Message from @VinceChaos
Discord ID: 507355866815660032
Ummm... I already sent the 125...
That's a good purple color
Way to brag
Highest agency
Appalachia could be anywhere from Alabama to Pennsylvania lmao
It's Leading Our People's something.
Oh yea haha
I like that purple
BTW My believable first name is Ben Dover
I was thinking NY
so what is total cost?
@Sherlock ACKSHUALLY the range extends to Quebec
125 for general admisdsion.
@FACINEMA I thought your name was Sam. Lol
My believable name is Jared Taylor
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN whatever monkey
who do we send details to @Matthias
@Sherlock good point haha i was thinking NY cause my buddy hikes the moutains there all the time
Can we trade livestock instead of cash?
@FlyingDutchmann Its actually Anthony WEEEEEEINERRRRRR
@Matthias Is this going to be repeated at any time my internet is spotty rn and I want to make sure I get it all down right
@Sherlock Respect Maine
My believable name is Fisk Ellington Rutledge III
The sooner I know where it is, the sooner I will know if I can afford it right now (I'm in HI).
Can dues still be paid with Zelle?
It's been a while for me.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I love maine because i knew a hot girl from there
Yes @Ryonne
What if we still have trouble with Zelle?
@Sherlock and Maine kicks ass
@Sherlock Whitest state, so probably true!
@Matthias - I can certainly afford the general admission but overall the trip will be quite expensive for me to attend. We can get some sponsorship, on a first come first serve basis, right? Rather, favored member basis.
Ok thanks
is the payment refundable if you can't make it? @Matthias
@Wilhelm second!!!