IC - Jesse AR

@PF-4437 RocketChat ID: FJTADCZq3MzwDTsBx

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Probably. I don't think I have anything else going on.

Well, I know Nathan's family has quite a bit of land... I dunno, might be worth investigating. Maybe it's for the best though, hang out with us too much and you might like it enough to stay, haha.

Something like that, we got 4 members in AR. Cecil OK is a rightful AR body

Yeah it really depends on the spot when it comes to southern blacks, they are no different when they're living in their ethnocities like Memphis or Atlanta but in the smaller towns they seem to keep it together at least marginally better

I certainly am

Yep... I mean I've done repelling before, and it wasn't so bad, but my body has a near uncontrollable reaction to climbing on high things. I wouldn't want to make a fool of myself.

aint for me chief lol

I could film

Groypenfuhrer @ND - Jon UT assumes direct command

this demo brought to you by 5.11 and Black Rifle Coffee

Right on. You reached out to Mark SD yet?

He's full on racist

Lol first DM convo he sends says the niggers down here stay in line better than in the North

truly the Yankees asked for it

Yep, been in some comms with him myself. Seems like a true wignat, will fit in well lol

Did you see some of my stickers when you were around Fort Smith?

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Yeah, I stickered some of U of A, wondering if I got good coverage or not. Trying to center on the main campus yard.

@all Thomas is on the road, we will move the meeting to Jitsi

I will post a link here

If you are on mobile you can download the Jitsi app


@ND - William OK Post gear list when its convenient

Thomas is on the road, vetting server should be back up sometime in the next few hours he says

@all Do we have anyone available who can conduct? One of my irl buddies needs to be vetted tonight

I can take notes

Its up

Since I know him you'll have to conduct

thanks buddy

No events this week for me

Conductor: Sam MN
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? Week or two
Political Ideology: National Socialist. A country should look out for its People, and have their interest in mind. The People are those who have come here and struggled to make the nation, who built it.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Perm
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Christian, nondenominational. No issues with other faiths.
Why Join: Better than sitting around, proactive, wants to be a part of a community that holds itself accountable.
Skills: Electrical tech, automation work. Works with robotics. Was an Eagle Scout. First aid trained, previous lifeguard. CPR certified. Has done some photo editing before.
Read Manifesto: Yes, agrees with it. Its a good set of principles to live by. No disagreements.

Q1: Applied in 2018 or 19, didn't make it to the interview stage. No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Started off more leftist, libertarian. Around the same time he read libertarian literature, he read from Ayn Rand to Thomas Sewell(?). Found libertarians to be unserious. They argue semantics with no goals in mind. They intentionally mislead people. Reality is not all economics. Saw Mike Enoch and Spencer do their college tour series, and asked himself why they were being banned from college events. Watched them on Youtube and it sounded reasonable to him. That led him to TRS.
Q5: Found out about us from some source, cannot remember which. Saw our stuff all over Telegram, saw Identity Europa and how we were related to them through activism, and has a friend (Donald OK) in the org. Makes his own stickers and bought RAM stickers to use around town. Done stickering for years, content that he would see and like the messaging.
Q6: Has heard of Civic Nationalism. Thinks they're on the same side as us, we shouldn't attack them because we have bigger problems. Doesn't like infighting. Migrants cannot become American. There is an ethnic component to being an American. America is a Pan-European nation. He wants to preserve the European spirit in America.
Q7: Family has roots in America from before the Constitution. Ancestry comes from England. Ethnically describes himself as White.
Q8: Has done activism in the past. Always lone stickers, didn't know for years that there were other Nationalist activist out there in his area. No past membership in political groups. No doxxes.
Q9: Violence is justified when your life is in danger. Everyone is watching, and everyone has opinions, but if you are in danger of dying you are justified in defending yourself. Will follow orders from the organization regarding when to engage in violence. Understands and Agrees with the Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was a long time ago.
Q11: Schedule has been all over the place due to a new job. Works Sunday nights, has half the week off.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is policy. A lot of our problems come from government policy, and can be overturned through policy as well. The government is controlled by Zionists and their allies.
Q13: Gets his news from Telegram and Twitter. Top 5 channels on Telegram are Western Chauvinist, NJP guys like Warren Balogh, Jack McKraken, etc. Also checks the local paper to see what narratives normal people are exposed to.
Q14: Labels his worldview as National Socialist. His beliefs influence daily life constantly, once you are aware you see things all over the place, ex. BLM. They look out for their own no matter what. Every group has something like that except for us, Whites. The State should be used for this purpose. Nature is also National Socialist.
Q15: Never felt like his religion was at odds with his politics.
Q16: Read Mein Kampf, A Controversy of Zion, My Awakening, some Condreanu. A lot of these subjects are things people feel that they can't quite put into words. Lots of people can connect to works like this to explain the circumstances the world is in.
Q17: Fairly fit. Swam 103 miles last year. Also lifts often. 5'10, 185.
Q18: Ideal family is a multigenerational family living together. Nuclear family is a breakdown of this. Spent Thanksgiving with his family. Families have been broken down through psychological tactics, putting conflict within the family. Homosexuality is against nature.
Q19: Admires Henry Ford. Interviewee likes engineering, Ford created the American middle class, the assembly line was a groundbreaking invention.
Q20: Despises MLK. None of his beliefs were held in good faith.
Q21: The Nationalist Movement is hampered by the swastika being demonized in the public, thats why optics are important. Leadership also needs to lead by example. People have been afraid to take that leap of faith into the leadership lifestyle. This organization does what it can, what he can do but on a much larger scale. We are serious in our purpose. We are a force for good.

