Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 514992446393024512
If you look at articles about us, every conservative who doesn't buy the "neo-nazi" narrative is supportive
@Goldstein Riots Is indeed, Sir. It is indeed...
toms diner @alex_w
culture is being fucked bc culture is downstream from race
_E X T E R M I N A T E D_
That interuption was cozy.
@GingerRose99 You have been server muted, my dear.
Extermination? Not hygge
***E X T E R M I N A T E D***
I finally got my dad to admit that the problem with Detroit is demographics, not democrats
@TMatthews exactly
They hate us.😎
oh i did not hear that about McInnes
@TMatthews my trumptard dad told me "diversity is our strength" last night
@Reinhard Wolff Gavin disassociated from the proudboys
Great talk, Patrick
Missed that
@@Reinhard Wolff
Do we have an approximate number of total IE members?
"i was never a leader" -gavin
that's pretty obvious lol
We should be recruiting for more no matter the number
Why not spend ten minutes a day on Breitbart Disqus
@Reinhard Wolff about how many members do we have now?
What is even Netflix?
@Reinhard Wolff Have we received any press from Defend the Rockies?
IE is the vehicle for future generations
>Being woke on the JQ
>Watching Netflix
Pick one
I used to spend most of my free time of Breitbart disqus comments in 2015/16
IE Zumba classes when?
wait, the rest of you didn't have to take blood oaths?
I'm leaving to join rocky mountain republicans
@Reinhard Wolff. What are your thoughts on Lauren Southern?
There is no leave.
Don't leave. There is nothing out there. Stay in the fight.