Message from @Grayson
Discord ID: 494690789469978636
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN they're getting divorced?
@Reinhard Wolff I know it is old news but have u seen the new york times piece where they confront eli? has a lot of other cringey moments in it
That video was deleted.
Richards inner circle of degeneracy.
But I did save it.
Operation Homeland > Phalanx
@Bogl - CA same
@Virgil Not really, but I'll probably get purged if I don't shut up
Richard is an idiot.
wow, looks like RS doesn't have a dev team like IE does
Germans are henceforth banned from IE
@Asatru Artist - MD All of his circles are degenerate.
Inviting from twitter? 🤦
Anglos rise up!
@Reinhard Wolff Haha. He lost everything by trying to start a brother war. lol
Dicky Spencer only wages gay wars
especially PA coordinators named "Hoffmann"
Didn't Little RIchard say that we are too 'middle class'?
More like FAILanx
half Italian quarter hungarians quarter other RIDE UP
@ThisIsChris the "Other" is Ethiopian isn't it
Commander Mosley freed Mars from the Chechens.
@Max Bianco - NY we prefer "People of Ethiope"
Italian Hungarian hyperalliance, Mediterranean wall NOW
🇵🇹 🇵🇹
Even though hungary isn't actually on the mediterranean
more of an emotional support thing
Fun fact, the flag of Chad and the flag of Romania are identical
Italian Potato alliance
@Rabbidsith thanks budy !! 😃 i appreciate that.
@Grayson Np.
Richard Spencer is an incel.
Are you saying Patrick that Mr Spencer is in fact a species of cancer?
Dicky Spence is homosexual
The Dutch are the only true Europeans