
Discord ID: 481597551272001546

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2018-11-04 21:09:24 UTC

Oh worldstarrr was being screamed by the classmates

2018-11-04 21:09:34 UTC

it got filmed it must have

2018-11-04 21:09:38 UTC

Then it's on Worldstar

2018-11-04 21:10:13 UTC

ah shiiieeet worlstaaaar

2018-11-04 21:10:53 UTC

@Ald have you seen the "I'm Tyrone" clips on YouTube

2018-11-04 21:11:28 UTC


2018-11-04 21:12:17 UTC

He basically tries to beat up anyone who is smoking

2018-11-04 21:12:32 UTC

Or knock the cigarette out of their mouth

2018-11-04 21:12:42 UTC

@Ald ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

2018-11-04 21:13:47 UTC


2018-11-04 21:13:56 UTC

Health patrol homie

2018-11-04 21:14:48 UTC

Better than the knockout game

2018-11-04 21:15:13 UTC

Knockout game redpilled a ton of people, mainly boomers

2018-11-04 21:19:14 UTC

lmao this is good stuff @YourFundamentalTheorum

2018-11-04 21:20:01 UTC

If a boomer watches BET for a few hours they will dislike black people lol.

2018-11-04 21:20:32 UTC

BET still exists? If I were black, I'd be incredibly embarrassed by that channel. But then again if I were black, my IQ might be a bit lower.

2018-11-04 21:20:38 UTC

Over in Ireland the Irish were asking about why Blacks had it so tough here. Lol, if only they actually knew some.

2018-11-04 21:22:12 UTC


2018-11-04 21:22:56 UTC

Tbh in Ireland I still could not escape the Black lady McDonalds cashier phenomenon.

2018-11-04 21:23:10 UTC

BlackTwitterโ„ข is frightening.

2018-11-04 21:24:25 UTC

The God Emperor arriveth

2018-11-04 21:25:04 UTC

Sitting behind Trump at a rally is #goals

2018-11-04 21:28:32 UTC

Would an IE pin get spotted?

2018-11-04 21:32:00 UTC

They would probably filter for unknown symbols

2018-11-04 21:39:40 UTC

Russian subversives writing about Qatari subversives writing about Israeli subversives.

2018-11-04 21:43:12 UTC


2018-11-04 21:48:01 UTC

Apparently Nate Silver in an obfuscative way announced today that he things Dem chance of taking the house is less than 50%

2018-11-04 21:48:42 UTC

"Most of those are under 23, which is how many seats they would need to win to take the House," So most outcomes are less seats than the dems need to take the house

2018-11-04 22:06:15 UTC

Hello fellow liberals

2018-11-04 22:09:43 UTC


2018-11-04 22:10:09 UTC

But hello to you as well

2018-11-04 22:10:19 UTC

Howโ€™s everyone doing this evening?

2018-11-04 22:11:04 UTC

10 hours into a 15 hour shift ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป, how are you @Reinhard Wolff?

2018-11-04 22:11:59 UTC

Dinesh was right all along

2018-11-04 22:12:43 UTC

Iโ€™m doing wellโ€”just went for a hike in rural WV.

2018-11-04 22:13:24 UTC


2018-11-04 22:14:09 UTC


2018-11-04 22:14:17 UTC

To the place

2018-11-04 22:14:33 UTC

Country roads area bit harder to romanticize after one almost killed you and totaled your car.

2018-11-04 22:15:08 UTC

I feel the same except with mountain highways

2018-11-04 22:16:48 UTC

The God Emperor depareth

2018-11-04 22:17:54 UTC

Mr. Casey! Welcome back to the IE discord server!

2018-11-04 22:23:06 UTC

Thanks for the warm welcome

2018-11-04 22:23:52 UTC

Whoโ€™s looking forward to two hours worth of IE meetings tonight?

2018-11-04 22:24:33 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป

2018-11-04 22:27:26 UTC


2018-11-04 22:28:17 UTC
2018-11-04 22:29:30 UTC
2018-11-04 22:30:50 UTC

Only **EVROPA PLATINUM** members are allowed to observe IE leadership meetings, which consist, of course, of me berating coordinators over their weekly TPS reports.

