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Hello goyim and welcome to the outdoorsman channel! I am Mark Vandal and I will be one of your outdoorsman experts. I have spent a good deal of my life outdoors and have extensive survival training in jungles, mountains, deserts, forests, and snow all courtesy of the military. Ask and I will try my best to deliver. I am working on some basic start up guides to prepare you for the worst and just have fun in the great outdoors
Hello, I am the other moderator for outdoors channel. For the first post I would like to give a quick introduction on a basic hiking rucksack/Bug out Bag.
I have had good luck picking up military surplus backpacks off craigslist and have multiple MOLLE II packs(pictured below) and ALICE packs, all picked up for 30-65 dollars and make excellent entry level Backpacks.
Basic Content Overview:
Fire) - Ferro Rod, tinder, matches.
Shelter) - Tarp, Poncho, Tent Stakes, Sleeping Bag, Ground pad.
Water) โ Water Filter, Canteen.
Food) - Alcohol stove, Mess Kit, Spork, MRE/Mountain house
Misc) โ Small Forest Axe, Headlamp, Foot Powder, 550 cord, Microfiber towel/Body wash, Spare Clothes/Socks, Gloves, Rifle Cleaning Kit, Fixed Blade Knife, Hygiene Kit.
If anybody has questions on specific brands or anything you see let me know.
mil surpluss alice pack
foam bed roll
1 man scout tent
1 pair of cammies
1 pair of jungle boots kept close by pack
3 skivie rolls (more on these later)
1 beanie
1 shemage (multiple uses)
550 cord
headlamp w/ extra bateries and red lense capabilites
1 cammo tarp
1 poncho liner
water purification tablits
canteen cup
rifle cleaning kit
Fire Starterkit:
theres so many things you can do with this and everyone has their preferance. i will make a more dedicated post on this at a later date
in my pack: a lighter
9 volt battery and steel wool
food: 3 feild striped MREs
i have tailored my pack for a more evasive purpose. if i have to get out of dodge and dissapear into the woods i stay gone for a bit. thats why i have my old woodland cammies, red lense, etc. nothing bright, nothing that sticks out
my weapons belt:
6 fully loaded mags
1 bayonet (sounds larpey but ive used this exact knife in survival situations and it works, I already had one and didn't want to spend more money)
first aid kit. made up of stuff i brought home form my kit in the military
What type of water filter?
And do you boil?
i dont have a dedicated filter in my pack cause i can make one out of things i can find in the forest ill make a post on how to make one of these. i can boil in my canteen cup if need be. im not going to carry a pot around with me.
1 pair of boot socks (NOT COTTON)
t shirt in the middle
pull end of sock onto each side
@Lebens i have a pack of purification tablets in my first aid kit as well.
This is a good starter book. Lots of great info on here. But you can't just read this and expect to be able to do it, you have to go out and actually practice these things. I'm not suggesting you go out in the woods Bear Grylls style. Don't do that lol. But you can make a fire, tie knots, build a shelter, make a water filter out of sand and charcoal all in your back yard if you can or go out camping for the week end and try out some things
Ah, almost forgot the most important item. Baby wipes. Good for cleaning weapons and body. You're not gonna want to use leaves for wiping your ass. I've done this, you don't want this
Tampons for wounds too?
Asking for a friend
@Lebens lol no. I've heard of people having those in their kits but I wouldn't recommend it. Most gun shot wounds are gonna be bigger than that. I have combat gauze in mine. But normal gauze to pack the wound is fine.
That's one of those things that when I hear people bring up in forums I roll my eyes.
@Lebens they make quick clot plungers that can fill deep wounds easily.
some medics refer to them as "tampons"
Thought he was talking about literal tampons. Some people unironically have those in their kit
combat gauze is great stuff if anyone cannot find it due to it being a surplus item the regular quick clot or celox products are essentially the same thing
@Louis Loire - NY it is great stuff. I've got more than I know what to do with cause I saved all my first aid stuff from the military.
same I "acquired" quite a bit of supplies before my ETS
@Louis Loire - NY nice someone got the joke
I look forward to learning other branches techniques. The navy didn't go very in depth on these things with my rate
Any opinion on this http://www.zeltbahn.net/tent.htm or similar products
I've got so much knowledge I want to lay down but I don't want to overwhelm people
http://m.ebay.com/itm/221964379086?_mwBanner=1 I thought these looked pretty interesting, I just don't know if it's worth it over getting a normal tarp
any surplus poncho is good stuff because you can also use it as a shelter if its made the same way the US ones are
if you don't already have a "woobie" (US poncho liner) get one now
@Louis Loire - NY poncho liner is love. Poncho liner is life
Sleep with mine every night.
