fire.within - FL

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@Marlow looking good buddy!

Hes gonna be a fighter, I can tell

@Ariel-OKC Congrats! ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰

Will you please let us know when your baby arrives? Iโ€™d love to send your family some donations

The least a single white guy can do for the 14 words

Trump threatens countries who refuse to take back their illegals, "We'll Tariff their goods, they'll take htem back in two seconds."

Looking good brother!

Dutch father takes photo of his daughter - Lotte - every week from 0 - 18 as she blossoms from cute newborn into a stunning, wholesome beauty

Blonde, blue eyed, there are so few left like her. White women are truly a gift to this world

@Fox same here brother

Awesome hype video for GI conference

Enjoy this milky white pill, fellas ๐ŸŒˆ

@Procella Eques I can only bear to watch a certain amount of POZ in one day. Can you provide a summary ?

Neil Gorsuch is turning into the new Kennedy. Yesterday he ruled with the Jewish block that itโ€™s unconstitutional to deport criminal aliens lol

I said a month ago on twitter. Gorsuch + Kavanaugh is not substantially better than Scalia + Kennedy

Encouraging to see that Kavanaugh took a hard line tho

Gotta say, I think AltRight is still the best term from a purely marketing perspective

Since CVille, weโ€™ve been struggling to settle on a new term and nothing has stuck

Rare NPC

Apparently twitter is banning accounts for posting NPC memes

Whatโ€™s Interesting here is they didnโ€™t even try to frame it as a white supremacist thing this time. Just jumped straight to banning. Thatโ€™s new

Alex Jones is actually far less of a cuck than PJW

New Murdoch

This video would be more effective at turning whites against democrats than any ad about tax cuts or GDP growth

Wasnโ€™t Pat on heell turn earlier? Canโ€™t find the episode on their YouTube channel

Whole show was cancelled?

Iโ€™d like to hear Stryker and Pat discuss their respective outlooks for the movement

Canโ€™t post in the whitepills channel so Iโ€™ll throw these in here

Couple of nice headlines in zerohedge

Made in right at closing time

Spencer laying down fire takes on JF live. Letโ€™s hope heโ€™s wrong

Biggest black of the night is Kobach

Daily Caller is saying Kobach race has been called


So zerhedge and Drudge are saying the Dems have the House. But Iโ€™m not seeing any of our guys saying that. What are you guys hearing?

I was switching between that and JF all night

Striker, Spencer and Collet were ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

Canโ€™t deny, last night was a night for the revolutionary wing. The American nationalist wing took a massive blow. Perhaps fatal

Get ready for lots of John Kasich interviews today

Theyโ€™re going to trot Kasich out there so he can say, โ€œSee, gee-golly. Voters donโ€™t like this kind of rhetoric...โ€

Those 45 GOP congressmen retiring was part of the plan all along

It would have been a lot easier for them to hold their seats as incumbents. GOP would have held the House had they ran for re-election, probably

@Logan Where do you see Trumpโ€™s presidency going from here?

If we keep pouring our energy, enthusiasm, and precious little time into national politics, weโ€™re doomed

Based Lindsay Graham 2024

@Papa Pizzagate I was referring to Striker, Spencer, others

Ian is pumped about Lindsay Graham 2024

Pointing out that a particular tactic isnโ€™t viable isnโ€™t Black pilling. Itโ€™s being wise

Why are you black pilled on monarchy?

Why are you blackpilled on Bolshevism?

Guys, weโ€™ve lost MN

Whites are barely hanging onto the South

The only thing that will save Whites N America is separatism, we start via localism

It can all be done completely legally

Conscious whites move to one area. @Sam Southern - TN runs for mayor. @Tyler0317 becomes Sheriff. @JoeDrake is head of the education board. A few others on on the city council

We build. Have lots of white babies.

When the feds come to drop refugees in, we have the institutional power to so say no

FL is gone, Clark

Those amendments will make this state unlivable for whites

@Tyler0317 East TN might have the best people in the USA for a white ethnostate, but we need a coastline

@Tyler0317 Iโ€™m a believer in the Northwestfront idea

The (((feds))) see the Pacific Northwest as a potential white flight/separatist region. Theyโ€™re currently jamming Idaho with refugees.

The ((())) are forward looking, at least. We need to be as well

Didnโ€™t wanna offend you @Papa Pizzagate

@Kingfish The Dems havenโ€™t formally controlled anything for two years, yet with the media and one man - Bill Mueller - they shut down most of Trumps agenda

If I point out that the car is headed off a cliff, it doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™m despairing. Im shifting the wheel

The GOP isnโ€™t even our biggest problem anymore

The GOP lost last night in places it used to win simply because of demographics

The tide is already coming in

Weโ€™ve lost MN. Weโ€™re barely hanging onto the South

How much longer do you want to keep supporting the GOP until you think about changing tactics?

Wanna wait until we lose GA, TX, and FL too?

Are you pumped about voting for Lindsay Graham/Candice Owens in 2024 @Kingfish

I can tell

The first all female ticket

@Papa Pizzagate if Spencer was elected mayor of MT, you wouldnโ€™t wanna move there?

@Logan We donโ€™t need to get personal my friend

Heated exchange of ideas and strategy is normal after a night like we just had

As for mentioning Spencer, Ian made a sarcastic remark about him being elected gov on MT, I was just responding

Fellas, let me mention one thing

The Jews have fights like this all the time. They bitterly disagree. They donโ€™t let those disagreements overshadow their tribal bond as Jews

All of us having this debate is normal and healthy. Letโ€™s not let our disagreements lead us to forget weโ€™re all still white men and weโ€™re ultimately fighting for the same goal against the same enemies

@Kingfish and I find endless pursuit of national politics to be quite lame myself

We donโ€™t want IE to turn into r/the_donald

Straw man

When the left loses, they adapt

When the establishment lost in 2016, they ruthlessly adjusted

Censored social media

Recalibrated vote fraud

Cranked up hysteria in their base and in the media

Whites took some losses last night, fellas

The idea that weโ€™re all supposed to sit around and pretend like we won and change nothing is insane to me

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