Message from @Shwa
Discord ID: 507355754534273034
Someone's getting super banned.
Date, location, etc obviously you're on your own
Well I can't sign up before I know where it is lmao
We get the details emailed to us, guys, after we register.
Will the location be announced after the late fee date takes effect?
Oh ok
Well that's weird
Apalachia...yes near me!!!
Ummm... I already sent the 125...
That's a good purple color
Way to brag
Highest agency
Appalachia could be anywhere from Alabama to Pennsylvania lmao
It's Leading Our People's something.
Oh yea haha
I like that purple
BTW My believable first name is Ben Dover
I was thinking NY
@Sherlock ACKSHUALLY the range extends to Quebec
125 for general admisdsion.
@FACINEMA I thought your name was Sam. Lol
My believable name is Jared Taylor
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN whatever monkey
who do we send details to @Matthias
Us: Where is LOPF? Leadership: America
@Sherlock good point haha i was thinking NY cause my buddy hikes the moutains there all the time
Can we trade livestock instead of cash?
@FlyingDutchmann Its actually Anthony WEEEEEEINERRRRRR
@Matthias Is this going to be repeated at any time my internet is spotty rn and I want to make sure I get it all down right
@Sherlock Respect Maine
My believable name is Fisk Ellington Rutledge III
The sooner I know where it is, the sooner I will know if I can afford it right now (I'm in HI).
Can dues still be paid with Zelle?
It's been a while for me.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I love maine because i knew a hot girl from there
Yes @Ryonne