Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: YfuFSoHsMCH53QK7D


:exclamation: ANNOUNCEMENT :exclammation:
Important action items for next month's event(s).

You have already been contacted, directly or via proxy according to your Network Director or point of contact, in regards to your attendance to an event next month.

You are to answer this contact immediately, if you have not already done so. If you have not been contacted yet, message me directly to figure out who you need to be contacting.

Remember that attendance to our events is a responsibility of membership itself. Attendance is mandatory without good excuse. There are men going who have more demanding jobs, larger families, and stricter schedules than you. Do not fail in their example. This organization was built on the labors of our men who dedicated themselves to answer every call, to travel to far-flung places to connect with their brothers, and to commit themselves fully to our principles. It will survive by the same efforts that created it.

:pfflag: PROJECT TEAM RECRUITMENT :scroll: :paintbrush: :microphone2:

We are in need of additional photo editors, spreadsheet operators, and interviewers. These jobs may seem mundane and tedious, but the work of an activist is not done when he leaves the street. Our various organizational project teams are a wonderful place to hone your skills and learn new ones along the way. Message me if you are interested in one of these vital roles.

:pfflag: NEW MEMBERS :busts_in_silhouette: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

It is very important to make sure that our newest activists are welcomed fully. It is not enough to simply say "welcome". You should make genuine effort to reach out and offer your experience, insight, and encouragement to those at the start of their journey in our brotherhood. Everyone should remember his first days in the organization, and remember what kind of support you wish you had then as you learned those lessons and faced trial and error. This is your opportunity to be that very same support. Accountability underpins our organizational structure.

@Norman MA
@Ulysses FL
@Logan TX
@John MN
@Joseph IL
@Norman CA
@Taylor FL
@John OH
@Aaron SC
@James UT
@Brian NC
@Leo MO
@Arthur FL
@George TX
@Jackson NC
@Charles CO
@Ethan IN
@Logan UT
@Mark PA
@Robert IN