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@martin Congratulations!

That looks and sounds so wrong..

@ophiuchus Those Le Creuset Pots are awesome and do wonderful cooking jobs! I got lucky, my dad has bought me 2 of them from a factory store in the past for a lil cheaper!

They make the most tenderest of meats and everything else!

@ophiuchus i also have the same 1 you have in your picture but in orange

Feed it to the dog? Lol๐Ÿ˜‚

Oh ok.. well maybe give it to a homeless person or use as a frisbee disc,lol๐Ÿ˜‚

Well your the 1 that has to eat it or not,so its all you,if not maybe you could try it on a friend or family member..something


@Francis Vvery cool,liking all of it! That's a neat tidbit about the boulder too,neat picture,nice looking

Nice looking for shape of the face too

Her Hopes in a future were cut short too soon

@ValaskaBeautiful,inspiring works!

@Der Seeteufel - SDVery Happy for you! Yes,usually if a girl introduces you to her parents,she's thinking very serious. Also i had my good friend Misha from Australia develop a great relationship with her now hubby here in America. They did alot of work back n forth, and she finally moved over here,married & is now an American citizen for the past few years. She's awesome,we are alot alike. Anyways i was very happy for her & hubby and they have been doing well. I honestly hope the best for you & her,that your relationship goes far. ๐Ÿ˜

@Der Seeteufel - SD lol,Honestly I have no clue. Maybe looking into buying land?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‹

Something I've noticed with my grandson,my stepson's son,is he has been with mama & daddy too much,so trying to get him exposed to other family & friends on regular basis helped,also stepping up with dads getting involved with more in his presence is helping him not be a mama's boy. Getting a whole way to expose him to more guy things is helping in addition to the normal nourishing from mama,a decent balance of both sexes. Also in the future helping to teach him various fishing,hunting,target practice,sports,etc will help round him out.

Also as a lil girl,i learned some of these things .too

He just turned 2 last month

Try to teach her all ways of traditional worlds,yet also round out some nicely in how to take care of herself by self defense & also fishin,hunting,an equal balance of both things.

@Grossly Incandescent my granddaughter,also from stepson enjoys her girly stuff,but is also learning to enjoy boy things too like trucks,lizards & eventually hopefully they may soon get her into karate or there abouts,she is 5. She loves her pink & princess stuff,but also anything ypu can get your hands on educational wise,book,puzzles,etc too. She is a quick study.

Any nutrition stuff i could do while pregnant was big,my bad was i still smoked at the time but did eventually quite. But i never once drank!!

I remember being nervous & worried about the food,etc i took in while pregnant and whatbi fed her after. I only wish someone had taught me how important breast feeding was,i had nobody to rely on,both mothers were alraedy passed away.

Yes my mother smoked with me & i think drank too,but i never got the chance to ask her for any parenting advice because she passed 6 months after we were married.

And my mother n law passed 3 months prior to daughter being born and she was old school,didnt talk about stuff to me..

That's sadly true,i feel guilty bad because asthma runs in the family on both sides,my brother had it,husband,stepson & daughter have it..

That sounds familiar!

Thats rare,my daughter was 6lbs even & I did,both my stepkids were huge though,1 was 10.2,the other 9.7.

Try to keep it natural if you can I tried.

Daughter was natural,both stepkids had to be cessarian after hours of trying natural. Same with my stepdaughter too,she had to go cessarian.

Unfortunately i had to have the meds,i had excruciating back labor

That was also prior leading up to years later having spinal surgeries too,so made it worse.

Honestly i don't remember @missliterallywho

She is 21 now,so hopefully down the road i will have more grandkids from her,help carry the line.

Well thats good,bet your starting to get really antsy! Lol

Are you nesting,cleaning like crazy? Lol

Lol ya crunch time indeed!

Ya,your crafting stuff will take a back seat for a couple years.

