to the bar, then check first your nutrition and sleep patterns before considering changing to another program.
I second @Zyklonius B Gassem-LA feeling about low sets on heavy lifts. Intensity is more important than volume in that regard (imo).
@Valaska You should do a project SIEGE workshop.
>starts with a literal blue hair ๐
Good work though. @Jacob
I'm glad you're going for the gold, but it does seem excessive. But your cut seems to be going well so maybe you have it figured it.
Try this: death by pull up. Every minute on the minute you do a pull up and with each minute you do another. IE, minute 1 is one pull up and minute two is 2 pull ups. So on and so forth until you fail.
Just squats. You can only debate high bar v. low bar squats.
Would there be a specific topic posted earlier in the week? That way we don't just sperg out of everything under the sun.
Well, I don't know much about nothing so I will gladly listen.
True. I love being apart of the box. I catch a lot of shit for not CrossFiting but I am also know everyone and make great friends doing so.
Does anyone in here have some gopro experience and wouldn't mind helping me troubleshoot my camera?
@ThisIsChris Gopro. Thank you for the suggestion.
All members must preform back squats before continuing with any other exercise.
All reps are to he counted as "One, Mr. Rippetoe. Two, Mr. Rippetoe."
Nice! Great work!
Thank you! Maybe I can brush off my literature degree and learn a thing or two.
LSU Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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