Message from @unclefesterr
Discord ID: 540958838673637406
Calling now
I have tried to call them but when I select public affairs it hangs up on me
I’ve tried again and this time it said the public affairs department is not available but I left a voicemail
added a checkbox react. As usual, ✅ means "called" as opposed to "seen."
message left
Message left
@Grayson I had to call a couple times before it stopped hanging up. Press 1 then 4 as soon as the call is picked up, that got me through to leave a message
Got a message in
Left message.
Left a message, hope James is doing ok. 😦
Have you called the lab yet? Today and tomorrow will be the last times I promote this. @everyone
I wrote a tactful email to [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]
By the way they have a number for public affairs listed as 516-367-8455
I called, left a message
Last reminder. Thank you to everyone who has participated. @everyone
Called, message left
@Matthias What is the status on the Twitter for IE?
How long until it's back up?
We may not get it back, but do not despair!
Can we not just make another one?
Even if just interim?
It's certainly possible, it's also more than likely that it would simply be immediately banned as well.
Left a VM.
We should make an “unofficial mirror” account like amren has
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was on JRE. About 30 mins in Joe bring up the argument of treating the internet as a utility.
Aaaand there were enough people calling jack out on his shit.
I honestly don't know who posted this, but looks like something we should upvote
@Sam Anderson joe organ is a shill. After he said ‘people who are concerned about George Soros are conspiracy ‘theorists’ in an interview w his little neocon friend Ben Shapiro
RT this @everyone I would recommend contacting your representative about this