2018-11-04 22:31:38 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Is the platinum status the $50 a month pledge?

2018-11-04 22:32:09 UTC


2018-11-04 22:33:36 UTC
2018-11-04 22:34:31 UTC

The platinum membership is $5000/month.

2018-11-04 22:34:38 UTC


2018-11-04 22:35:25 UTC

Yโ€™all are making me feel old not getting these references

2018-11-04 22:36:27 UTC

Don't forget the triple gold plated diamond membership for only 10,000,000 per month

2018-11-04 22:37:06 UTC

@Virgil Oh, very reasonable! Must be a discount going on

2018-11-04 22:38:03 UTC

Itโ€™s a reference to *Office Space.*

2018-11-04 22:38:19 UTC
2018-11-04 22:38:27 UTC

I looked it up on Urban Dictionary. ;)

2018-11-04 22:39:09 UTC

Very resourceful of you.

2018-11-04 22:39:27 UTC

Nice Naruto avatar, by the way

2018-11-04 22:39:32 UTC

I've seen that movie 2 or 3 times and yet I never can remember anything specific about it

2018-11-04 22:39:46 UTC

Muh... muh stapler...

2018-11-04 22:40:24 UTC

Flair, Kung fu movies, the printer smashing scene

2018-11-04 22:40:26 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff It's a legends of the galatic heroes avatar.

2018-11-04 22:40:38 UTC

Are you even trying @missliterallywho

2018-11-04 22:40:46 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff Kaisar Reinhard Von Lohengramm.

2018-11-04 22:41:00 UTC

@Grossly Incandescent wasn't a particularly compelling movie I guess

2018-11-04 22:41:10 UTC

It wasnโ€™t tbh

2018-11-04 22:41:25 UTC

Oh, nice. Never heard of it.

2018-11-04 22:41:38 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff It's actually pretty good.

2018-11-04 22:42:23 UTC

I like anime!

2018-11-04 22:44:40 UTC The "logic" is astounding...

2018-11-04 22:46:34 UTC
2018-11-04 22:54:30 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff when will the funding for the IE esports team come? We need new pcโ€™s and jackets so we can win the COD and CSGO championships.

2018-11-04 22:57:30 UTC

You are such a trooper, Nemets. God/Akatosh bless you.

2018-11-04 22:57:31 UTC


2018-11-04 22:58:27 UTC

2018-11-04 22:59:32 UTC

Beginning of this

2018-11-04 22:59:49 UTC

Official IE Hockey team when?

2018-11-04 23:00:17 UTC

Absolutely implicit

2018-11-04 23:00:33 UTC

When Canada accepts all the illegal immigrants and lets them cross their borders.

2018-11-04 23:01:35 UTC

@Selma Don't give Trudeau any ideas

2018-11-04 23:01:47 UTC

@Selma Cool! So I guess that means we're getting our hockey team tomorrow right?

2018-11-04 23:02:01 UTC


2018-11-04 23:03:47 UTC

@Selma Black Pigeon is a good boy

2018-11-04 23:04:30 UTC

We can call the team, the Evolean Evropean Legionnaires

2018-11-04 23:07:17 UTC

I sincerely wonder if pro sports will crash in 25 years (boomers passing)

2018-11-04 23:07:42 UTC

Or will they downsize stadiums. PoC like sports but don't go to games

2018-11-04 23:10:38 UTC

American Pro-Football will, but I think Soccer, Cricket and Hockey are all here to stay for the foreseeable future. Most stadiums will probably be downsized though.

2018-11-04 23:11:23 UTC

Canโ€™t post in the whitepills channel so Iโ€™ll throw these in here

2018-11-04 23:11:28 UTC

2018-11-04 23:11:29 UTC

Many deer seen tonight. The wet and mild autumn has them looking happy and healthy.

2018-11-04 23:11:41 UTC

Couple of nice headlines in zerohedge

2018-11-04 23:12:19 UTC

@Virgil cricket is in America? I know the Pakis in UK have taken to it.

213,643 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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