Message from @fgtveassassin
Discord ID: 507370781114630145
.... several people are typing....
4th time is a charm!
Well memed
@Reinhard Wolff Martin Lichtmesz is friends with Martin Sellner, but not technically GI. He works for the Insitut fur Staatspolitik in Schnellroda, Germany, and has spoken at AmRen. He also translated Camp of the Saints into German from the original French, and recently appeared on Happy Homelands with RamZPaul and Tiina Wiik.
When we going chief??
@Reinhard Wolff Do you trust Faith Goldy?
@Reinhard Wolff Well memed. <:teehee:381917632359563264>
@Reinhard Wolff Any updates on the C-Ville lawsuit?
am i the only one who has no idea what the lawsuit says? I knew there was one
Flyer cville as a prank
It's just a prank bro
Cant we all just get along!
Big fan of luncheons
Who's coordinating the national event?
If you end up not being able to LOPF, think about sponsoring someone else <:usinnoodle:420778112226164736>
tag for questions fellas
Jared Taylor is in IE
Greetings my subjects
2 Hours with Uncle Jared
50 shades of hwite
my guess was Paul Kersey, he’s younger
Jared is practically my neighbor lol
@ChippedStones oh shit waddup
50 shades of chipped*
@ChippedStones AVE GILLS
Jared Taylor loves to talk about anime...but only in Japanese.
I hope Jared is at LOPF
@ChippedStones AVE CAESAR
@ChippedStones Who is best waifu?
@ChippedStones Greetings me lord
@Conway - OK - I learned Japanese on duolingo just so that I could speak to Jared Taylor about anime.
@Reinhard Wolff Regarding the exclusivity of IE membership, just hypothetically, because you mentioned the Asatru Folk Assembly, what is your impression regarding IE members participating in Wotan Network actions?
Any ideas for decently priced suits?
Jared is a bloomer, not a boomer