John O -

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Who's this?

No man, sorry. Meant the lady the Facebook group is for.

@Deleted User I know there was a guy who started drinking Soylent exclusively a few years ago, next thing you know, he cuts off his wee wee and grows his hair out.

@Deleted User that's why Hipsters are such soyboys

Be a man and go straightedge

They would virtue signal for a decade or two, but in their hearts, they would be happy to live in a good school district

I was screwing up so bad with that flag, my dudes

@Joe-MN Even more Trad: PVC pipe

@Tim - NH Noice. I wish my brothers were a little more WN.

When she gets old enough, I'm definitely hooking my sister up here.

How old's your brother? What are his politics like? @Whitelash

@Whitelash#3099 Cool, he reads a lot of Moldbug?

@William Russell Where do I apply to build the wall?

"You will not replace us, end immigration now"

Will do

Where do I find a fat purple hair gf?

@Marlow Beautiful baby

Koba bought some weird ass Chinese electronic lightbulb.

My bad breh

If I could do it over, I would try to be a machinist. I'm an electrician, and it's good work, and it takes a smart guy, but it's not so technical that the nogs can't do it.

@Deleted User Don't go to trade school.

Don't recommend it to people

If you're in a union state, talk to the union first.

If you're non-union, just get a job and they'll pay for your education


People don't understand that trees are living things, and they'll hire anyone with a saw to show up and ruin the aesthetic of their yard.

Line work is dangerous as hell. I think it's 1/100 mortality or something like that.

The wage is awesome, and you get all the overtime you could ever want, though

35 per 100,000

Not that bad

@RevStench Thanks, modern education system for painting the trades as work for the Morlocks

Everyone wants to be an Eloi

@JesseJames It's a lot to do with their parents. My mom, to this day, nags me to go back to school, even though I'm worth more than half my cousins, despite being a decade younger than most of them.

Brainwashing the natives into thinking they're too good for skilled labor brought about the current immigration crisis' in the West


@von Raudenbusch PA is the only state where I would ever do Union work. Every other Union state is full of the laziest pieces of shit.


It's way worse in NY though

Come to a right to work state, white man. Let the Socialism lite fail while you real your reward

@JesseJames The TRS guy, right?

I really don't consume TRS stuff. I'll check it out.

I'll probably catch flack for this, but I'm not a huge fan of Mike. I should probably check out the other ones, but I just haven't yet.

@GoyMeetsWorld If I remember correctly, that's exactly how it got it's name

Is the Polo store too Hispanic?

What is that, a Sportster?


Fucking Haitians. What the fuck is faciling lights?

Bix nood

@Deleted User O wouldn't use pallets for gardening, fam. It's usually made from pressure treated lumber

Oops, didn't read all the way down

@Brandon Ironside- ND Awesome read. I get so tired of guys complaining about the JQ, and saying that they can't get anywhere because of them. Do what you can, harness that agency, and make shit good for yourself.

Blaming the Jews for our failures is like the blacks blaming us for theirs.

One group has a more cohesive society and higher IQ than the other. Of course they will do better. I think the question of whether or not they're actively working to destroy us is up for debate, but whether they're good for us isn't.

About time someone condemned these "Identity Evropa" people

2017-10-09 20:44:27 UTC [Cascade Front #general]  

@Tony V - CA#7460 Post a pic of yourself with as much visible as you're comfortable

@Deleted User Good luck, sometimes you have to deal with shitheads.

It's not nearly as exclusive as it used to be

@Deleted User Without doxxing yourself, are you an owner, or just a foreman/superintendant?

I knew you were a Master. You ever think about renting it out and taking it easy for a little while?

"Welcome to the Lib/Con chat, how Centrist are ya?"

It's dirty, too. I'm pretty happy I picked electrical, it's the easiest on your body.

@Deleted User Got a pic of your setup?

I'll keep my eye out

@Deleted User That's what I was thinking. He could have one of those GFI breakers.

In that case it probably is the moisture. Just elevate the unit so that it doesn't collect water.

How is the unit connected to your panel? Is it plug and cord, or hard wired?

@Deleted User Do they make water proof covers that are water tight when a cord is plugged in?

@Deleted User If it's tripping the GFI, it's probably where the cord hits the outlet.

Post that pic

@Deleted User You're sure the GFI is tripping, not the breaker?

Ok, yeah, it's definitely moisture. When Greg gets back and you post your pic we can think about hardwiring it inside a weather proof box.

@Deleted User make sure you go outside to where your meter is and disconnect the entire house before you open your panel.

Huh huh huh

Good one Greg

Do you have a good program for that? I just got a new laptop, and I can't remember what I used on the old one @Gawsh Darn Goy#4287

Hell yeah

@Evan Thomas#4159 Dude, this reeks of terrible decisions

It just has the je nais sais quoi of a scam

But will they be able to catapult drugs over? Where are the high intensity lasers to vaporize incoming packages?

To destroy inanimate objects

@Evan Thomas He mentions "The great Tony Robbins". I would be skeptical of anything said by someone who holds him in that high regard.

@Deleted User Stay warm, you maniac

I just saw my buddy at work for the first time in a few years. He's 60 and his wife just pushed out his 3rd healthy kid. If you're older and childless, you still have a chance.

@Havamal I made some potato soup yesterday, the first day it got below 70 this season. Hit the spot, great suggestion

Florida, the land of eternal swamp ass

@missliterallywho A slim chance is a chance
@ThisIsChris Yeah, I think late 30s

@missliterallywho I wouldn't suggest it, but....

Watching other guys work all day sure is exhausting

Fam, I'm a big bad heavy machinery operator. I'm too good to associate with those dirty plebians.

I need it, man, I'm skinny as hell

You're right though, every professional operator I've seen was 300+lbs


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