Q22: Doesn't have much in mind for future goals.

Notes for Sampson

PO Box 175, Chester, AR 72934

Thanks once again brother

Have an interviewee account that needs to be removed immediately

Current Intelligence Analyst with the DEA

Got a new Interviewee for you. Great guy on the call, but he is way out of the way of members in his area. New Mexico is totally blank. Wanted to send his notes off to you in the hopes that someone in the CO Springs area or further south will be able to meet up and coordinate a vetting with him. Feel free to delegate this to anyone you think is fit in your Network.

33/NM/Santa Fe
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Jesse AR


Test Question: How long ago did you apply? A month to 6 weeks ago
Political Ideology: Heavily Libertarian for most of his life. Wanted to be left alone for the longest time. That has changed in recent years, due to BLM and the silencing of White People. We deserve a voice. The current situation is polarizing people and he is going right.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Looking to relocate to Maine at the end of January.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Apathetic. Considering joining a Greek Orthodox Church depending on the availability in Maine but personally has no strong feelings on faith. Distrustful of Muslims and Jewish practitioners. All other faiths are alright.
Why Join: This org seems to advocate for a future country that he would like to see his children growing up in. He no longer believes isolation is a workable strategy. Joining an org goes against his nature but he cannot stand by at this point.
Skills: Reasonably fit, BA in Economics and a financial job. Good at hiking, loves camping. Did BJJ for 12 years and has various martial arts experiences.
Read Manifesto: Yes, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago. Felt that it articulated our country's situation well, and he agrees with the values written on it. Really likes the idea that people who have a strong history here through their family give more value to this country than people who arrived yesterday. His family has been here a long time and we need to change its direction.

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Always thought that this was our country, and society. Didn't see it moving as much as it has. Never liked substance abuse or hookup culture, but it wasn't a big deal for him. You do you. Things are getting torn down around us now. Disagrees with the idea of giving up his voice for someone else's. The way things are going, White People and his children will have no place in this land. We need a Party or an Organization that provides us White People with a voice. Going through college and watching the news cycle informed him on the racial struggle of Whites. Watched Europa The Last Battle and currently uses Telegram to get talking points he agrees with.
Q5: Found us through Telegram, watched a video of our activism. [Note: Probably an Activism Report.] Watched most of our videos, likes our structure and peacefulness. We know what we are doing.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. Migrants becoming American would depend on the place of origin of the migrant, French yes Saudis no, because they tend to keep her culture. Americans are people of European descent.
Q7: Mothers side comes from the Border Reavers of England and Scotland. Fathers side came over in the 1800's, primarily English as well. Some German.
Q8: No past organizations. Wanted to become organized because he sees the country going in a bad direction. Can't see himself just staying inside and letting things fall apart. Wants to take part in normal activism, doesn't see himself as a leadership type.
Q9: Violence is only justified in defense of yourself and your family. Understands and Agrees with our Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was about 10 years ago.
Q11: Free time varies. about 4-12 hours of free time a week.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is Liberalism. Its pushed by media and politics to break down traditions and morality.
Q13: Uses Facebook, Telegram, watches BBC and Reuters. Telegram top channels: 14 Words, White Preservation Society.
Q14: Believes that he is leaning more towards National Socialism more than anything else. It says that everyone belongs, and has a home to keep and maintain. It is the ONLY ideology that embraces that. Parents were total party followers, die hard Republicans or Democrats, didn't matter what the party or politicians did. That taught him about our political system.
Q15: No conflict between faith and politics.
Q16: Has been reading Evola for the past few months. It's taught him about natural roles in society, and that roles can give people pride, and teaches them to pass along things between generations to maintain tradition.
Q17: Reasonably fit. Can run a mile just fine, can lift well, good at hiking up mountains. Not exceptional in any one area, but works out 3 days a week. Runs at each workout as well. 12 years experience in BJJ, and he also trained on kick boxing, muai thai, a little krav maga, but BJJ is his heart and wants to find a boxing gym once he moves. Brown Belt in BJJ and can help others to learn the fundamentals. 180 lbs, 5'9.