You better have it ready! Lol๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh wow,no car seat yet? That was 1st priority i always made sure to get grandkids & daughter. Not easy with bowling ball in 85 heat lol๐Ÿ˜‚

That humidity would kill me,does sometimes in the valley,i hear how bad it is there in Florida,yuck,! Hang in there!

Gonna finish eating dinner,good talk. If you need some other advice later,dm me. You can do this,i have faith in you!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€โค

Your welcome hon,anytime! @missliterallywho You too! @Grossly Incandescent


Lol aint that the truth!

This sickens me,i have someone personally i worry about everyday doing his job & runs across these idiots constantly. Its sites like this,stuff i hear on the news that is most upsetting & I pray i never receive that phone call. Just saw CHP officer killed yesterday on news & every time i see it i wonder,will it be mine or one of his friends i met? I can't imagine the pure hell their families go through.

@Volkmom I like wearing leggings & blouses or a nice tunic. I also enjoy a casual dress from time to time.

Some of those are pretty. I like the simple elegance at the knee or below it,also the feminine loops how they sway on the sides

Aww pretty & classy

Oh wow,i bet its indeed beautiful to hear. Happy for you๐Ÿ˜Š

Lol,no worries

Actually a good article on us,shows the huge difference.

@Francis V If there's something that is obviously still bugging you,its best to talk to her about it now & try to work through those things. As far as the money,it's understandable to feel that way. But make sure you speak to her first. Most women do want to make sure they will be with a man that they know will be able to care & provide for them,especially later when kids come into it. Its pretty normal. But i know unfortunately there can be those that take advantage. Its likely something you both didn't realize & once you get it out in the open,with your cards on the table,the better the both of you will feel. 1 of the main things that also attracted me to my hubby was knowing he had a good job,would be a good provider & a good father. The rest although we went through some trying times in the beginning, because we went through hard times & worked together through them,made us a stronger couple years later & I'm greatful for it.

When something is really bothering you,speak up to your partner & try to talk honestly & hopefully come to a decent compromise or it may be something you didn't have to worry about at all once you realized you had spoken to the other about it. You won't know until you ask. I hope things will proceed for the better, goodluck.

Signed & verified Boer petition๐ŸŒŽโ˜๏ธ

These may be silly,but for relaxing,pajama bottoms,this mama bear couldn't pass them up. I will enjoy them come autumn ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿป


I hate this piece of crap traitor Governor Brown! I always said he cares nothing for us!!๐Ÿคฌ

Hang on..

Jerry Brown Signs California's Death Warrantโ€”His Ruling Signals The End

Sorry i have trouble with doing links.. @Deleted User

@Deleted User also found the source on Breitbart but having trouble sharing..

So do you make any of the products or by from others and sell it?


That's my problem,i love to create but am bad about getting it set up on the business scale.

@Envianinteresting ok thanks.

Just saw on twitter & turned on news...

I can't help but chime in here. Years ago i met my hubby on Halloween,by December we got engaged. We started living together in January and got married in May. I was the one who knew i was going in with a man who had 2 kids & divorced already but it was well worth it because i could see the man he already was ahead of time & I wouldn't change it for anything. And we did have 1 daughter together. Next May 28,2019 will be our 25th Anniversary. We have been through alot together & I love him more now than i ever did & could never imagine my world without him.

@SuperTomPerry -RIexactly & I myself have had a few that have come true too.

@Steve - NJI actually shared both of the boer stories yesterday & Addressed the 1st to the President. Hope they get alot of retweets and our President does finally see them.

https://youtu.be/koDNiMAb2Rw Couldn't post in white pills but still wanted to share

Hell ya!

@Bogl - CA Bshared this too

The cops honestly could care less about it

Wish alot of us could get out of California, some of us,no matter how bad we want to,still have to stay here another 8yrs,then we can move out,but not before then...

Sucks,but that's reality

Thanks alot,lol

Ooohhhh me sooo lucky tiawannna๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

Of coarse AJC

Thankyou @wayne peek wafor standing in




Well said


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