Message from @Rick
Discord ID: 517526779649589248
New Market, VA 😎
IKEA = Identitarian Kingdom of Evropean America
For those of us stuck in CA,driving 2hrs is about the average lol
Location of IQ must be kept secret
I can help with artwork and furniture! Interior design on a budget is an area of expertise of mine.
That's why I keep my IQ in my lower back
Excellent!!! @Lily Lee - NJ
We literal communes now
@Reinhard Wolff Is there any way we could maintain an open line of communication with the organizers for international conferences (i.e. Awakening, Erkenbrand, Ethnofutur, Northwest Forum, Paneuropa, Scandza Forum, etc.) in case some of us might find ourselves in a position to be able to attend? Maybe help with vetting/vouching as well (as that'd likely be necessary)?
@fgtveassassin I'm so happy.
@Reinhard Wolff Our 5 year plan: have an HQ in every state.
Just started to read The white Nationalist Manifesto
@Reinhard Wolff when you get the new furniture for the HQ can you ship the boxes to me so I can make a box fort for Nevada’s HQ
Which we bought from Heimbach
@Virgil Yeeehaw
Id🅱ol Gang
at least with @ChippedStones, no one can say we are an "ableist" org <:teehee:381917632359563264>
@Reinhard Wolff Who would you say our most ardent supporter is outside of IE?
@Virgil Breeeddy sure that's the TWP compound 😉
@Reinhard Wolff
What sources of revenue are there outside of dues from members?
wait IE has 5 year plans now? 😳 just don't collectivize the grain
My boys are assembling the cushions.
I’m ready for this bread
Colorado has an HQ 👌
@Sonic Where?
Is it secret
The teal castle
Eli Mosely was kicked out of IE behind the scenes for trying to collectivize grain
@Papa Pizzagate ? 😂