I sleep with mine often its the best piece of gear the military has ever made
@Louis Loire - NY dude no shit. It was always the perfect temperature. Bay far the best piece of gear I was ever issued
Yeah, I love my poncho liner ๐ฏ
The wubby
@Mark Vandal IIRC (it's been 9 years now, or so) that particular brand of quick clot gauze (from your pic) we stopped carrying in combat due to a recall because it was "burning" itself to wounds, causing more trauma to the effected area. It LOOKS just like the ones we had when doc came around and changed all ours out. Maybe look into it, I dunno...or maybe manufacturer has fixed that prob since then.
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL that is what I was issued as of less than a year and half ago
that was an old compound used as a homeostatic agent it was replaced long ago
most quick clot stuff will say NO HEAT now because of that
good then, didn't know if was old pic or not
like I said 9 years or so ago, same brand, glad they changed that shit. was leaving really nasty wounds
Celox is honestly better stuff then quick clot they just got most of the contracts
I'm gonna start compiling videos and guides for you guys and pin them here. We will start with something very basic but very useful. How to start a fire which I'll get to sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.
Wow, thanks. Look forward to it.
Just got this swedish hand forged axe on amazon for like 18$.
My friend has a Gransfors Bruks and it costs 150$, it looks very similar, same hickory handle. I can't comment on the forging techniques used, but reviews comparing the performance were praising the Husqvarna. It will last a lifetime just like the Gransfors Bruks
@โกClarkโก their mowers never failed me lol
This is a great book I highly recommend. You'll never get off the shitter if it's in your bathroom.
Holy shit.
As it turns out, chewing Weeping Willow bark is a good way to sooth inflammation and a fever, and promotes the immune system.
Willow bark= aspirin
Lets start with a basic camp fire. so you and your normie friends (if youve still got any by this point) decide to go camping.
But oh no! None of the men are worth a damn and they dont know how to start a camp fire. Well fear not cause your fashy ass is there to save the day as usual
By he end of this period of instuction youll be roasting hot dogs or commie books in no time.
First, saftey. Have some kind of water source, bucket of sand, or a shovel to put it out close by. Antifa tears are my go to choice
Clear your fire bed. Kick away everything till you only have dirt a good way around it, make it bigger than your fire. Gather your stones and what not if you got em and make a circle where you want your fire
You've got 4 basic types to start with
Now I personally have only ever used two of these, the teepee and the log cabin, and I only ever really use the teepee tbh fam
When building the fire, you want 3 parts: tinder, kindeling, and fuel. Starting from small and getting larger
Tinder. no youre not swiping right patrolling thots, your lighting this on fire. It needs to be small and fine. Dry Grass/ leaves, wood chips, tiny twigs, some pine needles. Whip out that pocket knife (why are you camping without one) and shave off some small shavings
Now you start building it up. You got your real small tinder in the middle very loosely packed (oxygen is key) and you start adding some slightly bigger tinder, then slightly bigger, so on and so on
Commie propaganda works great as well rip that paper up real small
Now add your kindeling. These are gonna be your medium sized stuff. Normal medium sticks, bark, etc. Go for about the size a pencil, working your way up slightly bigger and slightly bigger all the way around in the shape of a teepee
second picture from biggest to smallest. fuel, bigger kindeling/smaller fuel, smaller kindeling, tinder
@Mark Vandal Good stuff. Some folks grind their tinder into a powder aye?
Then the fuel wood. this is your bigger stuff now. about the size of your fourearm and wrist. As with the kindeling and tinder smaller to larger. No logs yet that when youve got this thing hot and roaring then you can starting pushing them in from the sides
@Deleted User i never have. but if you got some saw dust thats a good start but you want something more solid
Doesn't matter the kind of fire the basics remain the same
this is like any kind of skill you need practice. but once you get good at it youll never forget it. if this isnt autistic enough. you cna find videos online. go do your googles
If you don't like the way I formatted this or have suggestions let me know
@Mark Vandal This is great stuff. My family is big into building fires; we tend to do them the log cabin version, though it has its downsides - my experience has been that they need to be done correctly or else the kindeling won't get the coals burning properly. Knowing different styles is important.
@Deleted User different styles have different purposes. We can get into different survival fires sometime like fires in holes and how to build one on wetlands and snow. I always preferred teepee. It's simple, easy and quick.
Dakota fire hole
I like โบ๏ธ as well
I really like camping in the open air when the weather's good enough
Haha no I typed teepee and it out that emoji
Upside down fire is also pretty sexy
@Thomas Morrow that's the one. Forgot the name
Good for windy conditions and for concealing light
I never get to go camping anymore. Miss it
You spend your whole life outdoors when you get to that point where you can no longer find the time it sucks
I know the feeling
At some point, we're gonna have IE bush trips
That'd be awesome
dixie was supposed to have a trip comming up but i havnt heard much of it in a few weeks
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