Message from @fgtveassassin
Discord ID: 509913671934279680
@micbwilli @Jacob said you can buy the whole of blockbuster's assets for like 64k
@Nemets Godspeed. You'll never get me outta tha woods
Scott Greer literally wrote for Radix lol
Quite a few close to me know and support many things we in IE do
we could probably swing it and re-brand
@celticflame nice
Thanks @SuperTomPerry -RI
Did you see your future office
Don't be like Sealand.
Very cool Patrick!
Barron Trump is probably on pol
@Virgil very woke
Patrick’s telling us about his day now
Barron Trump is on the youth server
The huWhite House
That's cool Patrick
@Virgil That moment when you realize that a bunch of weebs and autists are challenging the most powerful people on the planet.
@celticflame can you point @GingerRose99. In the right direction as she is new
@Nerv - VA - Thank you!
Barron Trump has a squad of kids that curate his /pol/ feed and post in his name, and set up /pol/ campaigns to gain him notoriety
@ThisIsChris They still have one super busy store in Alaska. It's a place where Internet in your house is $5 a GB and video rental is useful.
If i see her,will do @SuperTomPerry -RI
when we gain power it will be renamed Evropa Palace
@R O M A N V S woke
Teal House
Throwback to when Patrick convinced people he was at the vigil after Defend Identity
Oh gwaawd
you saw Holt irl lol
@celticflame shes here now, this is her first fireside, and maybe she could join womens group or somthing as well
Sorry Bir tawil
I can't help but think of the ambiguously ethnic teacher's pet character from "Recess"
Will look and ask