Message from @StrawberryArmada
Discord ID: 406961880813273098
Typical, tbh
@_AltRight_Anew -AZ check out the high def on that video hahahahahahahaha!
Czech President reelected. He's anti-Islam:
Tired: muh based poles
Wired: based czechoslovaks
Far too much green.
Eastern Europe 👌
Broke: 10-19% of your pop condones racemixing
Woke: citizenry hates blacks so much that it doesn't even register
Sloke: some other third thing
Sloke: you don't even know what a black person is but you think it sounds sinister.
Wonderful news. I was afraid that he would lose.
86 down, 20 million to go
Zeman's party is interesting
I wouldn't give him a vote
I would however
Naming the ((())) has become a mainstream practice. This would be a taboo a mere year ago. Instead of blaming liberals, the overton window has permitted a more decisive critique of marxism. Good on the west. And good on us for normalizing this.
75% of whites have an entirely white social network.
There’s a fantastic IE meet-up in Atlanta right now. I hope everyone has a growing chapter in their area that they can meet with on Saturdays.
We had a great event today in the DC area as well: speeches and a nice discussion in a private library room, followed by dinner afterwards.
Having a great meetup here in Metro Detroit. This year is going to be huge for Michigan!
Meet up for a siege in CO tomorrow. @Lanark-MI This year is going to be huge for IE!
We are going to win EVERYTHING!
We already have multiple conference registrations! Great stuff.
gen z
Link isnt working
I just clicked it, it works for me. You have to scroll down, but that's normal when you archive it.
Got it :retardedpepe:
I'm trying to recruit a friend I recently redpilled to join IE and the first thing he said after showing him GI and IE media is "These seem like high quality people"
Grandma supports alt right! Watch video she does a shout out to IE
Title is misleading but very inspiring video