Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 502301899932958722
He's going to find out that you play destiny 2
That's what I found when I googled you
don't show our cards or be *too* mean to the media if they're helping us
@Reinhard Wolff patrjust don't fracture your ankle like someone i know did
Real talk, sending them flowers would discourage any future reporter giving us a fair hearing
It's not mean. I grew up being taught by my family to always do nice things and send thank you cards whenever someone or something helps you in any way.
Fake newz
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FLyes i did too and that's a good thing we were
> journalist
> objective
Aww thanks
I'm disappointed that society has, indeed, degraded to the point where sending "thank yous" is seen as anything other than genuine kindness @celticflame
Yes we got all the gifts! Thanks everyone!
can't be *too* autistic
> not autistic *bows out of being an interviewer*
My wife had a baby last friday, do you guys even demographics?
@Jean-Baptiste congrats!
High praise, means a lot
@ThisIsChris @CarletonJ Thanks guys
Congratulations @Jean-Baptiste
Boy or girl?
@Reinhard Wolff Someone else said this earlier, but Tucker Show appearance when?
oui, #2 and its a boy.
@Reinhard Wolff Blockbuster stock is only 1.48 cents a share. Have we considered buying them out? We can use it to distribute Red Ice and American Renaissance.
@Reinhard Wolff and can we get an update on those guys that were doxxed in a federal court case, same one we discussed two weeks ago?
Hey he can marry my daughter in 20 years lol!
OANN may be a more sympathetic outlet sooner
@Reinhard Wolff as whites, can we take back Halloween, or at least make a flier campaign out of it? "Thanks for celebrating our white festival with us - IE" happy halloween.
@Bogl - CAthankyou for remembering to ask😉
Since they try to tell us what we can and can't wear on our holiday.
@Bogl - CA Maybe a pumpkin carving?
@Reinhard Wolff yeah, "hate in America" was epic. 2 seconds after interviewing me, they switched to Jeff Schoep of NSM
dont forget fortnite
Maybe a tactically placed pumpkin carving