Q18: Nuclear family with involvement of other generations is ideal. His mom left his dad when he was 7. He moved 16 times, totally rootless childhood. Pushed his older brother into a fatherhood role, and it caused a breakdown in morality within his family. There's no stability in the current family system. No specific problem with homosexuality in secret, but has a problem with it publicly displayed. Doesn't believe same sex marriage should be legal. Anti-pornography.
Q19: Admires George Washington. He was willing to stand for what was right even when his cause seemed hopeless. There was a price for doing what he believed, and when everything was in question, he took the lead.
Q20: Despises Roosevelt. He led us to a massive loss of life. He knew the Japanese were going to bomb us and let it happen.
Q21: Nationalism is disunited and has a tendency to fall into particism. [The notetaker believes the interviewee is speaking mostly of Trump.] We have no leadership in this country that stands for Nationalism. Our organization stands for tradition and organization. We could make those leaders we need.
Q22: Wants to have children and make a life for himself in Maine with his wife.

You know it!

Really looking forward to it. I usually get a feeling in the box truck about how the demo will go or not. Philly I knew would be different. This one, its the usual bit of minor anxiety but I think it'll go over fine.

We'll see if that changes in the truck or not.

I think so too.

Stick it out man! It's worthwhile to put in the work. More bragging rights once you do get guys in, haha. Arkansas went from 1 guy for half a year to 4 guys real quick. It'll happen.

Worked our a budget plan today. Lots simpler than I thought it would be. Bank tracks grocery expenses semi-well. I'll record my December expenses to see if it matches reality or not. If I stick to it, I'll be debt free (besides mortgage) by June.

@Marshall OK You sure there's nothing we can do to help and get you to the event? Really trying to go for 100% attendance on this one.

@Clarke OK We might be able to convince him yet. Give it some time.

come hang out

I can cover dog boarding costs or you can just bring your dog to my house.

Sounds good to me! We have all necessary seats, but we can swap his out for another vehicle if someone wants to tag out.

@Nathan AR My thoughts exactly.

I'll reach out to Mark and make sure he knows where to go


I think so! I'll take them, sure.

Hey mate! Appreciate you volunteering your truck for the ride. Know where you're going? Route is gonna be a bit different than expected. We're not going through LR, we're going up to St. Louis.

Basically, you will be picking up Leo AR in Russellville, then coming by to little ol' Chester AR for the rest of the guys. Then we bust off north for STL to caravan with the rest of NW's 1, 2, 4 and 12.

Do you have a threema? Would work well for fast comms, it's what our network uses

What time do we all need to be in St. Louis?

Sure man! I'll try to email it to myself and post here, or just explain what I did

Interviewing tonight, might be a bit behind the deadline for bag packing but I'll post when I have it done tonight

I dont see a message for me.

Unaffiliate never showed.

Please add @Cecil OK @Nathan AR and @Leo AR as well as @Mark SD since he is in AR currently

OK guys attending who need to be added: @Donald OK @Bryan OK @Loy OK @John OK @Marshall OK @ND - Carter MO

and @PF-9445

Oh yes I was checking "online" instead of "all"

Asked William but he hasn't got back to me yet, what time are we all supposed to meet in STL?



So I worked out a travel plan for all the required destinations. You will need to leave Magnolia by 5PM tomorrow to pick up @Leo AR in Russellville, then drive to Chester. Please let me know when you see this message so I can confirm everything is good to go. My Threema ID is URW2F7YB

Send me a message or give me a call via Threema once you read this. Want to take care of things now before it gets any closer.

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Bag is packed. Somehow I'm short a round patch and my tan hat. Will try and get a new one tomorrow. If someone happens to have a spare I'd ask they bring it along just in case.

I had 6 that I brought to Philly that are still floating around there somewhere... @Thomas

Taped off my stuff with yellow masking tape

We can come pick you up direct. I figure it would be easier than you driving 2 hours down to me when we're just going back up your way. We could come straight to your place, it's just a 5 minute detour from where we're already gonna be going.

Marshall, are you coming to the event or not?

Most of us won't be on tonight due to travel

Hat located, should have everything I need now.

@Mark SD No worries chief, the AR gang will take the wheel. We'll rotate out regularly to make sure no one gets too tired.

Marshall OK is completely unresponsive to messages. @Clarke OK @Vincent TX @Thomas

He'll need to be struck from the team and a replacement will need to be assigned at the event.

Well, it IS an issue, but not for us.

Any word on anyone else being active tonight? @all

Right on, good stuff

@Thomas Bus is airing up, tires in the back were low. Will be back on the road shortly.

Scratch that, bus has a busted valve stem, will be taking it to a shop for repair. Our truck will remain with remain with the bus to caravan for safety. Will message when we are back on the road.

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