John MN
@PF-420825 RocketChat ID: e3GmjfcLmKET6ZFi5
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Will do. Thanks for reaching out.
Get with Johnny about it. As far as I'm concerned your welcome but I'm not in charge of anything.
Are you an threema? I check that more often then rc
What do you need as far as spreadsheet operators? I've got some bandwidth and I'm pretty spreadsheet and data savy
Things are good. Just got really cold all of a sudden.
I'm down to volunteer if something opens up.
Is there a packlist for the December event?
I don't even know what sort of event it is so not sure what I need.
If there was a meeting I didn't attend because I've been asleep for the last 2 and 1/2 days
I saw it on the cover of one of Jared Taylor's books and figured that I'd steal it.
How are things in missouri, you've been working with sam?
Would you bring an nw11 patch to the bake sale? Need one along with a couple regular patches as mine haven't yet arrived.
We got two tires slashed and we had to rush away before they went completely flat to get them fixed. Can you have Samuel reach out to us and tell us the location of the camp so we can go there ASAP when we're done here
Got some new stencils at the food drive.
I will be there.
I have extra. They're free. Just need to meet up at some point.
@Sam MI We used mail polish remover. Worked perfectly. We restored all the windows and removed all over spray in probably 15 min
What are your thoughts on photographing promat in towns with little no lighting at night. I'd prefer to avoid using flash, but there's not always an option.






I'd be interested to hear what you're thinking. I'm actually headed back from a promat run but I can stop now and get on mumble for about 20 minutes to chat if you've got some time.
How sad is that 😂
All right. How long do you need? I will be on the road for some of it but that's no big deal.
I'm just going to jump on now and if I bump into you then great.
@all are we doing regular meetings over mumble? If so, when? I wonder if maybe I'm just missing out on these things.
Had a long discussion with Carter. Real sharp guy.
His advice was essentially what you gave me.
@George MN I'm thinking we can do Monday at around 1:00 a.m since you're off work at that time. You got the stencils, let me know what we need in terms of paint I can pick up whatever we need between now and then.
I don't have a location picked out, not familiar enough with the area to have a good one off the top of my head. I'm thinking maybe we just meet up in Plymouth and then drive around till we find a good spot.
Hey, we briefly talked about a joint activism targeted at the end of december.
You mentioned you were compiling locations, where are you with that?
IMG_20211209_204539_1.jpg - suspended
They're countering this by identifying accounts that are suspected of reporting, and preemptively blocking them to prevent reports.
please enable mumble access for Mike MN ASAP
he's locked out
We haven't met but I want to offer my congrats on the nw 2 leadership promotion. Great job.
great job on the leadership promotion. we havn't met but you deserve congrats.
let me know if you need anything at any time.
Great job on the appointment. Congratulations all around.
Hit me up if you need anything at anything, I will do my best to support and assist.
Mass Meeting Notes – 12 Dec 2021
New network director for nw2 - recognize James TX as new network director.
Christopher AL will be network director for nw6
Oscar TX appointed as NW1 scribe.
Austin is the quartermaster.
Floyd UT is promoted to quartermaster of his network.
Paul TX is appointed to quartermaster of his network.
Appoint Jesse AR to fill roll of interview coordinator.
Jesse Co will be appointed to role of photo editing coordinator.
Walter ID runs the social media channel – forward relevant social media posts etc to Walter for him to review.
• Changes have been made to our practices relating to meeting intermediates for in-person vetting. Request information from nearest ND or Thomas.
• All persons are required to review the information security guide due to recent security issues. Future issues can be mitigated by reviewing and understanding the infosec guide.
At the event nearly two dozen orders were delivered from print shop. If order is not correct, contact Thomas.
Mobile RC chat app is going to be discontinued within 72 hours due to a variety of security issues.
You MUST use the desktop app going forward. This avoid significant security risks.
@ND - Johnny MN Do we have a solid plan for meeting up next week? I'll get the canvas early in the week. Just need to know when / when to meet.
So we should be keeping all pf stuff planning here instead of threema yeah? That's what it sounded like to me but I'd like your opinion Johnny
Going to go see if I can wipe ice off signs with rubbing alcohol and stick up promat tonight.
It'll be good to get a new guy.
Just an FYI that there a windows and a linux app for RC that still seems to work fine.
Where you do you get those small leaflets that you've been putting under wipers? I don't see them in the print shop. I'd like to be able to leaflet like that.
@all We're still waiting on a headcount for the banner workshop. If you're free thursday or friday evening to meet up at @Mike MN 's place on one of those days you need to let us know asap. I will provide a 15x10' canvas. We still need commitments to provide grommets, and duct tape.
So far we have @ND - Johnny MN, @Mike MN and myself.
@Thomas What are your thoughts on posting promat on the public bullitin boards found in most local grocery stores and gas stations?
Uploading photos from the desktop and it's taking an eternity.
I wonder if doing from the desktop uploads the full size photo instead of a compressed image. My uncompressed images are huge.


I've followed the new config steps for mumble. Need to re-verify. I'll connect tonight at 8pm.
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