Nathan AR
@PF-706042 RocketChat ID: Bpgwqb5PKWM9Zk23t
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A man on my shield men @Leo AR is having credit card issues and cannot order his pads or chin straps on time. He said he'd check out his local sporting stores but being that Arkansas isn't known for its street hockey, I don't have high hopes that he'll find the leg protection necessary for the demo. Is there any way we can help him out?
So what's the issue specifically? Can you have the leg pads in by the 20th?
Don't worry about the chin strap. I've got an extra you can use.
Is there a chance you'll have them by the 4th? Or is there no telling at all?
The only important thing is that you have the pads in your hands and that you sand/paint the hard parts of them before the demo
Do you see that as a possibility before we leave for the demo? Because if not then I'm gonna have to pull some strings to get you some hand me down pads from leadership...
Good deal. Keep me updated on it. Go ahead and grab some Rustoleum brand "antique white" spray paint just in case and have it ready for when the pads arrive.
Sorry Vin. False alarm. I talked it out with him and I believe he'll have time to do what he needs to by the demo date.
It wouldn't be bad to have a pair ready and set to go just in case. But essentially he's hoping to have his replacement pads in within two weeks. I told him to go ahead and buy the required spray paint ahead of time so he can paint them the moment he gets them in. Beyond that he just needs 24 hours for the paint to dry so by the time we leave for the demo he should be good.
The pads do have to be tan. Antique white is just another shade of tan.
Actually no. Nvm I was wrong
That's really what the concern was. Arkansas doesn't have any place to buy any hockey pads. Much less the ones we need. So if he couldn't get his pads ordered in on time then we'd have a problem. But I believe we got it worked out. If we have any other problems I'll let you know.
Antique white is "preferred"
Good deal. Thanks bud.
With @Donald OK and @IC - Jesse AR
With @Donald OK
@Logan NC please avoid placing our promat inside any restrooms. It's not a good look for us.
Hello brother. Welcome to the org. We're glad to have you with us. I'm in Arkansas which means we'll almost certainly be meeting each other and working together in the future as we work to expand our influence in the Midwest.
I've been in PF since the beginning of the year and can attest to the incredible opportunities it brings. I've seen more of this country and met more based people through PF than I could've ever imagined before joining. I hope your future experience will prove to be just as active and fulfilling as mine has been. Welcome again brother. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I'm just a text away.
Hello brother. Welcome to the org. We're glad to have you with us.
I've been in PF since the start of this year and can attest to the incredible opportunities it brings. I've seen more of this country and met more based people through PF than I could've ever imagined before joining. I hope your future experience will prove to be just as active and fulfilling as mine has been. Welcome again brother. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I'm just a text away.
Hello brother. Welcome to the org. We're glad to have you with us. I'm in Arkansas which means we'll almost certainly be meeting each other and working together in the future as we work to expand our influence in the Midwest. I've been in PF since the beginning of the year and can attest to the incredible opportunities it brings. I've seen more of this country and met more based people through PF than I could've ever imagined before joining. I hope your future experience will prove to be just as active and fulfilling as mine has been. Welcome again brother. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I'm just a text away.
Hello brother. Welcome to the org. We're glad to have you with us. I'm in Arkansas which means we'll almost certainly be meeting each other and working together in the future as we work to expand our influence in the Midwest. I've been in PF since the beginning of the year and can attest to the incredible opportunities it brings. I've seen more of this country and met more based people through PF than I could've ever imagined before joining. I hope your future experience will prove to be just as active and fulfilling as mine has been. Welcome again brother. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I'm just a text away.
No problem buddy. You just gotta think about it in terms of why we want our promat out there and who we want to see it. We put our promat in the public space as a means to spread our message and battle over the minds of the masses in said public spaces. But public restrooms are not the kind of place we want our materials to be associated with. It's not "classy" enough for people to respect. I know that the dire situation our people face may make you want to say "screw being classy, I just wanna wake people up." But at the same time, you don't want someone to see our stickers out in the streets and think "eh those guys put those things on shithouse walls like a bunch of shameless schizos." We gotta handle ourselves in a way that the people who were trying to awaken will listen to out of respect, and not because we force then to look at our website name while they're taking a piss.
Anytime buddy. I'll be at the December demo as well so hopefully I'll see you there.
Pit them on street signs and lamp posts in outdoor market places where cars aren't allowed and people have to look at them. Farmers markets, mall areas, concert venues and parking lots make great places for promat. And it helps more if you place the promat at a certain height to where people HAVE to see it. Like something I do a lot is when I sticker up a parking lot, I'll place the stickers on a light pole that directly in front of a parked car so that whenever someone pulls into that spot they're forced to look at the only sticker on the post in front of them. Other perfect spots include walking trails and at museum placards. But even without going to such great extents, people see our stuff all the time. Even if you don't notice them, others do.
@Thomas thoughts on having a camelback versus having one of these water bottle holders?
Understood. I do believe all shield team members should be carrying extra water in some capacity. Being that camelbacks hold more water for sharing then I would encourage anyone who already has one to plan on wearing his camelback to the demo if he feels comfortable doing so.
Do we have the contact info for all of our "lifestyle recovery chat" gentlemen who're attending so that we can tell them specifically to purchase this water bottle holder for themselves just in case?
Dang son. I don't know what to tell ya. You just thicc.
I'll try to get off work early and head your way straight from there. Either way tho it'll be close timing and we might have to leave the moment I arrive if I'm the last one.
Can I assume that your truck is the ONLY vehicle y'all own?
How've you been getting to work?
It'll be a dent in y'all's time, but you'll both be there. And if Jesse's willing, it's essential that you make it to this drilling event @Leo AR
Can one of the OK guys take him back as were driving back to Will's place?
With @Cecil OK
Can organizational patches be worn at the site we plan on drilling at this Saturday?
Good thanks
Thank you @Clarke OK you'll be helping a lot of our guys get their gear ready.
@all if you're on a shield team and have acquired your protective pads, bring them with you this weekend so we can uniformly make the necessary mods to them.
Hey man are you coming to this drilling event or not? Because to be perfectly honest if you don't come then I'm going to have to find a replacement for you on my shield team. I don't want to have to find anyone else and I don't mean to drop this on you all of a sudden but if you don't have any experience with these new shields and tactics before we drill on the demo date then I can't have you in my team. Our job is very important, that's why team leads were instructed to choose men who they trust to be reliable on their team. That's why I wanted you on my team. But like I said, without any prior training before the demo I'll have to find a replacement for you.
I should be at your house BY 5:30pm approximately. But I'm going to try my best to make it over there a little earlier so that we can all be on the road by 5:30pm. As of now I'm gonna say my ETA is 5:15pm.
As is to your house @IC - Jesse AR ?
@ND - William OK so are y'all still leaving your place at 5:30?
With @Bryan OK @Donald OK and @Loy OK
With @Bryan OK @Donald OK and @Loy OK
Here's the telegram link to Murdoch Murdoch's book in case you're still interested. I highly recommend it.
Made it home
I think it was left in @Donald OK's car
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